android Programming Glossary: weight
How to use custom font with WebView font family 'myIPA' Verdana sans serif font size 14pt font weight 500 font style normal color black You can now reference this..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the default ID This lets us.. fill_parent android layout_height 0dip android layout_weight 1 LinearLayout This will lay everything out properly with a..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android between processes to get a rough idea of their relative weight. The other interesting metric here is PrivateDirty which is..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT Verbose lp.weight 1.0f This is critical. Doesn't work without it. buttonsView.addView.. using LinearLayout.MarginLayoutParams but that has no weight member so it's no good. And it doesn't work if you pass it lp..
Linear Layout and weight in Android Layout and weight in Android I always read about this funny weight value in the.. and weight in Android I always read about this funny weight value in the Android documentations. Now I want to try it for.. android layout_height wrap_content android padding 10dip weight 1 Button android text Not this time android id @ id cancel android..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout this question You are looking for the android layout_weight attribute. It will allow you to use percentages to define your.. 0dp android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight .70 Button android text right android layout_width 0dp android.. 0dp android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight .30 LinearLayout It works the same with any kind of View you..
Android Layout Weight to Android development and I have a question about setting weight in a linear layout. I am trying to create a row with two custom.. gravity center_horizontal center_vertical android layout_weight 1 LinearLayout android orientation horizontal android layout_width.. android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight 1 android gravity center_horizontal center_vertical RelativeLayout..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] the moment. Any tips tricks war stories for building light weight and preferably fast running tests android unit testing tdd..
Android Parcelable — return null nonStockItemFlag private String salableFlag private double weight private double qty private double grossValue private double.. salableFlag public double getWeight return weight public void setWeight double weight this.weight weight And.. getWeight return weight public void setWeight double weight this.weight weight And caller Activity if productMap.size 0..
Division in Java always results in zero (0)? Height customSharedPreference.getString heightpref String Weight customSharedPreference.getString weightpref int weight Integer.parseInt.. weightpref int weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this.. Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi weight height height return..
Is Android layout really exponentially hard? time doubles with each step up the hierarchy Layout Weight warning Nested weight bad performance Efficiency of Android..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? Here's the forumla Bac StandardDrinks 2 GenderConstant Weight 0.017 Hours So as you can see being able to modify the gender.. as doubles double GenderConstant 7.5 9 for female double Weight 180 To change these variables I would like the person to be.. @array genderValues ListPreference android title Weight android summary How much the planet pulls on you in pounds...
Android Layout Weight Layout Weight I am new to Android development and I have a question about..
How to use custom font with WebView
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] wrap_content android hint type to filter android inputType text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the default ID This lets us use a ListActivity still ListView android id @android id list.. still ListView android id @android id list android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height 0dip android layout_weight 1 LinearLayout This will lay everything out properly with a nice EditText above the ListView. Next create a ListActivity..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android processes to see the total RAM they are using and compare pss between processes to get a rough idea of their relative weight. The other interesting metric here is PrivateDirty which is basically the amount of RAM inside the process that can not..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT Verbose lp.weight 1.0f This is critical. Doesn't work without it. buttonsView.addView btn lp ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp new ViewGroup.LayoutParams.. give the buttons margins so there is space between them I tried using LinearLayout.MarginLayoutParams but that has no weight member so it's no good. And it doesn't work if you pass it lp in its constructor either. Is this impossible Because it sure..
Linear Layout and weight in Android Layout and weight in Android I always read about this funny weight value in the Android documentations. Now I want to try it for the first.. Layout and weight in Android I always read about this funny weight value in the Android documentations. Now I want to try it for the first time but it isn't working at all. As I understand.. android id @ id register android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android padding 10dip weight 1 Button android text Not this time android id @ id cancel android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout android layout width relativelayout percentage share improve this question You are looking for the android layout_weight attribute. It will allow you to use percentages to define your layout. In the following example the left button uses 70.. wrap_content Button android text left android layout_width 0dp android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight .70 Button android text right android layout_width 0dp android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight .30 LinearLayout.. layout_weight .70 Button android text right android layout_width 0dp android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight .30 LinearLayout It works the same with any kind of View you can replace the buttons with some EditText to fit your needs...
Android Layout Weight Layout Weight I am new to Android development and I have a question about setting weight in a linear layout. I am trying to create a row with two custom buttons and a custom edit text. The edit text should only.. fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center_horizontal center_vertical android layout_weight 1 LinearLayout android orientation horizontal android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android.. android orientation horizontal android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight 1 android gravity center_horizontal center_vertical RelativeLayout android id @ id btn_plus_container android layout_width..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] test driven development in Android is far from trivial at the moment. Any tips tricks war stories for building light weight and preferably fast running tests android unit testing tdd android testing share improve this question You should try..
Android Parcelable — return null private String productTypeCode private String nonStockItemFlag private String salableFlag private double weight private double qty private double grossValue private double value private ArrayList Product product public Product public.. salableFlag public void setSalableFlag String salableFlag this.salableFlag salableFlag public double getWeight return weight public void setWeight double weight this.weight weight And caller Activity if productMap.size 0 ArrayList Product enteredProductList.. String salableFlag this.salableFlag salableFlag public double getWeight return weight public void setWeight double weight this.weight weight And caller Activity if productMap.size 0 ArrayList Product enteredProductList new ArrayList Product..
Division in Java always results in zero (0)? myCustomSharedPrefs Activity.MODE_PRIVATE String Height customSharedPreference.getString heightpref String Weight customSharedPreference.getString weightpref int weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText.. heightpref String Weight customSharedPreference.getString weightpref int weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi.. int weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi weight height height return bmi java android division share improve this question You're..
Is Android layout really exponentially hard? weights bad for performance Alternatives Android layout measuring time doubles with each step up the hierarchy Layout Weight warning Nested weight bad performance Efficiency of Android Layout hierarchy http android 2009 02..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? drink counter A formula is used to calculate the BAC. Here's the forumla Bac StandardDrinks 2 GenderConstant Weight 0.017 Hours So as you can see being able to modify the gender and weight will produce more accurate and personalized results... more accurate and personalized results. So I have them as doubles double GenderConstant 7.5 9 for female double Weight 180 To change these variables I would like the person to be able to go into the settings and choose different values. I.. male android entries @array genderArray android entryValues @array genderValues ListPreference android title Weight android summary How much the planet pulls on you in pounds. android key weightPref android defaultValue 180 android entries..
Android Layout Weight Layout Weight I am new to Android development and I have a question about setting weight in a linear layout. I am trying to create a..