android Programming Glossary: weird
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor # c 44936 1 The reason you get weird visual artifacts is that if a file contains broken DOS line.. sure that you don't get new documents which triggers the weird editing behavior but it does not retroactively fix older documents.. with these line endings so if you open them you still get weird editing behavior. 2 Second there's a new lint check which looks..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? point the app either crashes or deadlocks or gets into a weird stage where the app does not work at all until all the threads..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? someone else's question too much. I have something weird here. I don't think the problem depends on which SDK you build..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? to the left hand side of the MVPMatrix This seems a little weird. Create a rotation for the triangle Matrix.setRotateM mRotationMatrix..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK of what I get So as you can see not only the colors became weirder but the size doesn't match what I've set to it. Something.. doesn't match what I've set to it. Something is really weird here. Maybe I don't read put the data correctly Of course this..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? google play services setup.html Here is one of the weird errors I'm getting Gradle FAILURE Build failed with an exception...
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? a ChekcBox when clicked.Its changing as required but the weird thing is when I scroll the listview that text is assigned to..
Android Camera without Preview service camera share improve this question it is really weird that camera on android platform can't stream video until it..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation It looks weird but what it does it hand off to your onConfigurationChanged..
Restful API service login values the app seems to pause for a while seems weird thought the idea behind a service was that it runs on a different..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point spriteHeight mtx true this.bitmap rotatedBMP The weird part is it doesn't matter how I change the values within pre..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime the future. To solve the first problem the artifacts and weird dithering introduced into the images you need to insure your..
Can the Android emulator record and play back audio using pc hardware? and it works. However the recorded audio did sound a bit weird slow in my case. I did not investigate the cause. You need to..
Database not copying from assets create database try catch SQLException sqle throw sqle The weird part now. On my device I dont have root access so cant extract..
How to get IP address of the device? few devices and Emulator but let me know here if you find weird results. AndroidManifest.xml permissions uses permission android..
Could not find Library.apk! restarted Eclipse re built the projects but this weird error message persists. What does this error message mean especially..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView . I thought that was really weird because I don't reference that other app at all in the one I'm..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; share improve this question I had the same problem quite weird because happening only using Eclipse but it was ok with Ant..
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor in ADT 21 Preview 9 posted a few minutes ago here https android # c 44936 1 The reason you get weird visual artifacts is that if a file contains broken DOS line endings multiple carriage returns without a newline for each.. introduces these r r sequences into the document. This makes sure that you don't get new documents which triggers the weird editing behavior but it does not retroactively fix older documents with these line endings so if you open them you still.. behavior but it does not retroactively fix older documents with these line endings so if you open them you still get weird editing behavior. 2 Second there's a new lint check which looks for broken line endings in documents. This runs incrementally..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? the dialog is up and the background thread is going . At this point the app either crashes or deadlocks or gets into a weird stage where the app does not work at all until all the threads have been killed. How can I handle the screen orientation..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? and paste this content there but I'm not comfortable changing someone else's question too much. I have something weird here. I don't think the problem depends on which SDK you build against. The device OS version is what matters. Problem #1..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? mProjMatrix 0 mVMatrix 0 Next they are appending a rotation to the left hand side of the MVPMatrix This seems a little weird. Create a rotation for the triangle Matrix.setRotateM mRotationMatrix 0 mAngle 0 0 1.0f Combine the rotation matrix with..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK clock wise 90 degrees. Example screenshot is zoomed in of what I get So as you can see not only the colors became weirder but the size doesn't match what I've set to it. Something is really weird here. Maybe I don't read put the data correctly.. as you can see not only the colors became weirder but the size doesn't match what I've set to it. Something is really weird here. Maybe I don't read put the data correctly Of course this is just an example. The code should work fine on any bitmap..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? configure the google play services sdk http google play services setup.html Here is one of the weird errors I'm getting Gradle FAILURE Build failed with an exception. What went wrong Execution failed for task ' MyMapApp compileDebug'...
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? I am not able to get it done. I want to change the text of a ChekcBox when clicked.Its changing as required but the weird thing is when I scroll the listview that text is assigned to some other checkbox present in the listview.Seems like Listview..
Android Camera without Preview would you give me a small piece of code as example android service camera share improve this question it is really weird that camera on android platform can't stream video until it given valid preview surface. it seems that the architects of..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? activity tag in the AndroidManifest.xml and been just fine. android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation It looks weird but what it does it hand off to your onConfigurationChanged method if you don't supply one it just does nothing other than..
Restful API service do callbacks without it. Also when I hit the post Config.getURL login values the app seems to pause for a while seems weird thought the idea behind a service was that it runs on a different thread Currently I have a service with post and get http..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point pivotY Bitmap rotatedBMP Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap 0 0 spriteWidth spriteHeight mtx true this.bitmap rotatedBMP The weird part is it doesn't matter how I change the values within pre postTranslate and the float arguments in setRotation . Can..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime this up for anyone that might find this answer helpful in the future. To solve the first problem the artifacts and weird dithering introduced into the images you need to insure your image stays as a 32 bit ARGB_8888 image. Using the code in..
Can the Android emulator record and play back audio using pc hardware? in the standard 2.3.3 emulator on Windows 7 I have tried it and it works. However the recorded audio did sound a bit weird slow in my case. I did not investigate the cause. You need to add audio recording playback support to the emulator Android..
Database not copying from assets catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database try catch SQLException sqle throw sqle The weird part now. On my device I dont have root access so cant extract the db after it's been created my Data appears to be 48KB...
How to get IP address of the device? the special linux android file. I've run this code only in few devices and Emulator but let me know here if you find weird results. AndroidManifest.xml permissions uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses permission android..
Could not find Library.apk! find MyLibrary.apk I cleaned both projects library and application restarted Eclipse re built the projects but this weird error message persists. What does this error message mean especially in light that everything seems to be running OK How..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView to resume activity package of another app I made . I thought that was really weird because I don't reference that other app at all in the one I'm working with. I tried uninstalling that other app still got..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; from subversion. android adt dex android sdk tools share improve this question I had the same problem quite weird because happening only using Eclipse but it was ok with Ant . This is how I fixed it Right click on the Project Name Select..