android Programming Glossary: vice
bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android When orientation changes from PORTRAIT to LANDSCAPE and vice versa the previous UI is completely discarded and a new UI is.. them at proper places. To check the orientation of your device please see this Check orientation on Android phone In your case..
Running the new Intel emulator for Android The error it shows is emulator Failed to open the HAX device HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode emulator.. and emulator runs in emulation mode emulator Open HAX device failed Why is it happening and is there a way to fix it Is there.. to fix it Is there anyone else who gets those errors or vice versa By the way I have an Intel CPU if that could be a problem...
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android orientation mInflater LayoutInflater context.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE if mOrientation HORIZONTAL setRootViewId.. displayed. Set TRUE if displayed on top of anchor view and vice versa private void setAnimationStyle int screenWidth int requestedX..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements advantages of both approaches access to the most common device APIs and broad device coverage while not requiring the specialized.. access to the most common device APIs and broad device coverage while not requiring the specialized skills bigger budgets.. fast and fluid can give you the best access to device features and can be discovered in the app stores. Without a..
how to convert byte array to string and vice versa to convert byte array to string and vice versa I have to convert a byte array to string in Android but..
Service vs intent service vs intent service Can someone please show me an example of.. vs intent service Can someone please show me an example of something that can.. an example of something that can be done with an IntentService that cannot be done with a Service and vice versa I also believe..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done You can inject javascript from Java to the web. And do vice versa once the url is loaded call from javascript to a function..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? question is how do I pause timer1 while running timer2 and vice versa while timer2 is running Performance and timing is my main.. off instead using the more modern ScheduledExecutorService from Java 5 . Edit The basic construct is ScheduledExecutorService.. Java 5 . Edit The basic construct is ScheduledExecutorService exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor exec.scheduleAtFixedRate..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator ctrl fn F11 on Mac to change the landscape to portrait and vice versa. left ctrl F11 on Windows 7. ctrl F11 on Linux. For Mac..
Toggling check boxes in MultiChoice AlertDialog in android list are checked they shud be unchecked automatically and vice versa. I am checking the isChecked status in the onClick method..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION something wrong Thanks. android orientation sensor device orientation share improve this question I know I'm playing.. stuff a lot lately so I thought I'd throw in my 2¢. The device doesn't contain compass or inclinometers so it doesn't measure.. used to compute the azimuth etc. values. Vectors are in device coordinate space World coordinates have Y facing north X facing..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget layout of my application from portrait to landscape and vice versa. But if i do it frequently or more than once then at times..
Android TextWatcher.afterTextChanged vs TextWatcher.onTextChanged should I use afterTextChanged instead of onTextChanged and vice versa Examples would be most instructive with attention to why..
In Android how to display one view as overlay on top of another view? the abilty to make mycustomeView as overlay on webView or vice versa. android share improve this question Use a RelativeLayout..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data How to handle change in network from GPRS to Wi fi and vice versa while polling for data I use DefaultHttpClient and HttpGet.. connMgr ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final wifi.. you have to re establish it. If you are scheduling a service and you are not keeping the connection persistent you will not..
How to detect orientation change in layout in Android? When the layout changes from portrait to landscape or vice versa how can I detect when the orientation change event finished... level 13 or higher the screen size also changes when the device switches between portrait and landscape orientation. Thus if..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view and this also happens with 2nd 11th 3rd 12th and so on vice verse is also true .here i am providing my adapter class and..
How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android orientation not to change from potrait to landscape and vice versa when a progress bar is visible meaning it is spinning..
Formula px to dp, dp to px android amount of pixels to density independent pixels and vice versa. This formula px to dp dp int px displayMetrics.densityDpi.. px displayMetrics.densityDpi 160 does not work on small devices because it is divided by zero. This is my dp to px formula..
bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android question I also had the same problem OOME because of bitmaps. When orientation changes from PORTRAIT to LANDSCAPE and vice versa the previous UI is completely discarded and a new UI is loaded and displayed In this case if you are using many bitmaps.. you are using many bitmaps in your app you need to release them at proper places. To check the orientation of your device please see this Check orientation on Android phone In your case you need to clear bitmaps during orientation change. On..
Running the new Intel emulator for Android any problems with it and all report a much faster emulator. The error it shows is emulator Failed to open the HAX device HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode emulator Open HAX device failed Why is it happening and is there.. is emulator Failed to open the HAX device HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode emulator Open HAX device failed Why is it happening and is there a way to fix it Is there anyone else who gets those errors or vice versa By the.. Open HAX device failed Why is it happening and is there a way to fix it Is there anyone else who gets those errors or vice versa By the way I have an Intel CPU if that could be a problem. android sdk android emulator intel avd share improve..
