android Programming Glossary: via
How to get screen dimensions you're not in an Activity you can get the default Display via WINDOW_SERVICE WindowManager wm WindowManager ctx.getSystemService..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons in my answer below. Now I can click tap the button via the touch screen. However I can't manually select it with the.. in the getView and can be accessed in the onClickListener via view.getTag I posted a detailed solution on my blog as a tutorial...
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? be done by an activity in any case. Use a scheduled task via AlarmManager to update your data for maximum reliability. Our.. on start or check updates totally asynchronously e.g. via a scheduled task never on exit. Some comments suggest that hitting.. quit the application As everybody else told you users via BACK or your code via finish can close up your currently running..
Is there a unique Android device ID? a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share improve this question..
How to send image via MMS in Android? to send image via MMS in Android I am working on a multimedia application. I.. other number. But I am not getting how to send the image via the MMS. android messaging mms share improve this question..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? To display the route you should parse the kml data i.e. via SAX parser then display the route markers on the map. See the..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] a custom Java class made accessible to JavaScript code via the WebView.addJavascriptInterface method. Details can be found..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions for me. I have tested so far Sending and receiving files via IBB via Socks Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups.. I have tested so far Sending and receiving files via IBB via Socks Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups MUC Service.. far Sending and receiving files via IBB via Socks Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups MUC Service Discovery Entity..
When to call activity context OR application context? i.e. the handle to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks.. . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts.. Application for their own global data which they retrieve via getApplicationContext . That's certainly possible. I prefer..
AsyncTask Android example improve this question Ok you are trying to access the GUI via another thread. This in the main is not good practice. The AsyncTask.. has been selected. I find the easiest way to do this is via switch statements. I have a complete class edited below with..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android I'm currently using Scribe to both..
Android Share Via Dialog Share Via Dialog I've seen the share via dialogs that are in apps like..
Calling an app from another app for finding package name and class name are really bad. Via cmd and adb I was able to find that the info regarding the application..
How to prevent the soft keyboard from ever appearing in my Activity? like to disable it. I tried the following approaches. Via InputMethodManager From Hide soft keyboard on activity without.. work the soft keyboard still comes up on Menu long press. Via the AndroidManifest.xml From How to stop the android soft keyboard..
RegisterBroadcastReceiver in Manifest.xml setting or by implement source code register by 2 method In Manifest.xml setting and Via implement source code Example Via Manifest.xml intent filter.. Manifest.xml setting and Via implement source code Example Via Manifest.xml intent filter action android name YourBroadcastMesssage..
Calling barcode scanner on a button click in android application From here http p zxing wiki ScanningViaIntent If the Barcode Scanner is installed on your Android device.. com google zxing integration android Via URL As of Barcode Scanner v2.6 you can also launch the app from..
How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream a media player that plays a stream from a remote machine. Via my app I can control the remote machine e.g. seek to second..
Simple Android Scrolling Text Ticker ellipsize and marqueeRepeatLimit properties of TextView . Via the API http reference android widget..
Android 4.0.1 breaks WebView HTML 5 local storage? webview local storage share improve this question Via some discussion with a Google engineer it seems that they've..
File transfer between android and iPhone via bluetooth? from user1080731 was Is it possible to transfer Files Via Bluetooth between Android and iPhone. And I think that the answer..
Android 4.0 WebView.loadURL oddity I found another post here on this site with the comment Via some discussion with a Google engineer it seems that they've..
How to add submenu items to ActionBar action in code? to add submenu items to ActionBar action in code Via xml I can add submenu items to my action in the ActionBar ...
How to get screen dimensions display.getSize size int width size.x int height size.y If you're not in an Activity you can get the default Display via WINDOW_SERVICE WindowManager wm WindowManager ctx.getSystemService Context.WINDOW_SERVICE Display display wm.getDefaultDisplay..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons the button click happened Update I found a solution as described in my answer below. Now I can click tap the button via the touch screen. However I can't manually select it with the trackball. It always selects the whole list item and from..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? PUSHed to the device is a pleasant fiction and should not be done by an activity in any case. Use a scheduled task via AlarmManager to update your data for maximum reliability. Our users log in and cant be doing that everytime they get a phonecall.. stream. Generally that's not a good thing. Either check updates on start or check updates totally asynchronously e.g. via a scheduled task never on exit. Some comments suggest that hitting the back button does not kill the app at all see link.. termination of the app. Is there a way for me to really quit the application As everybody else told you users via BACK or your code via finish can close up your currently running activity. Users generally don't need anything else for..
Is there a unique Android device ID? there a unique Android device ID Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share improve this question Settings.Secure#ANDROID_ID returns the Android ID as an unique..
