c# Programming Glossary: da.fill
How to kill a thread in C# effectively? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12468734/how-to-kill-a-thread-in-c-sharp-effectively dataTable new DataTable var da new SqlDataAdapter command da.Fill dataTable da.Dispose void KillThreadByAnyMeansNecessary thxMonitor.Interrupt..
Avoid duplicate names in a dataset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13090398/avoid-duplicate-names-in-a-dataset da new SqlDataAdapter sql con DataSet ds new DataSet da.Fill ds return ds protected void GridView1_RowDataBound1 object..
DropdownList DataSource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14105265/dropdownlist-datasource da new SqlDataAdapter cmd DataTable dt new DataTable da.Fill dt DropDownList1.DataTextField QUIZ_Name DropDownList1.DataValueField..
anyway see why I get this “Concurrency Violation” in these few lines of code??? Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1599230/anyway-see-why-i-get-this-concurrency-violation-in-these-few-lines-of-code da.DeleteCommand b.GetDeleteCommand var dt new DataTable da.Fill dt var nr dt.NewRow nr emp_firstname john nr emp_lastname lennon.. da.DeleteCommand b.GetDeleteCommand var dt new DataTable da.Fill dt var nr dt.NewRow nr emp_firstname john nr emp_lastname lennon..
Why am I getting an Out of Memory Error doing ASP .NET Excel Interop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1662982/why-am-i-getting-an-out-of-memory-error-doing-asp-net-excel-interop da new OleDbDataAdapter strSQL excelConnection da.Fill dt da.Dispose excelConnection.Close excelConnection.Dispose..
How can i retrieve a table from stored procedure to a datatable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1933855/how-can-i-retrieve-a-table-from-stored-procedure-to-a-datatable CommandType.StoredProcedure DataSet ds new DataSet da.Fill ds result_name DataTable dt ds.Tables result_name foreach DataRow..
How to bind a table in a dataset to a WPF datagrid in C# and XAML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2511177/how-to-bind-a-table-in-a-dataset-to-a-wpf-datagrid-in-c-sharp-and-xaml SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds return ds.Tables 0 .DefaultView share improve this answer..
How to test if a DataSet is empty? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2976473/how-to-test-if-a-dataset-is-empty SqlDataAdapter da new SqlDataAdapter sqlString sqlConn da.Fill ds How can I tell if the DataSet is empty i.e. no results were..
How can I convert System.Byte[] to Image? (C# window forms) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3440366/how-can-i-convert-system-byte-to-image-c-window-forms da new OleDbDataAdapter cmd DataTable dt new DataTable dt da.Fill dt if dt null pictureBox1.Image Image dt.Rows 0 IMAGE c#..
GridView Hide Column by code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3819247/gridview-hide-column-by-code da new SqlDataAdapter command DataSet ds new DataSet da.Fill ds return ds c# asp.net share improve this question GridView.Columns.Count..
Read SQL Table into C# DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6073382/read-sql-table-into-c-sharp-datatable your database and return the result to your datatable da.Fill dataTable conn.Close da.Dispose share improve this answer..
Unable to open the physical file Operating system error 32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6347312/unable-to-open-the-physical-file-operating-system-error-32 DB .ConnectionString DataTable dtUsers new DataTable da.Fill dtUsers GridView1.DataSource dtUsers.DefaultView GridView1.DataBind..
Direct method from SQL command text to DataSet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6584817/direct-method-from-sql-command-text-to-dataset
Rendering bytes from sql server to an image control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6878033/rendering-bytes-from-sql-server-to-an-image-control ' da new SqlDataAdapter strSql connection.ConnectionString da.Fill ds dr ds.Tables 0 .Rows 0 arrContent byte dr ImageFile context.Response.ContentType..
Call a stored procedure with parameter in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7542517/call-a-stored-procedure-with-parameter-in-c-sharp da.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery con.Close dt.Clear da.Fill dt This is the start of the button to call the procedure named.. con.Open da. .ExecuteNonQuery con.Close dt.Clear da.Fill dt c# sql server ado.net share improve this question It's..
use of combobox ValueMember and DisplayMember http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8367860/use-of-combobox-valuemember-and-displaymember SELECT name FROM Sheet1 where Component 1 strConn da.Fill ds dataGridView1.DataSource ds.Tables 0 .DefaultView comboBox1.DataSource..
Convert Dataset to XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8384014/convert-dataset-to-xml da new SqlDataAdapter sql con DataSet ds new DataSet Test da.Fill ds support Convert dataset to XML here var docresult Converted..
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren @PromotionID .Value promotionID try connection.Open da.Fill tblPromotion if tblPromotion.Rows.Count 0 var promoRow tblPromotion.Rows..