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android Context context int orientation super context mOrientation orientation mInflater LayoutInflater context.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE if mOrientation HORIZONTAL setRootViewId R.layout.popup_horizontal else setRootViewId R.layout.popup_vertical.. @param onTop flag to indicate where the popup should be displayed. Set TRUE if displayed on top of anchor view and vice versa private void setAnimationStyle int screenWidth int requestedX boolean onTop int arrowPos requestedX mArrowUp.getMeasuredWidth..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements supporters and developers. A hybrid app offers many of the advantages of both approaches access to the most common device APIs and broad device coverage while not requiring the specialized skills bigger budgets and longer time to market that.. A hybrid app offers many of the advantages of both approaches access to the most common device APIs and broad device coverage while not requiring the specialized skills bigger budgets and longer time to market that are more typical of fully.. apps Pro A native mobile app can produce the best user experience fast and fluid can give you the best access to device features and can be discovered in the app stores. Without a doubt native apps have full access to the underlying mobile..
how to convert byte array to string and vice versa to convert byte array to string and vice versa I have to convert a byte array to string in Android but my byte array contains negative values. If I convert that..
Service vs intent service vs intent service Can someone please show me an example of something that can be done with an IntentService that cannot.. vs intent service Can someone please show me an example of something that can be done with an IntentService that cannot be done with a Service.. vs intent service Can someone please show me an example of something that can be done with an IntentService that cannot be done with a Service and vice versa I also believe that an IntentService runs in a different thread and a..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done improve this question Tested on API 17 emulator and it works. You can inject javascript from Java to the web. And do vice versa once the url is loaded call from javascript to a function on our Java code and execute the setVisibility . For that..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? String args TimerTest tt new TimerTest tt.runStart So my question is how do I pause timer1 while running timer2 and vice versa while timer2 is running Performance and timing is my main concern as this needs to be implemented inside another running.. So once cancelled it won't ever run again. You'd be better off instead using the more modern ScheduledExecutorService from Java 5 . Edit The basic construct is ScheduledExecutorService exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor exec.scheduleAtFixedRate.. instead using the more modern ScheduledExecutorService from Java 5 . Edit The basic construct is ScheduledExecutorService exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor exec.scheduleAtFixedRate runnable 0 1000 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDs but looking..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator android emulator share improve this question Try ctrl fn F11 on Mac to change the landscape to portrait and vice versa. left ctrl F11 on Windows 7. ctrl F11 on Linux. For Mac users you only need to use the fn key if the setting Use all..
Toggling check boxes in MultiChoice AlertDialog in android First checkbox w.r.t this the if the other checkboxes in the list are checked they shud be unchecked automatically and vice versa. I am checking the isChecked status in the onClick method of OnMultiChoiceClickListener and calling the showDialog..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION frustrating. Do I have to treat with those values or I'm doing something wrong Thanks. android orientation sensor device orientation share improve this question I know I'm playing thread necromancer here but I've been working on this stuff.. thread necromancer here but I've been working on this stuff a lot lately so I thought I'd throw in my 2¢. The device doesn't contain compass or inclinometers so it doesn't measure azimuth pitch or roll directly. We call those Euler angles.. both of which produce 3 space XYZ vectors. These are used to compute the azimuth etc. values. Vectors are in device coordinate space World coordinates have Y facing north X facing east and Z facing up Thus a device's neutral orientation..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget bitmap size exceeds VM budget I am trying to change the layout of my application from portrait to landscape and vice versa. But if i do it frequently or more than once then at times my application crashes.. Below is the error log. Please..
Android TextWatcher.afterTextChanged vs TextWatcher.onTextChanged vs TextWatcher.onTextChanged Under what circumstances should I use afterTextChanged instead of onTextChanged and vice versa Examples would be most instructive with attention to why onTextChanged must be Overridden but afterTextChanged and..
In Android how to display one view as overlay on top of another view? to transparent but this makes no difference. I would also the abilty to make mycustomeView as overlay on webView or vice versa. android share improve this question Use a RelativeLayout for starters. You could use the ViewGroup.addView View..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data How to handle change in network from GPRS to Wi fi and vice versa while polling for data I use DefaultHttpClient and HttpGet to poll data from server. Now say a user was in Wi fi.. final Context context final Intent intent final ConnectivityManager connMgr ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final wifi connMgr.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI final.. If you are keeping a persistent connection it will go down and you have to re establish it. If you are scheduling a service and you are not keeping the connection persistent you will not have problems. For good library for scheduling a polling..
How to detect orientation change in layout in Android? in Android I just implemented the orientation change feature. When the layout changes from portrait to landscape or vice versa how can I detect when the orientation change event finished. I tried to use OrientationEventListener but it seems.. android label @string app_name NOTE with Android 3.2 API level 13 or higher the screen size also changes when the device switches between portrait and landscape orientation. Thus if you want to prevent runtime restarts due to orientation change..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view name with checkboxs automatically 10th checkbox checks itself and this also happens with 2nd 11th 3rd 12th and so on vice verse is also true .here i am providing my adapter class and list item xml. import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List..
How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android bar is spinning the progress bar gets dismissed.I want the orientation not to change from potrait to landscape and vice versa when a progress bar is visible meaning it is spinning .How to stop the orientation change when progress bar is spinning..
Formula px to dp, dp to px android px to dp dp to px android I am trying to calculate a variable amount of pixels to density independent pixels and vice versa. This formula px to dp dp int px displayMetrics.densityDpi 160 does not work on small devices because it is divided.. pixels and vice versa. This formula px to dp dp int px displayMetrics.densityDpi 160 does not work on small devices because it is divided by zero. This is my dp to px formula px int dp displayMetrics.densityDpi 160 Could someone give me..