android Programming Glossary: videoview.setvideouri
Play rtsp streaming in android app mc Set the path of Video or URI videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse rtsp 1935 live getpnj Set the..
Android MediaPlayer error (1, -2147483648) videos which I'm trying to load into a VideoView using videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse url The two videos let them be video 1 and video 2..
stream live video to Android videoView VideoView findViewById videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse httpLiveUrl MediaController mediaController new MediaController..
Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side Error in Android watch v E43mgXNl0xc Uri uri Uri.parse _path videoView.setVideoURI uri videoView.setVideoPath _path videoView.requestFocus videoView.start..
How to Play RTSP Video in Android? uploads v 2 videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.requestFocus videoView.start My LogCat Error..
Listener (or handler) for video finish new MediaController this videoView.setMediaController mc videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse http downloads android movie.mp4.. new MediaController this videoView.setMediaController mc videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse http downloads android movie.mp4..
Android : Copy RawFile to Sdcard (video mp4) f videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start catch IOException e TODO Auto generated..
Video Streaming and Android mc String str the url to your video Uri uri Uri.parse str videoView.setVideoURI uri videoView.requestFocus videoView.start Check out the videoview..
How to play YouTube video in android? video_url videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener..
VideoView in eclipse not playing on phone test2.3gp videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start thank you java android eclipse phone..
is there a way to play streaming youtube video from my activity? v wWub_aXPCVg videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start is it possible is there any other SDK..
Media player using YouTube? v T1Wgp3mLa_E videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start android youtube videoview mediacontroller..
How to get RTSP URL? v 8mIOkkkA2jA videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start Please guys can u explain me how to achieve.. result super.onPostExecute result progressDialog.dismiss videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse rtsp CiILENy73wIaGQk4RDShYkdS1BMYDSANFEgGUgZ2aWRlb3MM.. AlertDetail.this videoView.requestFocus videoView.start videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse videoUrl MediaController mc new MediaController AlertDetail.this..
Android videoView gives me Alert “Sorry,This video cannot be played”? Cup movie.mp4 videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start Error Sorry This video cannot be played...
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video just pause. And make sure you don't call videoView.resume videoView.setVideoURI videoView.suspend and videoView.stopPlayback explicitly in you..
Play rtsp streaming in android app play pause. MediaController mc new MediaController this videoView.setMediaController mc Set the path of Video or URI videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse rtsp 1935 live getpnj Set the focus videoView.requestFocus At first it was not working...
Android MediaPlayer error (1, -2147483648) MediaPlayer error 1 2147483648 I have two different videos which I'm trying to load into a VideoView using videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse url The two videos let them be video 1 and video 2 have the following specs extracted using ffmpeg i in fact they..
stream live video to Android httpLiveUrl http live aljazeer_en_high.sdp playlist.m3u8 videoView VideoView findViewById videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse httpLiveUrl MediaController mediaController new MediaController this videoView.setMediaController mediaController..
Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side Error in Android mnt sdcard Movies MyCameraApp video6.mp4 String _path http watch v E43mgXNl0xc Uri uri Uri.parse _path videoView.setVideoURI uri videoView.setVideoPath _path videoView.requestFocus videoView.start @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu..
How to Play RTSP Video in Android? http feeds api users mashable uploads v 2 videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.requestFocus videoView.start My LogCat Error is 10 12 11 56 50.369 D WindowManagerImpl 6880 addView new..
Listener (or handler) for video finish VideoView this.findViewById MediaController mc new MediaController this videoView.setMediaController mc videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse http downloads android movie.mp4 videoView.requestFocus The code is working just fine even in.. mp.start public void playVideo MediaController mc new MediaController this videoView.setMediaController mc videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse http downloads android movie.mp4 videoView.requestFocus When the activity is just called the..
Android : Copy RawFile to Sdcard (video mp4) this mediaController.setAnchorView videoView video Uri.fromFile f videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace java android video android..
Video Streaming and Android mc new MediaController this videoView.setMediaController mc String str the url to your video Uri uri Uri.parse str videoView.setVideoURI uri videoView.requestFocus videoView.start Check out the videoview listeners for being notified when the video is done playing..
How to play YouTube video in android? videoView Set video link mp4 format Uri video Uri.parse video_url videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp progressDialog.dismiss..
VideoView in eclipse not playing on phone videoView Uri video Uri.parse http misc test2.3gp videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start thank you java android eclipse phone share improve this question I think problem lies either..
is there a way to play streaming youtube video from my activity? http watch gl IL hl en client mv google v wWub_aXPCVg videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start is it possible is there any other SDK component that can do that any ideas Thanks Amitos80 android..
Media player using YouTube? mp4 format Uri video Uri.parse http watch v T1Wgp3mLa_E videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start android youtube videoview mediacontroller share improve this question You need to get the correct..
How to get RTSP URL? videoView Uri video Uri.parse watch v 8mIOkkkA2jA videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start Please guys can u explain me how to achieve this Thanks in advance android share improve this question.. return null @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result super.onPostExecute result progressDialog.dismiss videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse rtsp CiILENy73wIaGQk4RDShYkdS1BMYDSANFEgGUgZ2aWRlb3MM 0 0 0 video.3gp videoView.setMediaController.. video.3gp videoView.setMediaController new MediaController AlertDetail.this videoView.requestFocus videoView.start videoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse videoUrl MediaController mc new MediaController AlertDetail.this videoView.setMediaController mc videoView.requestFocus..
Android videoView gives me Alert “Sorry,This video cannot be played”? video Uri .parse client Malasiya Cup movie.mp4 videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI video videoView.start Error Sorry This video cannot be played. Logcat 01 03 20 19 14.044 DEBUG AndroidRuntime 454 AndroidRuntime..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video you don't call them in your activity. pause don't release just pause. And make sure you don't call videoView.resume videoView.setVideoURI videoView.suspend and videoView.stopPlayback explicitly in you MediaPlayerActivity like this @Override protected void onResume..