android Programming Glossary: webviews
Getting WiFi proxy settings in Android of querying Proxy settings as well as setting them for WebViews on older versions of Android. Grab Proxy settings in a backwards.. context Set Proxy for WebViews on older versions of Android ProxyUtils.setWebViewProxy getActivity..
Android WebView File Upload WebView view int progress Activities and WebViews measure progress with different scales. The progress meter..
WebView fails to render until touched Android 4.2.2 [duplicate] trouble with the most recent update to Android 4.2.2 . WebViews will fail to render completely until the view is touched. It.. drawable and it draws fine. The moral of the story is... WebViews like to be the highest priority view to be drawn. If there are..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done
Android: Using html5 to determine geolocation in webview with javascript api onProgressChanged WebView view int progress Activities and WebViews measure progress with different scales. The progress meter will.. onProgressChanged WebView view int progress Activities and WebViews measure progress with different scales. The progress meter will..
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working to the link. It turns out that so many of us have our WebViews inside of ScrollViews because we started out with a TextView..
Memory leak in WebView there something specific that one needs to do when using WebViews Now unfortunately there has been no reply on the blog or the..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile as our Javascript engine. You can however still embed WebViews and we provide some simple integration that allows you to call..
Input-Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices I'm..
Javascript console.log() on HTC Android devices and adb logcat experience with different devices phones TVs set top boxes WebViews UIWebViews... my advice is to do the remote logging from JavaScript.. with different devices phones TVs set top boxes WebViews UIWebViews... my advice is to do the remote logging from JavaScript and..
Android WebView, how to code the back button? question I use something like this in my activities with WebViews @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event..
Android WebView VS Phone Browser I had a lot of problems with displaying this pages inside WebViews . Either they wouldn't get displayed at all just blank either..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews As I am sure you all know. Setting up a WebView is a matter.. a ViewFlipper. In the view flipper there are three WebViews. The final step is the Activity... package example.swipetest..
Google Reader-esque optimizing of WebViews on Android Reader esque optimizing of WebViews on Android I have an app that displays the html of a blog post..
Android webview cannot render youtube video embedded via iframe
Disable Android browser's input overlays? Input has different style on focus Input Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices android..
Viewpager Webview memory issue memory issue I'm using a viewpager to load around 50 webviews... All the webviews are loaded into assests and each weview.. using a viewpager to load around 50 webviews... All the webviews are loaded into assests and each weview has an HTML page that.. app is crashing after around 30 pages might be cos of the webviews still keep their reference to the images in the assests folder.....
ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient synced between activities and between http clients and webviews. The method I ended up doing which seems to work well enough..
Playing youtube video in Android app I got this working well on iOS by getting creative with webviews. I'm hoping it's more straightforward on Android. The docs sure..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found based test nodes found My application is using a lot of webviews which are lying in fragments which are hold by a ViewPager...
Android WebView with garbled UTF-8 characters. WebView with garbled UTF 8 characters. I'm using some webviews in my android app but are unable to make them display in utf..
Android grow heap frag case
Android webview slow webview slow My android webviews are slow. This is on everything from phones to 3.0 tablets with.. to 3.0 tablets with more than adequate specs I know that webviews are supposed to be limited but I see web apps done with phone..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews JS interface private Handler handler new Handler all the webviews to be loaded private WebView mainView private WebView catView.. true default return false adding client settings to the webviews I did this way so that I could set the same settings to all.. way so that I could set the same settings to all of the webviews private WebView _clientSettings WebView view view.getSettings..
Android BadTokenException when using a WebView Container to do that because I want to be able to dynamically swap webviews. android webview share improve this question When you create..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets repo with these views. Further info I have taken the webviews and put them in a ViewPager to allow for scrolling. This issue..
Getting WiFi proxy settings in Android Android Proxy Library Which provides backward compatible ways of querying Proxy settings as well as setting them for WebViews on older versions of Android. Grab Proxy settings in a backwards compatible manner ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig ProxySettings.getCurrentHttpProxyConfiguration.. compatible manner ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig ProxySettings.getCurrentHttpProxyConfiguration context Set Proxy for WebViews on older versions of Android ProxyUtils.setWebViewProxy getActivity .getApplicationContext However there is something you..
Android WebView File Upload new MyWebChromeClient public void onProgressChanged WebView view int progress Activities and WebViews measure progress with different scales. The progress meter will automatically disappear when we reach 100 ProgressBar..
WebView fails to render until touched Android 4.2.2 [duplicate] browser called Lightning Browser and I have run into some trouble with the most recent update to Android 4.2.2 . WebViews will fail to render completely until the view is touched. It only occurs on the latest Android version. On 4.2.1 the WebView.. the WebView then has a higher rendering priority than the drawable and it draws fine. The moral of the story is... WebViews like to be the highest priority view to be drawn. If there are other views that get greater priority they won't draw correctly...
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done
Android: Using html5 to determine geolocation in webview with javascript api extends WebChromeClient @Override public void onProgressChanged WebView view int progress Activities and WebViews measure progress with different scales. The progress meter will automatically disappear when we reach 100 activity.setProgress.. extends WebChromeClient @Override public void onProgressChanged WebView view int progress Activities and WebViews measure progress with different scales. The progress meter will automatically disappear when we reach 100 activity.setProgress..
