android Programming Glossary: wepkeys
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.WEP104 wc.wepKeys 0 aaabbb1234 This is the WEP Password wc.wepTxKeyIndex 0 WifiManager.. Protocol.WPA Log.d WifiPreference WEP Key Strings String wepKeys config.wepKeys Log.d WifiPreference WEP KEY 0 wepKeys 0 Log.d.. Log.d WifiPreference WEP Key Strings String wepKeys config.wepKeys Log.d WifiPreference WEP KEY 0 wepKeys 0 Log.d WifiPreference..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.WEP40 wc.allowedGroupCiphers.set WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.WEP104 wc.wepKeys 0 aaabbb1234 This is the WEP Password wc.wepTxKeyIndex 0 WifiManager wifiManag WifiManager this.getSystemService WIFI_SERVICE.. Log.d WifiPreference WPA config.allowedProtocols.get Protocol.WPA Log.d WifiPreference WEP Key Strings String wepKeys config.wepKeys Log.d WifiPreference WEP KEY 0 wepKeys 0 Log.d WifiPreference WEP KEY 1 wepKeys 1 Log.d WifiPreference WEP.. WifiPreference WPA config.allowedProtocols.get Protocol.WPA Log.d WifiPreference WEP Key Strings String wepKeys config.wepKeys Log.d WifiPreference WEP KEY 0 wepKeys 0 Log.d WifiPreference WEP KEY 1 wepKeys 1 Log.d WifiPreference WEP KEY 2 wepKeys..