android Programming Glossary: view.getlayoutparams
Having application running above other app param.width parent null LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT view.getLayoutParams .width param.height parent null LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT view.getLayoutParams.. .width param.height parent null LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT view.getLayoutParams .height final WindowManager wmgr WindowManager getApplicationContext..
How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched? duration mAnimatedView view mViewLayoutParams LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams decide to show or hide the view mIsVisibleAfter view.getVisibility..
Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout layoutParams ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams view.getLayoutParams layoutParams.bottomMargin dipsToPixels bottomMarginInDips view.requestLayout..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) view mVanishAfter vanishAfter mLayoutParams LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams int height mView.getHeight mMarginBottomFromY int height fromY..
animating the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing/expanding heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height The view should be gone before the animation..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams params.width width params.height height view.setLayoutParams..
Slide down effect on ExpandableListView heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height Then inside my adapter you'll ofcourse add more..
Android animate drop down/up view proper
android: move a view on touch move (ACTION_MOVE) lParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams _xDelta X lParams.leftMargin _yDelta Y lParams.topMargin break.. layoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams layoutParams.leftMargin X _xDelta layoutParams.topMargin Y..
Having application running above other app param.gravity Gravity.TOP Gravity.LEFT param.width parent null LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT view.getLayoutParams .width param.height parent null LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT view.getLayoutParams .height final WindowManager wmgr WindowManager.. parent null LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT view.getLayoutParams .width param.height parent null LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT view.getLayoutParams .height final WindowManager wmgr WindowManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService Context.WINDOW_SERVICE wmgr.addView..
How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched? public ExpandAnimation View view int duration setDuration duration mAnimatedView view mViewLayoutParams LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams decide to show or hide the view mIsVisibleAfter view.getVisibility View.VISIBLE mMarginStart mViewLayoutParams.bottomMargin..
Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout View view int bottomMarginInDips ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams layoutParams ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams view.getLayoutParams layoutParams.bottomMargin dipsToPixels bottomMarginInDips view.requestLayout private int dipsToPixels int dips final float..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) super fromX toX fromY toY setDuration duration mView view mVanishAfter vanishAfter mLayoutParams LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams int height mView.getHeight mMarginBottomFromY int height fromY mLayoutParams.bottomMargin height mMarginBottomToY int..
animating the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing/expanding screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height The view should be gone before the animation start and then made visible when animation starts. Edit I made..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? Now change ImageView's dimensions to match the scaled image LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams params.width width params.height height view.setLayoutParams params Log.i Test done private int dpToPx int dp float density..
Slide down effect on ExpandableListView screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams .height height Then inside my adapter you'll ofcourse add more syntax and if you want the dropdown to not close when out..
Android animate drop down/up view proper
android: move a view on touch move (ACTION_MOVE) MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams _xDelta X lParams.leftMargin _yDelta Y lParams.topMargin break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN.. break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams layoutParams.leftMargin X _xDelta layoutParams.topMargin Y _yDelta layoutParams.rightMargin 250 layoutParams.bottomMargin..