android Programming Glossary: vectors
Override Power button just like Home button supported feature before we consider any of the possible vectors for abuse. Your best recourse is actually a much simpler one..
Android OpenGL ES 2.0 screen coordinates to world coordinates float screenH cam.GetScreenHeight Auxiliary matrix and vectors to deal with ogl. float invertedMatrix transformMatrix normalizedInPoint..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? seems to not be able to decide whether it wants to use row vectors or column vectors and it looks all mixed up to me. On the Android.. to decide whether it wants to use row vectors or column vectors and it looks all mixed up to me. On the Android Matrix page..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found am guessing this code is for identifying the x and y axis vectors generated on clicks or taps or swipes.. p share improve this..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame of the earth at the device location respectively. They are vectors in 3 dimentional space let call them a and m respectively. If.. a vector lying in the plane spanned by the w_2 and the w_3 vectors. That is it lies in the North Sky plane. Thus in term of the..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch at the instabilities in the inputs or in the direction vectors m_NormGravityVector m_NormEastVector or m_NormNorthVector ... sensor values calculated once gravity and magnetic field vectors are available float m_NormEastVector normalised cross product.. now effectively been calculated. It consists of the three vectors m_NormEastVector m_NormNorthVector and m_NormGravityVector ..
How do I determine what is touched in 3D space from the screen? 2D to 3D picking you need to fiddle with matrices and vectors a bit. GlUnproject does not exist for OpenGL ES 1.1 so you have..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView introduced are the touch events though the rotational vectors are off by a lot just for a demonstration purpose anyway and..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? works fine. My next step is however to pass these vectors and the matrix back to java and then use them with OpenGL to..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION and magnetometers both of which produce 3 space XYZ vectors. These are used to compute the azimuth etc. values. Vectors.. which returns a 3x3 matrix which will map vectors in device coordinates to world coordinates or vice versa. For.. off using the transformation matrix and working with XYZ vectors. Working as a consultant whenever someone comes to me with a..
Store orientation to an array - and compare I guess not. It is far easier to compare the acceleration vectors than orientations Euler angles rotation matrices quaternions.. If you are using acceleration data you have 3 dimensional vectors at each time point the x y z coordinates. I would simply compute..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? that is really secure I read about initialization vectors and salts. Not all implementations I found had these features...
Override Power button just like Home button on this scenario this is why it's not an out of the box supported feature before we consider any of the possible vectors for abuse. Your best recourse is actually a much simpler one if you have the ability to modify the physical hardware for..
Android OpenGL ES 2.0 screen coordinates to world coordinates height width ej 320 x 480 float screenW cam.GetScreenWidth float screenH cam.GetScreenHeight Auxiliary matrix and vectors to deal with ogl. float invertedMatrix transformMatrix normalizedInPoint outPoint invertedMatrix new float 16 transformMatrix..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? code and was quite baffled by what I saw. The tutorial seems to not be able to decide whether it wants to use row vectors or column vectors and it looks all mixed up to me. On the Android Matrix page they claim that their convention is column.. quite baffled by what I saw. The tutorial seems to not be able to decide whether it wants to use row vectors or column vectors and it looks all mixed up to me. On the Android Matrix page they claim that their convention is column vector column major..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame the acceleration of the device and the magnetic field of the earth at the device location respectively. They are vectors in 3 dimentional space let call them a and m respectively. If you stand still and rotate your device theoretically m does.. is sufficient. 2 The geomagnetic parameter represents a vector lying in the plane spanned by the w_2 and the w_3 vectors. That is it lies in the North Sky plane. Thus in term of the w_1 w_2 w_3 basis the first coordinate should be 0. Therefore..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch accuracy is reasonable then they could be tackled by looking at the instabilities in the inputs or in the direction vectors m_NormGravityVector m_NormEastVector or m_NormNorthVector . I'd be very interested in any feedback that anyone has for me.. sensor int m_MagneticFieldAccuracy accuracy of magnetic field sensor values calculated once gravity and magnetic field vectors are available float m_NormEastVector normalised cross product of raw gravity vector with magnetic field values points east.. 3 float Math.PI 2 break NB the rotation matrix has now effectively been calculated. It consists of the three vectors m_NormEastVector m_NormNorthVector and m_NormGravityVector calculate all the required angles from the rotation matrix ..
How do I determine what is touched in 3D space from the screen? opengl es share improve this question If you are doing 2D to 3D picking you need to fiddle with matrices and vectors a bit. GlUnproject does not exist for OpenGL ES 1.1 so you have to do some math by yourself. Ray object intersection is..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView funky cubes from that Android Example additional functionality introduced are the touch events though the rotational vectors are off by a lot just for a demonstration purpose anyway and ofcourse the cubes overlaid on top of the camera preview which..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? As long as I use these to draw some points in the image everything works fine. My next step is however to pass these vectors and the matrix back to java and then use them with OpenGL to draw a square in an OpenGLView. The square should be exactly..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION We call those Euler angles BTW . Instead it uses accelerometers and magnetometers both of which produce 3 space XYZ vectors. These are used to compute the azimuth etc. values. Vectors are in device coordinate space World coordinates have Y facing.. can be combined mathematically through SensorManager.getRotationMatrix which returns a 3x3 matrix which will map vectors in device coordinates to world coordinates or vice versa. For a device in the neutral position this function would return.. related to device orientation you're almost certainly better off using the transformation matrix and working with XYZ vectors. Working as a consultant whenever someone comes to me with a problem involving Euler angles I back up and ask them what..
Store orientation to an array - and compare tc's question does the orientation relative to North matter I guess not. It is far easier to compare the acceleration vectors than orientations Euler angles rotation matrices quaternions as tc pointed that out. If you are using acceleration data.. angles rotation matrices quaternions as tc pointed that out. If you are using acceleration data you have 3 dimensional vectors at each time point the x y z coordinates. I would simply compute Dist i j SQRT A i X B j X ^2 A i Y B j Y ^2 A i Z B j Z..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? list of the most important requirements and set up an implementation that is really secure I read about initialization vectors and salts. Not all implementations I found had these features. So do you need it Does it increase the security a lot How..