android Programming Glossary: value1
SQLIteDatabase.query method whereClause column1 OR column1 String whereArgs new String value1 value2 String orderBy column1 Cursor c sqLiteDatabase.query..
SharedPrefences not being updated editor prefs.edit editor.putBool bool1 value1 editor.putBool bool2 value2 ... editor.putBool boolN valueN.. getPreferencesFileName Context.MODE_PRIVATE Boolean value1 prefs.getBoolean fileName false Boolean value2 prefs.getBoolean..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development need to access this table public long insertRecord String value1 String value2 ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues.. new ContentValues initialValues.put FIELD_FIELDNAME2 value1 initialValues.put FIELD_FIELDNAME2 value2 return Db.insert TableName..
How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android? I manually add my parameters to my URL i.e. append param1 value1 param2 value2 it succeeds. I know I'm missing something here..
Defining custom attrs can be defined as follows attr name my_enum_attr enum name value1 value 1 enum name value2 value 2 attr flag attributes are similar..
JSON Parsing in Android this question This is a very simple JSON String key1 value1 key2 value2 In order to get values for it use JSONObject like.. JSONObject json_obj new JSONObject your json string String value1 json_obj.getString key1 String value2 json_obj.getString key2.. key2 This is a slightly complex json string key1 value1 key2 value2 key1 value1 key2 value2 In order to extract values..
How to use NDK in android project? JNIEnv env jobject this jint value1 jint value2 char szFormat Addition i char szResult jlong sum.. value2 char szFormat Addition i char szResult jlong sum value1 value2 szResult malloc sizeof szFormat 20 sprintf szResult szFormat..
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new MyData key2 value2 items 2 new MyData key3 value3..
android http post asynctask String String data new HashMap String String data.put key1 value1 data.put key2 value2 AsyncHttpPost asyncHttpPost new AsyncHttpPost..
SQLIteDatabase.query method String column1 SELECT max column1 FROM table2 AS max String whereClause column1 OR column1 String whereArgs new String value1 value2 String orderBy column1 Cursor c sqLiteDatabase.query table1 tableColumns whereClause whereArgs null null orderBy..
SharedPrefences not being updated fileName Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.editor editor prefs.edit editor.putBool bool1 value1 editor.putBool bool2 value2 ... editor.putBool boolN valueN editor.apply Once that is done I return to Project1 by calling.. the data like so SharedPreferences prefs getSharedPreferences getPreferencesFileName Context.MODE_PRIVATE Boolean value1 prefs.getBoolean fileName false Boolean value2 prefs.getBoolean fileName false ... Boolean valueN prefs.getBoolean fileName..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development db TableName this.Db db Below define all the methods you need to access this table public long insertRecord String value1 String value2 ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put FIELD_FIELDNAME2 value1 initialValues.put.. String value1 String value2 ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put FIELD_FIELDNAME2 value1 initialValues.put FIELD_FIELDNAME2 value2 return Db.insert TableName null initialValues .............. .............. When..
How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android? on my HttpGet object. This method fails. But if I manually add my parameters to my URL i.e. append param1 value1 param2 value2 it succeeds. I know I'm missing something here and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance..
Defining custom attrs by using e.g. format reference color . enum attributes can be defined as follows attr name my_enum_attr enum name value1 value 1 enum name value2 value 2 attr flag attributes are similar except the values need to be defined so they can be bit..
JSON Parsing in Android in the Application android json parsing share improve this question This is a very simple JSON String key1 value1 key2 value2 In order to get values for it use JSONObject like this JSONObject json_obj new JSONObject your json string String.. In order to get values for it use JSONObject like this JSONObject json_obj new JSONObject your json string String value1 json_obj.getString key1 String value2 json_obj.getString key2 This is a slightly complex json string key1 value1 key2 value2.. value1 json_obj.getString key1 String value2 json_obj.getString key2 This is a slightly complex json string key1 value1 key2 value2 key1 value1 key2 value2 In order to extract values from this use JSONArray JSONArray jArray new JSONArray your..
How to use NDK in android project? log.h #define DEBUG_TAG MY_NDK_DEMO jstring Java_com_myNDKDemo_MainActivity_getString JNIEnv env jobject this jint value1 jint value2 char szFormat Addition i char szResult jlong sum value1 value2 szResult malloc sizeof szFormat 20 sprintf szResult.. JNIEnv env jobject this jint value1 jint value2 char szFormat Addition i char szResult jlong sum value1 value2 szResult malloc sizeof szFormat 20 sprintf szResult szFormat sum jstring result env NewStringUTF env szResult free..
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android Spinner s Spinner findViewById final MyData items new MyData 3 items 0 new MyData key1 value1 items 1 new MyData key2 value2 items 2 new MyData key3 value3 ArrayAdapter MyData adapter new ArrayAdapter MyData this..
android http post asynctask Now. You just write some lines like following HashMap String String data new HashMap String String data.put key1 value1 data.put key2 value2 AsyncHttpPost asyncHttpPost new AsyncHttpPost data asyncHttpPost.execute http share improve..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development
Help passing an ArrayList of Objects to a new Activity EDIT2 Object Example Code. Do I need to changed this for paracbale to work public class ObjectName private int Value1 private int Value2 private int Value3 public ObjectName int pValue1 int pValue2 int Value3 Value1 pValue1 Value2 pValue2.. to work public class ObjectName private int Value1 private int Value2 private int Value3 public ObjectName int pValue1 int pValue2 int Value3 Value1 pValue1 Value2 pValue2 Value3 pValue3 Get Statements for each value below public int getValue1.. private int Value1 private int Value2 private int Value3 public ObjectName int pValue1 int pValue2 int Value3 Value1 pValue1 Value2 pValue2 Value3 pValue3 Get Statements for each value below public int getValue1 return Value1 etc android..