android Programming Glossary: websettings
Android WebView File Upload WebView webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done Make the webview invisible wb.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE WebSettings webSettings wb.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled..
Android: Using html5 to determine geolocation in webview with javascript api webview.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE.. webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow mWebView.loadUrl..
How do I call window.openDatabase from a webView hosted in an android application? to configure your WebView to accept HTML5 database calls WebSettings settings webView.getSettings settings.setJavaScriptEnabled true..
WebView and Cookies on Android WebView server interactivity is not broken. I looked at WebSettings class there was no call like setEnableCookies. I load url like..
WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions? zoom ZOOM_PARAMS zoom.setVisibility View.VISIBLE WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword..
Android Webview Font Size Change webview share improve this question I finally found it WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings either setTextSize or webSettings.setTextSize.. either setTextSize or webSettings.setTextSize WebSettings.TextSize.SMALLEST This one works too webSettings.setDefaultFontSize..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily..
Fit image in webview the file path webView WebView findViewById WebSettings settings webView.getSettings settings.setBuiltInZoomControls..
Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView Then I added javascript to my WebView Enablejavascript WebSettings ws wv.getSettings ws.setJavaScriptEnabled true Add the interface..
zoom in phonegap for android import com.phonegap. import android.webkit.WebSettings public class Sample extends DroidGap @Override public void onCreate.. super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html WebSettings ws super.appView.getSettings ws.setSupportZoom true ws.setBuiltInZoomControls..
enable/disable zoom in Android WebView disable zoom in Android WebView There are some methods in WebSettings related to zoom WebSettings.setSupportZoom WebSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls.. There are some methods in WebSettings related to zoom WebSettings.setSupportZoom WebSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls I noticed.. in WebSettings related to zoom WebSettings.setSupportZoom WebSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls I noticed they work differently on some..
ERROR/Web Console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getItem' of null at I have been looking for documentation about the proposed WebSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true . The only hint I have been able to.. is in the right direction. I just need to understand what WebSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true does. android webview android webview.. improve this question Perhaps you need something like WebSettings settings webView.getSettings settings.setDomStorageEnabled true..
Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient Sample webview webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled..
Android WebView VS Phone Browser on the phone. I had JavaScript enabled I tried diffrent WebSettings I had set the WebChromeClient and WebViewClient looking for..
Video plays only once in Webview of Android webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON.. webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setUseWideViewPort..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android mWebView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled..
PhoneGap for Android does not accept the 9 key reason PhoneGap is calling setNavDump on the web view's WebSettings. setNavDump is an obsolete method according to the android docs..
Android WebView File Upload webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.setWebChromeClient.. WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.setWebChromeClient new MyWebChromeClient..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done invisible wb.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE WebSettings webSettings wb.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true wb.setWebViewClient.. View.INVISIBLE WebSettings webSettings wb.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true wb.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled.. WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true.. webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true webSettings.setAllowContentAccess..
Android: Using html5 to determine geolocation in webview with javascript api webview.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword true webSettings.setSaveFormData.. false WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword true webSettings.setSaveFormData true webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled.. webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword true webSettings.setSaveFormData true webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE.. true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow..
Set zoom for Webview Farha android share improve this question use the webSettings class webview.getSettings .setDefaultZoom WebSettings.ZoomDensity.FAR.. WebSettings.ZoomDensity.FAR Notice that although webSettings is available since API Level 1 WebSettings.ZoomDensity is available..
WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions? ZOOM_PARAMS zoom.setVisibility View.VISIBLE WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword false webSettings.setSaveFormData.. View.VISIBLE WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword false webSettings.setSaveFormData false webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled.. mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword false webSettings.setSaveFormData false webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true..
Android Webview Font Size Change improve this question I finally found it WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings either setTextSize or webSettings.setTextSize.. webSettings webView.getSettings either setTextSize or webSettings.setTextSize WebSettings.TextSize.SMALLEST This one works too..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily font Can.. webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily font Can anyone correct this or suggest any..
WebView NOT opening android default video player? new WebView this setContentView webview WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom.. webview WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom false webSettings.setPluginsEnabled.. webview.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom false webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setAllowFileAccess..
Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setPluginsEnabled.. WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true.. webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setLoadsImagesAutomatically..
Video plays only once in Webview of Android findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON.. WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled.. webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setUseWideViewPort true..
