android Programming Glossary: view.setdrawingcacheenabled
android:take screenshot and share it takeScreenShot a b private static Bitmap takeScreenShot Activity activity View view activity.getWindow .getDecorView view.setDrawingCacheEnabled true view.buildDrawingCache Bitmap b1 view.getDrawingCache Rect frame new Rect activity.getWindow .getDecorView .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame.. Activity Android 2.2 private static Bitmap takeScreenShot Activity activity View view activity.getWindow .getDecorView view.setDrawingCacheEnabled true view.buildDrawingCache Bitmap b1 view.getDrawingCache Rect frame new Rect activity.getWindow .getDecorView .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame..
Contact Bubble EditText Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b c.translate view.getScrollX view.getScrollY view.draw c view.setDrawingCacheEnabled true Bitmap cacheBmp view.getDrawingCache Bitmap viewBmp cacheBmp.copy Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 true view.destroyDrawingCache..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main final View view findViewById view.setDrawingCacheEnabled true view.buildDrawingCache final Bitmap bmp view.getDrawingCache System.out.println bmp I've already tried different ways..
Android save view to jpg or png android camera pictures share improve this question You can take advantage of a View's drawing cache. view.setDrawingCacheEnabled true Bitmap b view.getDrawingCache b.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 95 new FileOutputStream some location image.jpg Where..
how to convert view's to bitmap?