android Programming Glossary: vibrate
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW for topmost camera button. VIBRATE for vibrate feedback. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to save the screenshot. GET_TASKS..
Android Alarm Clock UI android showSilent false CheckBoxPreference android key vibrate android title @string alarm_vibrate android key vibrate android title @string alarm_vibrate android key setRepeat..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds millisUntilFinished 5000 i tried this And how can i put to vibrate when missing 20 seconds and when it finished thanks and sorry.. 1000 60 60 int hours int milliseconds 1000 60 60 24 To vibrate Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE.. Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE..
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? id 0 notification Notification vibrate null sound null defaults 0x0 flags 0x10 ... 11 17 15 58 46.198.. id 0 notification Notification vibrate null sound null defaults 0x0 flags 0x10 11 17 15 58 46.198 E..
Vibrate settings on Android 2.2 settings on Android 2.2 I'm making a vibrate toggling widget in fact its first version is already in the.. in the Market but I'm having some problems with the vibrate settings of Android 2.2. Up to Android 2.1 I have no problem.. Up to Android 2.1 I have no problem when I want to disable vibrate I do am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF..
How to save Alarm after app killing? int numberOfEvents boolean sound boolean flashLed boolean vibrate long timeInMillis NotificationManager notifier NotificationManager.. Color.CYAN notify.ledOnMS 500 notify.ledOffMS 500 if vibrate notify.vibrate new long 100 200 300 Intent toLaunch new Intent.. notify.ledOnMS 500 notify.ledOffMS 500 if vibrate notify.vibrate new long 100 200 300 Intent toLaunch new Intent caller activityToLaunch..
Android - Is there a broadcast action for volume changes? updated whenever the user changes the ringer volume or the vibrate settings. Capturing works.. works just fine for the vibrate settings but I haven't found any way of getting notified when..
Android mute/unmute phone share improve this question This is the permission for vibrate into the manifest file uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE.. this is for to put the device in silent mode with vibrate AudioManager audioManager AudioManager context.getSystemService..
Notification passes old Intent Extras notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE long vibrate 0 100 200 200 200 200 notification.vibrate vibrate notification.flags.. long vibrate 0 100 200 200 200 200 notification.vibrate vibrate notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL CharSequence.. long vibrate 0 100 200 200 200 200 notification.vibrate vibrate notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL CharSequence..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working notification new Notification icon text when long vibrate 0 100 200 300 notification.vibrate vibrate To vibrate the Device.. icon text when long vibrate 0 100 200 300 notification.vibrate vibrate To vibrate the Device notification.ledARGB Color.RED.. text when long vibrate 0 100 200 300 notification.vibrate vibrate To vibrate the Device notification.ledARGB Color.RED notification.ledOffMS..
PhoneGap sample application for android does not work a list As shown in the link Example i.e Get Location Beep Vibrate Call 411 Take a Picture etc. Only call 411 is working what's..
Error initilizing Cordova: Class not found times function playBeep navigator.notification.beep 3 Vibrate for 2 seconds function vibrate navigator.notification.vibrate.. onclick playBeep Play Beep a p p a href # onclick vibrate Vibrate a p body html Any advice Thanks android phonegap share improve..
Android Alarm Clock UI Settings . Is this case Because the Turn the alarm on Vibrate rows look like ChexboxPreferences . The Ringtone row looks like..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission android name.. android.permission.VIBRATE permission in manifest Edit Vibrate at 4 min 55 seconds for 500 milli seconds if TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes.. v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 share improve this answer..
how can I detect whether the android phone in Silent mode programatically break case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE Log.i MyApp Vibrate mode break case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL Log.i MyApp..
Vibrate settings on Android 2.2 settings on Android 2.2 I'm making a vibrate toggling widget.. have no problem when I want to disable vibrate I do am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF.. AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF..
Ringer mode change listener Broadcast receiver? break case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE Log.i MyApp Vibrate mode break case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL Log.i MyApp..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? connect to localhost screenshot server for rooted phone. SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW for topmost camera button. VIBRATE for vibrate feedback. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to save the screenshot. GET_TASKS for detect foreground Develoment setting activity for..
Android Alarm Clock UI alert android ringtoneType alarm android showDefault false android showSilent false CheckBoxPreference android key vibrate android title @string alarm_vibrate android key setRepeat android title @string.. android showDefault false android showSilent false CheckBoxPreference android key vibrate android title @string alarm_vibrate android key setRepeat android title @string alarm_repeat EditTextPreference android..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds millisUntilFinished blue.setText millisUntilFinished 60000 millisUntilFinished 5000 i tried this And how can i put to vibrate when missing 20 seconds and when it finished thanks and sorry for my bad english java android eclipse share improve this.. seconds int milliseconds 1000 60 int minutes int milliseconds 1000 60 60 int hours int milliseconds 1000 60 60 24 To vibrate Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission.. 1000 60 60 24 To vibrate Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE permission in manifest Edit Vibrate at 4 min 55 seconds for..