Disable Double Tap Zoom/Unzoom on a webview Get the settings WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings Enable Javascript for interaction webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled.. webview.getSettings Enable Javascript for interaction webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true Make the zoom controls visible webSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls.. true Make the zoom controls visible webSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls true Allow for touching selecting deselecting..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android mWebView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled.. WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true.. mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true progressBar ZHttpPostProjActivity.this..
Android WebView File Upload savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_istyla WebView webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.setWebChromeClient new MyWebChromeClient ..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done wb WebView findViewById Make the webview invisible wb.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE WebSettings webSettings wb.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true wb.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient public void onPageFinished..
Android: Using html5 to determine geolocation in webview with javascript api true webview.setWebChromeClient new MyChromeWebViewClient webview.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword true webSettings.setSaveFormData true webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.clearHistory mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow mWebView.loadUrl.. mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow mWebView.loadUrl mSocialProxy.getSignInURL time time.format Y m d H M S So..
How do I call window.openDatabase from a webView hosted in an android application? improve this question To use the database API you have to configure your WebView to accept HTML5 database calls WebSettings settings webView.getSettings settings.setJavaScriptEnabled true settings.setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically true .....
WebView and Cookies on Android that application. First screen also loads fine so I know WebView server interactivity is not broken. I looked at WebSettings class there was no call like setEnableCookies. I load url like this public class MyActivity extends Activity @Override public..
WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions? View zoom mWebView.getZoomControls mContentView.addView zoom ZOOM_PARAMS zoom.setVisibility View.VISIBLE WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword false webSettings.setSaveFormData false webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled..
Android Webview Font Size Change seems that the two are not related. Thanks android android webview share improve this question I finally found it WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings either setTextSize or webSettings.setTextSize WebSettings.TextSize.SMALLEST This one works..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? to my font. This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily font Can anyone correct this or suggest any other method..
Fit image in webview String path getRealPathFromURI mUriList.get 0 this gets the file path webView WebView findViewById WebSettings settings webView.getSettings settings.setBuiltInZoomControls true settings.setSupportZoom true webView.loadUrl file path..
Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView this refuse new Button ctx refuse.setOnClickListener this Then I added javascript to my WebView Enablejavascript WebSettings ws wv.getSettings ws.setJavaScriptEnabled true Add the interface to record javascript events wv.addJavascriptInterface valid..
zoom in phonegap for android com.phonegap.Sample import import android.os.Bundle import com.phonegap. import android.webkit.WebSettings public class Sample extends DroidGap @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html WebSettings ws super.appView.getSettings ws.setSupportZoom true ws.setBuiltInZoomControls true android phonegap share improve this..
enable/disable zoom in Android WebView disable zoom in Android WebView There are some methods in WebSettings related to zoom WebSettings.setSupportZoom WebSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls I noticed they work differently on some deveices... disable zoom in Android WebView There are some methods in WebSettings related to zoom WebSettings.setSupportZoom WebSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls I noticed they work differently on some deveices. For example on my Galaxy.. disable zoom in Android WebView There are some methods in WebSettings related to zoom WebSettings.setSupportZoom WebSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls I noticed they work differently on some deveices. For example on my Galaxy S pinch to zoom is enabled..
ERROR/Web Console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getItem' of null at YouTube page on my WebView is simply empty . Insights EDIT I have been looking for documentation about the proposed WebSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true . The only hint I have been able to find so far was in this SO thread As I mentioned earlier this.. see some connection to DOM so it looks like @Brian O'Dell is in the right direction. I just need to understand what WebSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true does. android webview android webview share improve this question Perhaps you need something..
Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient provide the source code of your webpage so we can check. Sample webview webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setLoadsImagesAutomatically..
Android WebView VS Phone Browser is that they work properly if opened in the Browser installed on the phone. I had JavaScript enabled I tried diffrent WebSettings I had set the WebChromeClient and WebViewClient looking for javascript errors... but nothing worked. So I got to the conclusion..
Video plays only once in Webview of Android using some suggestions given on WebView webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true.. findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setUseWideViewPort true webSettings.setLoadWithOverviewMode..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.web_view mWebView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true progressBar..
PhoneGap for Android does not accept the 9 key this question It might be related to this issue . For some reason PhoneGap is calling setNavDump on the web view's WebSettings. setNavDump is an obsolete method according to the android docs so you should be fine if you disable it. One way to do it..
