

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:21

android Programming Glossary: videourl

Video Streaming and Android


If you want to just have the OS play a video using the default player you would use an intent like this String videoUrl insert url to video here Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW i.setData Uri.parse videoUrl startActivity i However if.. intent like this String videoUrl insert url to video here Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW i.setData Uri.parse videoUrl startActivity i However if you want to create a view yourself and stream video to it one approach is to create a videoview..

How to get RTSP URL?


@Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params try String url http www.youtube.com watch v 1FJHYqE0RDg videoUrl getUrlVideoRTSP url Log.e Video url for playing videoUrl catch Exception e Log.e Login Soap Calling in Exception e.toString.. try String url http www.youtube.com watch v 1FJHYqE0RDg videoUrl getUrlVideoRTSP url Log.e Video url for playing videoUrl catch Exception e Log.e Login Soap Calling in Exception e.toString return null @Override protected void onPostExecute.. new MediaController AlertDetail.this videoView.requestFocus videoView.start videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse videoUrl MediaController mc new MediaController AlertDetail.this videoView.setMediaController mc videoView.requestFocus videoView.start..

VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video


mVideoWidth mVideoHeight retrieve httpUrl passed from previous activity. path getIntent .getExtras .getString videoUrl @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy if mMediaPlayer null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed..