c# Programming Glossary: d.name
InvalidOperationException when calling SaveChanges in .NET Entity framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1008582/invalidoperationexception-when-calling-savechanges-in-net-entity-framework d in dir.GetDirectories Movie m new Movie Name d.Name Path dir.FullName db.AddToMovies movie db.SaveChanges When I..
How to make Databinding type safe and support refactoring http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1329138/how-to-make-databinding-type-safe-and-support-refactoring person p p.UserCanEdit textBoxName.Bind c c.Text person d d.Name checkBoxEmployed.Bind c c.Checked person d d.Employed trackBarAge.Bind.. expression return callExpression.Method.Name case ExpressionType.Convert var unaryExpression UnaryExpression..
Search XDocument using LINQ without knowing the namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2610947/search-xdocument-using-linq-without-knowing-the-namespace xDocument.Root .DescendantsAndSelf .Elements .Where d d.Name xNamespace CreditCardNumber I really want to have the ability.. xDocument.Root .DescendantsAndSelf .Elements .Where d d.Name CreditCardNumber This will not work because I don't know the..
Lots of first chance Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinderExceptions thrown when dealing with dynamics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954531/lots-of-first-chance-microsoft-csharp-runtimebinderexceptions-thrown-when-dealin follows static void Main string args dynamic d new Bucket d.Name Orion 2 RuntimeBinderExceptions Console.WriteLine d.Name 2 RuntimeBinderExceptions.. d.Name Orion 2 RuntimeBinderExceptions Console.WriteLine d.Name 2 RuntimeBinderExceptions The app does what you'd expect it..
C# Active Directory: Get domain name of user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249139/c-sharp-active-directory-get-domain-name-of-user Domain d in Forest.GetCurrentForest .Domains domains.Add d.Name return domains private string GetDomainFullName string friendlyName..
LINQ to SQL: Return anonymous type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/534690/linq-to-sql-return-anonymous-type on d.BreedId equals b.BreedId select new Name d.Name BreedName b.BreedName return result Now I realize that the..
C# How to populate TreeView with file system directory structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6239544/c-sharp-how-to-populate-treeview-with-file-system-directory-structure d new DirectoryInfo dir TreeNode TParent new TreeNode d.Name foreach String s in parentDir FileInfo f new FileInfo s TreeNode..