

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:34

android Programming Glossary: welcomeactivity

how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively?


which represent my first question page. i am also posting WelcomeActivity class although its not play any role in this question. Play.. txtTimer.setText minutes seconds counterTimer.start WelcomeActivity public class WelcomeActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener.. counterTimer.start WelcomeActivity public class WelcomeActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener @Override public..

Clear all activities in a task?


successfully logs in via LoginActivity I want to start WelcomeActivity but clear the entire stack SplashActivity LoginActivity launches.. the entire stack SplashActivity LoginActivity launches WelcomeActivity WelcomeActivity but now all three are in the history stack while.. SplashActivity LoginActivity launches WelcomeActivity WelcomeActivity but now all three are in the history stack while I only want..

Android: Proper Way to use onBackPressed()


public void onClick DialogInterface arg0 int arg1 WelcomeActivity.super.onBackPressed .create .show In the above example you'll..

how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively?


my menu page. And implementation in QuestionActivity class which represent my first question page. i am also posting WelcomeActivity class although its not play any role in this question. Play Button Layout Button android text Play android id @ id playBtn.. 60 if seconds 10 txtTimer.setText minutes 0 seconds else txtTimer.setText minutes seconds counterTimer.start WelcomeActivity public class WelcomeActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. minutes 0 seconds else txtTimer.setText minutes seconds counterTimer.start WelcomeActivity public class WelcomeActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..

Clear all activities in a task?


stack looks like SplashActivity LoginActivity when the user successfully logs in via LoginActivity I want to start WelcomeActivity but clear the entire stack SplashActivity LoginActivity launches WelcomeActivity WelcomeActivity but now all three are in.. in via LoginActivity I want to start WelcomeActivity but clear the entire stack SplashActivity LoginActivity launches WelcomeActivity WelcomeActivity but now all three are in the history stack while I only want WelcomeActivity in the stack at this point... I want to start WelcomeActivity but clear the entire stack SplashActivity LoginActivity launches WelcomeActivity WelcomeActivity but now all three are in the history stack while I only want WelcomeActivity in the stack at this point. Is there some flag..

Android: Proper Way to use onBackPressed()


null .setPositiveButton android.R.string.yes new OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface arg0 int arg1 WelcomeActivity.super.onBackPressed .create .show In the above example you'll need to replace WelcomeActivity with the name of your activity...