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working baseUrl 400 Note Shorter delays such as 100ms failed to navigate to the link. It turns out that so many of us have our WebViews inside of ScrollViews because we started out with a TextView rendering Spannable text which both supports some HTML and..
Memory leak in WebView app restart is this a bug of the current implementation or is there something specific that one needs to do when using WebViews Now unfortunately there has been no reply on the blog or the mailing list about this question yet. Therefore I am wondering..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile I wanted to drive home is that we no longer use the WebView as our Javascript engine. You can however still embed WebViews and we provide some simple integration that allows you to call Titanium APIs from an embedded WebView. share improve this..
Input-Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices I'm currently writing an app which uses an embedded WebView to..
Javascript console.log() on HTC Android devices and adb logcat HD . Edited after more then 6 months After some time and experience with different devices phones TVs set top boxes WebViews UIWebViews... my advice is to do the remote logging from JavaScript and not relying on the console.log or other methods.. after more then 6 months After some time and experience with different devices phones TVs set top boxes WebViews UIWebViews... my advice is to do the remote logging from JavaScript and not relying on the console.log or other methods see the nice..
Android WebView, how to code the back button? thanks java android eclipse webview share improve this question I use something like this in my activities with WebViews @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if event.getAction KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN switch keyCode case..
Android WebView VS Phone Browser mobile flash javascript YouTube embedded and so on. So I had a lot of problems with displaying this pages inside WebViews . Either they wouldn't get displayed at all just blank either the videos won't play and so on. And the strange thing is..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews As I am sure you all know. Setting up a WebView is a matter of creating a webview browser client setting properties and.. As you can see the xml describes a linear layout that contains a ViewFlipper. In the view flipper there are three WebViews. The final step is the Activity... package example.swipetest import Amir's SimpleGestureFilter import example.swipetest.SimpleGestureFilter..
Google Reader-esque optimizing of WebViews on Android Reader esque optimizing of WebViews on Android I have an app that displays the html of a blog post in a WebView. The images however are rather large and do..
Android webview cannot render youtube video embedded via iframe
Disable Android browser's input overlays? jQuery Mobile. My test device is an HTC Evo 4G. Related questions Input has different style on focus Input Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices android html css jquery mobile android browser share improve..
Viewpager Webview memory issue Webview memory issue I'm using a viewpager to load around 50 webviews... All the webviews are loaded into assests and each weview has an HTML page that is accessing around 70 images each..... Webview memory issue I'm using a viewpager to load around 50 webviews... All the webviews are loaded into assests and each weview has an HTML page that is accessing around 70 images each... As i swipe my app is.. that is accessing around 70 images each... As i swipe my app is crashing after around 30 pages might be cos of the webviews still keep their reference to the images in the assests folder... Is there any way to release the webviews that the Viewpager..
ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient to maintain this authentication you will need to keep cookies synced between activities and between http clients and webviews. The method I ended up doing which seems to work well enough was to create a class that extends Application then define..
Playing youtube video in Android app sure if the behavior will be different on physical devices. I got this working well on iOS by getting creative with webviews. I'm hoping it's more straightforward on Android. The docs sure make it sound straight forward. Cheers android android..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found WebView JellyBean Should not happen no rect based test nodes found My application is using a lot of webviews which are lying in fragments which are hold by a ViewPager. Whenever i swipe through the app on my Galaxy Nexus with Jellybean..
Android WebView with garbled UTF-8 characters. WebView with garbled UTF 8 characters. I'm using some webviews in my android app but are unable to make them display in utf 8 encoding. If use this one I won't see my scandinavian charcters..
Android grow heap frag case
Android webview slow webview slow My android webviews are slow. This is on everything from phones to 3.0 tablets with more than adequate specs I know that webviews are supposed.. android webviews are slow. This is on everything from phones to 3.0 tablets with more than adequate specs I know that webviews are supposed to be limited but I see web apps done with phone gap that must be using all sorts of CSS3 and JQuery sorcery..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews extends Activity implements SimpleGestureListener handler for JS interface private Handler handler new Handler all the webviews to be loaded private WebView mainView private WebView catView private WebView searchView the viewflipper private ViewFlipper.. _setHome return true case _setSearch return true default return false adding client settings to the webviews I did this way so that I could set the same settings to all of the webviews private WebView _clientSettings WebView view.. false adding client settings to the webviews I did this way so that I could set the same settings to all of the webviews private WebView _clientSettings WebView view view.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true view.setScrollBarStyle WebView.SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY..
Android BadTokenException when using a WebView Container the webview directly in the layout itself. But I don't want to do that because I want to be able to dynamically swap webviews. android webview share improve this question When you create the WebView you are currently using the context of the..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets the application to be able to sync data and update the offline repo with these views. Further info I have taken the webviews and put them in a ViewPager to allow for scrolling. This issue did not exist in 3.2.4 1 but has appeared in 4.0.3. I get..