android Programming Glossary: video.start
Android not playing Video .mp4 mc video.setVideoURI uri video.requestFocus video.start now though there is no error in playing... The activity automatically..
how to play video from url findViewById video.setVideoURI uri video.start Start with path1 it is a small light weight video stream and..
WebView and HTML5 <video> this video.setOnErrorListener this video.start Handle the onCompletion and the onError events for the video..
Android: attempt to call getduration without a valid mediaplayer video.setMediaController new MediaController this video.start android share improve this question Retrieve the duration..
error (1, -2147483648) on Android video.setMediaController new MediaController this video.start The manifest permissions uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..
Video blinks once on onCreate of previous fragment video video.setMediaController ctlr video.requestFocus video.start return container When i come to the fragment before this video..
Android not playing Video .mp4 MediaController mc new MediaController this video.setMediaController mc video.setVideoURI uri video.requestFocus video.start now though there is no error in playing... The activity automatically generates a dialog saying sorry this video cannot..
how to play video from url misc test2.3gp Uri uri Uri.parse path1 VideoView video VideoView findViewById video.setVideoURI uri video.start Start with path1 it is a small light weight video stream and then try the path it is a higher resolution than path1 a perfect..
WebView and HTML5 <video> frame.removeView video a.setContentView video video.setOnCompletionListener this video.setOnErrorListener this video.start Handle the onCompletion and the onError events for the video in order to get back to the web view. public void onCompletion..
Android: attempt to call getduration without a valid mediaplayer url pointing to the mp4 video.setVideoPath url video.requestFocus video.setMediaController new MediaController this video.start android share improve this question Retrieve the duration from the onPrepared callback...this will ensure the video..
error (1, -2147483648) on Android url pointing to the mp4 video.setVideoPath url video.requestFocus video.setMediaController new MediaController this video.start The manifest permissions uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses permission uses permission android..
Video blinks once on onCreate of previous fragment new MediaController inflater.getContext ctlr.setMediaPlayer video video.setMediaController ctlr video.requestFocus video.start return container When i come to the fragment before this video fragment it blinks once Like the video fragment is visible..