android Programming Glossary: var_dump
C2DM implementation PHP code true for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response.. ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response curl_close ch if strpos response '200 OK' false return..
Sending Data From Android To Server with JSON data have problems. php json _SERVER 'HTTP_JSON' echo JSON n var_dump json echo n n data json_decode json true echo Array n var_dump.. json echo n n data json_decode json true echo Array n var_dump data echo n n name data 'name' pos data 'position' echo Result..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together application x www form urlencoded formVariables And in PHP var_dump file_get_contents _FILES 'formVariables' 'tmp_name' You should..
Android post Base64 String to PHP The problem has to recide in the java code because when I var_dump the request in php it is null. This is my scenario I let the..
C2DM implementation PHP code for debugging the request curl_setopt ch CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT true for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response curl_close ch if strpos response '200 OK' false return false.. true for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response curl_close ch if strpos response '200 OK' false return false find the auth code preg_match Auth w response matches..
Sending Data From Android To Server with JSON data android application is working successfully.However php code have problems. php json _SERVER 'HTTP_JSON' echo JSON n var_dump json echo n n data json_decode json true echo Array n var_dump data echo n n name data 'name' pos data 'position' echo Result.. have problems. php json _SERVER 'HTTP_JSON' echo JSON n var_dump json echo n n data json_decode json true echo Array n var_dump data echo n n name data 'name' pos data 'position' echo Result n echo Name . name. n Position . pos Errors Notice Undefined..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together formVariables new ByteArrayBody testString.getBytes application x www form urlencoded formVariables And in PHP var_dump file_get_contents _FILES 'formVariables' 'tmp_name' You should get string 21 b a c a d a Send Send Edit After some second..
Android post Base64 String to PHP change the variable's name the content of the variable etc.. The problem has to recide in the java code because when I var_dump the request in php it is null. This is my scenario I let the user snap a photo the photo is saved to the SD card and I get..