

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:21

android Programming Glossary: view.getmeasuredheight

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android


xDest view.getMeasuredWidth 2 int yDest dm.heightPixels 2 view.getMeasuredHeight 2 statusBarOffset TranslateAnimation anim new TranslateAnimation..

Contact Bubble EditText


spec spec view.layout 0 0 view.getMeasuredWidth view.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap view.getMeasuredWidth view.getMeasuredHeight.. Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap view.getMeasuredWidth view.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b c.translate view.getScrollX..

How to create a marquee effect for a text of smaller length not exceeding the screen size in Android?


the view float width view.getMeasuredWidth float height view.getMeasuredHeight gets the screen width float screenWidth Activity context .getWindowManager..

animating the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing/expanding


view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height The view should be gone..

Android TextView has height and width of 0


int width view.getMeasuredWidth int height view.getMeasuredHeight I have posted some more ideas How to get width height of a View..

Slide down effect on ExpandableListView


view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height Then inside my adapter..

Android animate drop down/up view proper


view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height share improve this answer..

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android


originalPos int xDest dm.widthPixels 2 xDest view.getMeasuredWidth 2 int yDest dm.heightPixels 2 view.getMeasuredHeight 2 statusBarOffset TranslateAnimation anim new TranslateAnimation 0 xDest originalPos 0 0 yDest originalPos 1 anim.setDuration..

Contact Bubble EditText


MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED view.measure spec spec view.layout 0 0 view.getMeasuredWidth view.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap view.getMeasuredWidth view.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b.. spec view.layout 0 0 view.getMeasuredWidth view.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap view.getMeasuredWidth view.getMeasuredHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b c.translate view.getScrollX view.getScrollY view.draw c view.setDrawingCacheEnabled..

How to create a marquee effect for a text of smaller length not exceeding the screen size in Android?


takes the unconstrained width of the view float width view.getMeasuredWidth float height view.getMeasuredHeight gets the screen width float screenWidth Activity context .getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getWidth view.setLayoutParams..

animating the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing/expanding


MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height The view should be gone before the animation start and then made visible when animation..

Android TextView has height and width of 0


Slide down effect on ExpandableListView


MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height Then inside my adapter you'll ofcourse add more syntax and if you want the dropdown..

Android animate drop down/up view proper