Android WebView File Upload setContentView R.layout.activity_istyla WebView webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.setWebChromeClient new MyWebChromeClient public void.. WebView webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.setWebChromeClient new MyWebChromeClient public void onProgressChanged WebView view int..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done wb WebView findViewById Make the webview invisible wb.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE WebSettings webSettings wb.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true wb.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient public void onPageFinished WebView.. Make the webview invisible wb.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE WebSettings webSettings wb.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true wb.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient public void onPageFinished WebView view String url Inject..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view this webView.setLayoutParams new ViewGroup.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true webSettings.setAllowContentAccess.. ViewGroup.LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true webSettings.setAllowContentAccess true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled.. LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true webSettings.setAllowContentAccess true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true webSettings.setRenderPriority..
Android: Using html5 to determine geolocation in webview with javascript api true webview.setWebChromeClient new MyChromeWebViewClient webview.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword true webSettings.setSaveFormData true webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true.. new MyChromeWebViewClient webview.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword true webSettings.setSaveFormData true webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom false.. webview.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword true webSettings.setSaveFormData true webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom false webSettings.setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.clearHistory mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow mWebView.loadUrl.. mWebView.clearHistory mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow mWebView.loadUrl mSocialProxy.getSignInURL time..
Set zoom for Webview zoom level. Right now the zoom level resets for both. Thanks Farha android share improve this question use the webSettings class webview.getSettings .setDefaultZoom WebSettings.ZoomDensity.FAR Notice that although webSettings is available since.. use the webSettings class webview.getSettings .setDefaultZoom WebSettings.ZoomDensity.FAR Notice that although webSettings is available since API Level 1 WebSettings.ZoomDensity is available since API Level 7. Works well for all device resolutions...
WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions? View zoom mWebView.getZoomControls mContentView.addView zoom ZOOM_PARAMS zoom.setVisibility View.VISIBLE WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword false webSettings.setSaveFormData false webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled.. mContentView.addView zoom ZOOM_PARAMS zoom.setVisibility View.VISIBLE WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword false webSettings.setSaveFormData false webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom.. zoom.setVisibility View.VISIBLE WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setSavePassword false webSettings.setSaveFormData false webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom true mWebView.loadUrl http
Android Webview Font Size Change two are not related. Thanks android android webview share improve this question I finally found it WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings either setTextSize or webSettings.setTextSize WebSettings.TextSize.SMALLEST This one works too webSettings.setDefaultFontSize.. share improve this question I finally found it WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings either setTextSize or webSettings.setTextSize WebSettings.TextSize.SMALLEST This one works too webSettings.setDefaultFontSize 10 share improve this answer..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily font Can anyone correct this or suggest any other method to change webview's.. font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily font Can anyone correct this or suggest any other method to change webview's default font to a custom..
WebView NOT opening android default video player? WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN WebView webview new WebView this setContentView webview WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom false webSettings.setPluginsEnabled.. WebView webview new WebView this setContentView webview WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom false webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setAllowFileAccess.. WebView this setContentView webview WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setSupportZoom false webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setAllowFileAccess true webview.setWebViewClient new..
Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient the source code of your webpage so we can check. Sample webview webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setLoadsImagesAutomatically.. so we can check. Sample webview webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setLoadsImagesAutomatically true webSettings.setSupportZoom.. WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setPluginsEnabled true webSettings.setLoadsImagesAutomatically true webSettings.setSupportZoom false webView.setScrollBarStyle..
Video plays only once in Webview of Android suggestions given on WebView webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setUseWideViewPort.. WebView webView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setUseWideViewPort true webSettings.setLoadWithOverviewMode.. WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setUseWideViewPort true webSettings.setLoadWithOverviewMode true webView.setWebChromeClient..
Disable Double Tap Zoom/Unzoom on a webview to the declared WebView holder WebView webview WebView this.findViewById Get the settings WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings Enable Javascript for interaction webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true Make the zoom controls visible.. Get the settings WebSettings webSettings webview.getSettings Enable Javascript for interaction webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true Make the zoom controls visible webSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls true Allow for touching selecting.. Enable Javascript for interaction webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true Make the zoom controls visible webSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls true Allow for touching selecting deselecting data series webview.requestFocusFromTouch Set the client..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.web_view mWebView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true progressBar R.layout.web_view mWebView WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true progressBar ZHttpPostProjActivity.this.. WebView findViewById WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled true webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled true progressBar ZHttpPostProjActivity.this Loading... postData private final String..