android Programming Glossary: view.invalidate
Why isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game I am trying.. function will draw the door half open. The game calls view.invalidate which should redraw the screen. Then the game sleeps for half.. draws the door completely open. Then the game calls view.invalidate again. The problem is that it does not redraw the screen when..
Redraw a single row in a listview calling listview.notifydatasetchanged I've tried calling view.invalidate on the view inside the linearlayout but it doesn't redraw the..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? new Runnable public void run view.invalidate try Thread.sleep 50 yields 20 fps catch InterruptedException..
Why isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game I am trying to make an android game. I have a game class that extends.. The game calls Changes the state so the view.onDraw function will draw the door half open. The game calls view.invalidate which should redraw the screen. Then the game sleeps for half a second. Then it calls again. The second time the.. is called it changes the state so the view.onDraw function draws the door completely open. Then the game calls view.invalidate again. The problem is that it does not redraw the screen when it gets to view.invalidate. If I set a break point on the..
Redraw a single row in a listview single row. Is there a way to make it redraw that row without calling listview.notifydatasetchanged I've tried calling view.invalidate on the view inside the linearlayout but it doesn't redraw the row. android listview view redraw share improve this question..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? custom view passing the movie while Thread.currentThread .isInterrupted new Runnable public void run view.invalidate try Thread.sleep 50 yields 20 fps catch InterruptedException e Thread.currentThread .interrupt .start A really nice..