android Programming Glossary: view.setbackgroundresource
How to change the background color of Action Bar's Option Menu in Android 4.2? Runnable public void run sets the background color view.setBackgroundResource R.color.menubg sets the text color TextView view .setTextColor..
How do I change the background of an Android tab widget?
How to load AnimationDrawable from xml file in dev guide ImageView view new ImageView context view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.born_animation AnimationDrawable drawable AnimationDrawable..
Android Row becomes Unclickable with Button So do this view.setClickable true view.setFocusable true view.setBackgroundResource android.R.drawable.menuitem_background to your view before returning..
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? null view.setClickable true view.setFocusable true view.setBackgroundResource android.R.drawable.menuitem_background view.setOnClickListener..
Change background color of android menu [duplicate] Runnable public void run sets the background color view.setBackgroundResource R.color.androidcolor sets the text color TextView view..
How to set a font for the Options menu? default either an image border gradient drawable etc. view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.myimage TextView view .setTextSize 20 set the..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour position .get_id if getItem position .getSelected view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else view.setBackgroundResource.. R.drawable.row_blue_selected else view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue EDIT SOLUTION call the own implementation..
ListView item won't stay “selected” the background changed in a setOnItemClickListener with view.setBackgroundResource I only need one selected at a time so when the other..
Toast background changing to match Activity's Theme context resTxtId Toast.LENGTH_LONG View view toast.getView view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.custom_bkg TextView text TextView view.findViewById..
How to change the background color of Action Bar's Option Menu in Android 4.2? background change as runnable object new Handler .post new Runnable public void run sets the background color view.setBackgroundResource R.color.menubg sets the text color TextView view .setTextColor Color.WHITE sets the text size TextView view .setTextSize..
How do I change the background of an Android tab widget?
How to load AnimationDrawable from xml file I tried another way use ImageView to do the parsing like described in dev guide ImageView view new ImageView context view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.born_animation AnimationDrawable drawable AnimationDrawable view.getBackground assertTrue drawable null fails..
Android Row becomes Unclickable with Button
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? ViewGroup parent View view View.inflate context R.layout.cell null view.setClickable true view.setFocusable true view.setBackgroundResource android.R.drawable.menuitem_background view.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v..
Change background color of android menu [duplicate] background change as runnable object new Handler .post new Runnable public void run sets the background color view.setBackgroundResource R.color.androidcolor sets the text color TextView view .setTextColor Color.BLACK sets the text size TextView view..
How to set a font for the Options menu? set the background drawable if you want that or keep it default either an image border gradient drawable etc. view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.myimage TextView view .setTextSize 20 set the text color Typeface face Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour position EDIT SOLUTION if getItem position .get_id channelList.get position .get_id if getItem position .getSelected view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue EDIT SOLUTION call the own implementation.. position .get_id if getItem position .getSelected view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected else view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue EDIT SOLUTION call the own implementation bindHolder holder return view I really would appreciate..
ListView item won't stay “selected” listview item is selected Thanks EDIT I was able to get the background changed in a setOnItemClickListener with view.setBackgroundResource I only need one selected at a time so when the other list items are clicked I tried lv.invalidate and lv.getChildAt..
Toast background changing to match Activity's Theme toast by the following code Toast toast Toast.makeText context resTxtId Toast.LENGTH_LONG View view toast.getView view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.custom_bkg TextView text TextView view.findViewById here you can do anything with text