android Programming Glossary: welcomed
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed] Readability Performance Less Error Prone Any Comments are welcomed. java android oop variables methods share improve this question..
Crop square image to circle - Programmitically there any possible way to achieve Any related answers are welcomed . Thanks in advance . android image canvas crop share improve..
ERROR : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: [duplicate] setContentView R.layout.myactivity Any related answers are welcomed and thanks in Advance . android facebook noclassdeffounderror..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) src folder and res folder in Eclipse Land . This is much welcomed simplification IMHO. Note on Modules Modules are like Eclipse..
Is it worth purchasing Google Android Dev phone? the design for this particular item. All comments are welcomed Thanks in advance. Update I'll leave it open until tomorrow..
Java: ClassName.this am familiar with in C# but any insight into this would be welcomed as well. Thanks. java android share improve this question..
Android table layout formatting problems force the full table to stay inside the screen Any hint is welcomed. Thanks in advance Sammy My TableLayout is the following TableLayout..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? paradigm of &ldquo Direct Database Connection&rdquo not welcomed by Android Platform When I say Direct Database Connection I..
AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values need it. AsyncTask design patterns and ideas are hugely welcomed. android http design patterns android asynctask share improve..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) with NFC and mobile phone development Any comments welcomed. Regards STeN android symbian nfc rfid sim card share improve..
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed] at the closest curly brace they belong. Concerns are Code Readability Performance Less Error Prone Any Comments are welcomed. java android oop variables methods share improve this question This is what McConnell says in his must read book Code..
Crop square image to circle - Programmitically to crop the four corners and make it to circular image . Is there any possible way to achieve Any related answers are welcomed . Thanks in advance . android image canvas crop share improve this question public class MainActivity extends Activity..
ERROR : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: [duplicate] Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.myactivity Any related answers are welcomed and thanks in Advance . android facebook noclassdeffounderror android support library share improve this question Did..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) you only see the java and res folder which correspond to the src folder and res folder in Eclipse Land . This is much welcomed simplification IMHO. Note on Modules Modules are like Eclipse Land projects. Here the idea is that you have one application..
Is it worth purchasing Google Android Dev phone? edition' custom black design not that I really care about the design for this particular item. All comments are welcomed Thanks in advance. Update I'll leave it open until tomorrow to see if there are any more answers then I'll just pick the..
Java: ClassName.this The .class looks like it is used for reflection which I am familiar with in C# but any insight into this would be welcomed as well. Thanks. java android share improve this question Usually you can use only this . But sometimes this makes..
Android table layout formatting problems right columns is pushed out of the screen. Why How can I force the full table to stay inside the screen Any hint is welcomed. Thanks in advance Sammy My TableLayout is the following TableLayout xmlns android http apk res android..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? is the paradigm of &ldquo Direct Database Connection&rdquo not welcomed by Android Platform When I say Direct Database Connection I meant to use JDBC alike driver to call and run a remote database..
AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values figure this out at all. Please ask for elaboration if you need it. AsyncTask design patterns and ideas are hugely welcomed. android http design patterns android asynctask share improve this question If you are designing a reusable task for..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) look anything will appear soon. What is your vision and experience with NFC and mobile phone development Any comments welcomed. Regards STeN android symbian nfc rfid sim card share improve this question In order to be a little bit more practical..