android Programming Glossary: velocity
How do I apply a force to a body in the direction it is traveling (Box2D)? the ball is interacting with other objects so setting velocity did not work but I have found a solution Using forces and fairly.. vy respectively and used these to calculate the resultant velocity vr and the angle that they were traveling in t . If vr is less.. that they were traveling in t . If vr is less than the velocity I want destroyerVelocity then a force is applied to bump it..
Simple swipe gesture to activity tutorial? [closed] public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY String velocity onFling n e1.toString n e2.toString.. MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY String velocity onFling n e1.toString n e2.toString n velocityX.. e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY String velocity onFling n e1.toString n e2.toString n velocityX String.valueOf..
Android listview row delete animation of this demo about animation. A real version should use velocity via the VelocityTracker class to send the item off or back..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views see previous next views switching to it if there's enough velocity. This interaction is exactly like what the new weather news..
How do I apply a force to a body in the direction it is traveling (Box2D)? andengine share improve this question Well unfortunately the ball is interacting with other objects so setting velocity did not work but I have found a solution Using forces and fairly extensive trig I finally came up with private static class.. the tricky part I calculated the x and y velocities vx and vy respectively and used these to calculate the resultant velocity vr and the angle that they were traveling in t . If vr is less than the velocity I want destroyerVelocity then a force is.. used these to calculate the resultant velocity vr and the angle that they were traveling in t . If vr is less than the velocity I want destroyerVelocity then a force is applied to bump it back up to the destroyer velocity. Since F mv t and I just used..
Simple swipe gesture to activity tutorial? [closed] onDoubleTap return super.onDoubleTap e @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY String velocity onFling n e1.toString n e2.toString n velocityX String.valueOf velocityX n velocityY.. return super.onDoubleTap e @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY String velocity onFling n e1.toString n e2.toString n velocityX String.valueOf velocityX n velocityY String.valueOf.. e @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY String velocity onFling n e1.toString n e2.toString n velocityX String.valueOf velocityX n velocityY String.valueOf velocityY n Logout.debug..
Android listview row delete animation is a simplified version of swipe behavior for the purposes of this demo about animation. A real version should use velocity via the VelocityTracker class to send the item off or back at an appropriate speed. long duration int 1 fractionCovered..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views shown at a time. The user can touch drag left right and will see previous next views switching to it if there's enough velocity. This interaction is exactly like what the new weather news widget that comes with the Nexus One does for navigating between..