android Programming Glossary: websocket
Android webkit.WebView and HTML5 our own Thanks a lot BR STeN android html5 webkit webview websocket share improve this question Mobile browser info is actually.. #agents mobile feat namevalue storage offline apps websockets webworkers Or for everything http #agents mobile..
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration sensor information via socket still looking for a good websocket implementation for android . I intend to use that information..
WebSocket library for Android, iOS and Flash library for that. Thx for your help iphone android flash websocket share improve this question iOS 4.2 and above have native..
Android to node.js communication weberknecht . The server looks like this var ws require websocket server var server ws.createServer server.addListener connection.. client try URI url new URI ws 8080 WebSocket websocket new WebSocketConnection url websocket.setEventHandler new WebSocketEventHandler.. 8080 WebSocket websocket new WebSocketConnection url websocket.setEventHandler new WebSocketEventHandler public void onOpen..
Android webkit.WebView and HTML5 any list of supported features or we have to test it on our own Thanks a lot BR STeN android html5 webkit webview websocket share improve this question Mobile browser info is actually now included on for your list see http
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration watch v WOt9mb5QqRs I've already built an app that sends sensor information via socket still looking for a good websocket implementation for android . I intend to use that information to interact with a web app so for example i would be able..
WebSocket library for Android, iOS and Flash but it doesn't work. I would be great to have some native library for that. Thx for your help iphone android flash websocket share improve this question iOS 4.2 and above have native WebSockets support. For Android devices with Flash support..
Android to node.js communication bad idea... now I use Node Websocket Server with weberknecht . The server looks like this var ws require websocket server var server ws.createServer server.addListener connection function client console.log new connection client.send aaaaaa.. message function msg server.listen 8080 and the client try URI url new URI ws 8080 WebSocket websocket new WebSocketConnection url websocket.setEventHandler new WebSocketEventHandler public void onOpen System.out.println open.. 8080 and the client try URI url new URI ws 8080 WebSocket websocket new WebSocketConnection url websocket.setEventHandler new WebSocketEventHandler public void onOpen System.out.println open public void onMessage WebSocketMessage..