android Programming Glossary: view..
How to communicate between Android tabs this ResultTabActivity.class Now i cant find a way for SearchTabActivity to display ResultTabActivity and alter its view... Im looking forward for any tip. android gui activity tabs share improve this question You definitely want to reconsider..
Android - shadow on text? paint.setTextSize 55 paint.setFakeBoldText false paint.setShadowLayer 1 0 0 Color.BLACK This only shadows my whole view... Thankful for any tips android share improve this question You should be able to add the style like this taken from..
Listview Scroll to the end of the list after updating the list
get the path of a Gallery Folder in Android . Now that the gallery is organised folderwise Is there a way to select and get the path of a folder in the gallery view... android android emulator gallery image gallery share improve this question You can get path here but MediaScanner..
Android UI - Android horizontal scroll view UI Android horizontal scroll view Are there any samples similar to this Android horizontal scroll view... Or how can I go about this android android ui horizontalscrollview share improve this question Try to have a look..
How to get text of a TextView of a Widget from an Activity? LOG_CLASS_NAME frase frase debugging it i have text_frase null i think i can't referer to a view object from another view... anyway... how can i do android android widget android activity android textview share improve this question No you..