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? contentIntent required pkg id 0 notification Notification vibrate null sound null defaults 0x0 flags 0x10 ... 11 17 15 58 46.198 E AndroidRuntime 1507 Caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.. contentIntent required pkg id 0 notification Notification vibrate null sound null defaults 0x0 flags 0x10 11 17 15 58 46.198 E AndroidRuntime 1507 at android.os.Parcel.readException
Vibrate settings on Android 2.2 settings on Android 2.2 I'm making a vibrate toggling widget in fact its first version is already in the Market but I'm having some problems with the vibrate settings.. a vibrate toggling widget in fact its first version is already in the Market but I'm having some problems with the vibrate settings of Android 2.2. Up to Android 2.1 I have no problem when I want to disable vibrate I do am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER.. some problems with the vibrate settings of Android 2.2. Up to Android 2.1 I have no problem when I want to disable vibrate I do am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION..
How to save Alarm after app killing? caller Class activityToLaunch String title String msg int numberOfEvents boolean sound boolean flashLed boolean vibrate long timeInMillis NotificationManager notifier NotificationManager caller.getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE.. lights notify.flags Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS notify.ledARGB Color.CYAN notify.ledOnMS 500 notify.ledOffMS 500 if vibrate notify.vibrate new long 100 200 300 Intent toLaunch new Intent caller activityToLaunch toLaunch.putExtra Time_In_Millis.. Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS notify.ledARGB Color.CYAN notify.ledOnMS 500 notify.ledOffMS 500 if vibrate notify.vibrate new long 100 200 300 Intent toLaunch new Intent caller activityToLaunch toLaunch.putExtra Time_In_Millis timeInMillis toLaunch.addFlags..
Android - Is there a broadcast action for volume changes? changes I'm programming a small widget that needs to be updated whenever the user changes the ringer volume or the vibrate settings. Capturing works just fine for the vibrate settings but I haven't found any.. the ringer volume or the vibrate settings. Capturing works just fine for the vibrate settings but I haven't found any way of getting notified when the ringer volume changes. I could try to capture when the..
Android mute/unmute phone are required in AndroidManifest Thanks android volume mute share improve this question This is the permission for vibrate into the manifest file uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE this is for to put the device in silent mode.. file uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE this is for to put the device in silent mode with vibrate AudioManager audioManager AudioManager context.getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE audioManager.setRingerMode AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE..
Notification passes old Intent Extras notification new Notification icon tickerText when notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE long vibrate 0 100 200 200 200 200 notification.vibrate vibrate notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL CharSequence contentTitle.. tickerText when notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE long vibrate 0 100 200 200 200 200 notification.vibrate vibrate notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL CharSequence contentTitle Title CharSequence contentText Text Intent.. when notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE long vibrate 0 100 200 200 200 200 notification.vibrate vibrate notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL CharSequence contentTitle Title CharSequence contentText Text Intent notificationIntent..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT notification new Notification icon text when long vibrate 0 100 200 300 notification.vibrate vibrate To vibrate the Device notification.ledARGB Color.RED notification.ledOffMS 300.. PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT notification new Notification icon text when long vibrate 0 100 200 300 notification.vibrate vibrate To vibrate the Device notification.ledARGB Color.RED notification.ledOffMS 300 notification.ledOnMS 300 notification.defaults.. notification new Notification icon text when long vibrate 0 100 200 300 notification.vibrate vibrate To vibrate the Device notification.ledARGB Color.RED notification.ledOffMS 300 notification.ledOnMS 300 notification.defaults..
PhoneGap sample application for android does not work my emulator nor on my phone. The sample application contains a list As shown in the link Example i.e Get Location Beep Vibrate Call 411 Take a Picture etc. Only call 411 is working what's wrong with the code or phonegap logcat 04 19 05 45 01.538 I..
Error initilizing Cordova: Class not found ' message 'Game Over' title 'Done' buttonName Beep three times function playBeep navigator.notification.beep 3 Vibrate for 2 seconds function vibrate navigator.notification.vibrate 2000 script head body p a href # onclick showAlert Show Alert.. body p a href # onclick showAlert Show Alert a p p a href # onclick playBeep Play Beep a p p a href # onclick vibrate Vibrate a p body html Any advice Thanks android phonegap share improve this question It is config.xml not configs.xml . Based..
Android Alarm Clock UI Create Edit Alarm Activity screen. It looks similar to Android Settings . Is this case Because the Turn the alarm on Vibrate rows look like ChexboxPreferences . The Ringtone row looks like a RingtonePreference . What about the Time row As @eric..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds 60 int hours int milliseconds 1000 60 60 24 To vibrate Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE permission in manifest Edit Vibrate.. for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE permission in manifest Edit Vibrate at 4 min 55 seconds for 500 milli seconds if TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes millisUntilFinished 4 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds..
how can I detect whether the android phone in Silent mode programatically
Vibrate settings on Android 2.2 settings on Android 2.2 I'm making a vibrate toggling widget in fact its first version is already in the Market but I'm.. the vibrate settings of Android 2.2. Up to Android 2.1 I have no problem when I want to disable vibrate I do am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION.. to disable vibrate I do am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF am.setVibrateSetting AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF and the same but with VIBRATE_SETTING_ON..
Ringer mode change listener Broadcast receiver? case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT Log.i MyApp Silent mode break case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE Log.i MyApp Vibrate mode break case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL Log.i MyApp Normal mode break From the code above I can get the ringer mode...