How to send image via MMS in Android? to send image via MMS in Android I am working on a multimedia application. I am capturing one image through the camera and want to send that.. the camera and want to send that image with a text to some other number. But I am not getting how to send the image via the MMS. android messaging mms share improve this question MMS is just a htttp post request. You should perform the..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? to your mapView anywhere in your code as far as I can see. To display the route you should parse the kml data i.e. via SAX parser then display the route markers on the map. See the code below for an example but it's not complete though just..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] into a custom WebView . The custom WebView then read data from a custom Java class made accessible to JavaScript code via the WebView.addJavascriptInterface method. Details can be found at the above link. The other solutions may present a more..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions in sync with upstream smack development and works very well for me. I have tested so far Sending and receiving files via IBB via Socks Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups MUC Service Discovery Entity Capabilities In Band Registration.. with upstream smack development and works very well for me. I have tested so far Sending and receiving files via IBB via Socks Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups MUC Service Discovery Entity Capabilities In Band Registration My aSmack.. development and works very well for me. I have tested so far Sending and receiving files via IBB via Socks Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups MUC Service Discovery Entity Capabilities In Band Registration My aSmack fork the build..
When to call activity context OR application context? from an Activity if you wish to pass the ServiceConnection i.e. the handle to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references.. to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then.. garbage collected. Some developers use custom subclasses of Application for their own global data which they retrieve via getApplicationContext . That's certainly possible. I prefer static data members if for no other reason than you can only..
AsyncTask Android example Thanks for the help. android android asynctask share improve this question Ok you are trying to access the GUI via another thread. This in the main is not good practice. The AsyncTask executes everything in doInBackground inside of another.. that your onClick listener does not check to see which View has been selected. I find the easiest way to do this is via switch statements. I have a complete class edited below with all suggestions to save confusion. import
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android I'm currently using Scribe to both authenticate and post non media messages to Twitter successfully...
Android Share Via Dialog Share Via Dialog I've seen the share via dialogs that are in apps like TFLN texts from last night . Looks like this I am looking..
Calling an app from another app can't find anything that works. Mostly because the guidelines for finding package name and class name are really bad. Via cmd and adb I was able to find that the info regarding the application I'd like to call is package data app
How to prevent the soft keyboard from ever appearing in my Activity? in the way and is completely useless in this Activity I would like to disable it. I tried the following approaches. Via InputMethodManager From Hide soft keyboard on activity without any keyboard operations Since I have only one view a GLSurfaceView.. glSurfaceView.getApplicationWindowToken 0 It doesn't work the soft keyboard still comes up on Menu long press. Via the AndroidManifest.xml From How to stop the android soft keyboard from ever coming up in my entire application I added..
RegisterBroadcastReceiver in Manifest.xml setting or by implement source code Because Android support quite flexible it allow BroadcastReceiver register by 2 method In Manifest.xml setting and Via implement source code Example Via Manifest.xml intent filter action android name YourBroadcastMesssage intent filter Register.. flexible it allow BroadcastReceiver register by 2 method In Manifest.xml setting and Via implement source code Example Via Manifest.xml intent filter action android name YourBroadcastMesssage intent filter Register thought implement of source..
Calling barcode scanner on a button click in android application projects. You should certainly use the Intent from the Scanner From here http p zxing wiki ScanningViaIntent If the Barcode Scanner is installed on your Android device you can have it scan for you and return the result just.. p zxing source browse trunk android integration src com google zxing integration android Via URL As of Barcode Scanner v2.6 you can also launch the app from a URL in the Browser. Simple create a hyperlink to http..
How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream Android Media Player when playing stream I am implementing a media player that plays a stream from a remote machine. Via my app I can control the remote machine e.g. seek to second . Works like charm but The Android Media Player buffers some..
Simple Android Scrolling Text Ticker what you're trying to do properly you want to look at the ellipsize and marqueeRepeatLimit properties of TextView . Via the API http reference android widget TextView.html#attr_android ellipsize http
Android 4.0.1 breaks WebView HTML 5 local storage? div id stuff div body html Source available here android html5 webview local storage share improve this question Via some discussion with a Google engineer it seems that they've made the decision that the file scheme is insecure. A work..
File transfer between android and iPhone via bluetooth? file transfer share improve this question The Question from user1080731 was Is it possible to transfer Files Via Bluetooth between Android and iPhone. And I think that the answer is NO. The App referred to in the previous responses does..
Android 4.0 WebView.loadURL oddity On 2.3 it ran fine now i get a Webpage not available site. I found another post here on this site with the comment Via some discussion with a Google engineer it seems that they've made the decision that the file scheme is insecure. See here..
How to add submenu items to ActionBar action in code? to add submenu items to ActionBar action in code Via xml I can add submenu items to my action in the ActionBar . main_menu.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 menu xmlns android..