android Programming Glossary: variant
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app Manifest file to change its package name to your new variant that's the only change. If you just run the.. Idea to have the library project as a dependent of the variant project follow these steps to add a library project to the variant.. project follow these steps to add a library project to the variant project assumes you already have a project set up for both Open..
Android valgrind build fails build target ARM_LINUX Secondary build target Platform variant vanilla Primary DVGPV string DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Default..
Using Build Flavors - Structuring source folders and build.gradle correctly After restarting Android Studio I now see 4 build variants under the Build Variants section. Meaning we were succesful.. build.gradle file doesn't automatically update the build variants. Note I also tried using Build Rebuild Project and or Build.. values from the flavors and build type to create the variant. For the Java source src main java src flavor1 java src debug..
Android Library Gradle release JAR to tackle the same problem. android.libraryVariants.all variant def name if name.equals same problem. android.libraryVariants.all variant def name if name.equals jar name.capitalize Jar task.dependsOn variant.javaCompile task.from variant.javaCompile.destinationDir artifacts.add..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor String APP_NAME com.MyCompany.MyApp def getSourceSetName variant return new File variant.dirName .getName android.applicationVariants.all.. def getSourceSetName variant return new File variant.dirName .getName android.applicationVariants.all variant def.. variant.dirName .getName android.applicationVariants.all variant def aptOutputDir project.file build source apt def aptOutput..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard a variant of LinearLayout that can detect when the soft keyboard is shown..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap final byte data dataStream.toByteArray PS I also posted a variant of this question on the android.developer Google group. Thanks..
Android: View.getTag/setTag and IllegalArgumentException against a single View then you need to use the variant as a key like someView.setKey someObject . share..
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android instances in intent extra using putExtra Serializable.. variant of the Intent#putExtra method. PSEUDO code to pass intent.putExtra..
WebView android proxy setters for it so reflection seems to be the only possible variant. I used it in my project and it works. Here is the sample of..
In Android how to display one view as overlay on top of another view? View child int index ViewGroup.LayoutParams params or a variant along with ViewGroup.removeView View view or ViewGroup.removeViewAt..
Android findViewbyId with a variant string findViewbyId with a variant string TextView textView1 TextView dialog.findViewById
Adjust layout when soft keyboard is on changes will also call onMeasure. Of course it's a dirty variant. You need to check for orientation changes and the right time..
Eclipse Android project, how to reference library within workspace? Add JARs... or an Add Class Folder . Choose the external variant to use an external source. That's it. Add a workspace project..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app .. myOrigApp . Edit that copied Manifest file to change its package name to your new variant that's the only change. If you just run the ant build scripts you may be done. I had to just set up signing.. to just set up signing keys. If you want to set up an IDE like Idea to have the library project as a dependent of the variant project follow these steps to add a library project to the variant project assumes you already have a project set up for.. to have the library project as a dependent of the variant project follow these steps to add a library project to the variant project assumes you already have a project set up for both Open the original project bring up Project Settings select your..
Android valgrind build fails build arch arm Secondary build arch Build OS linux Primary build target ARM_LINUX Secondary build target Platform variant vanilla Primary DVGPV string DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Default supp files exp sgcheck.supp xfree 3.supp xfree 4.supp glibc..
Using Build Flavors - Structuring source folders and build.gradle correctly flavor2 packageName '' After restarting Android Studio I now see 4 build variants under the Build Variants section. Meaning we were succesful on seting up the product flavors so far. Created a new Source.. was already enabled. Despite of this making changes to the build.gradle file doesn't automatically update the build variants. Note I also tried using Build Rebuild Project and or Build Make Project no go. I still have to close the project and re.. If you look at my IO talk you'll see how we mix in together values from the flavors and build type to create the variant. For the Java source src main java src flavor1 java src debug java are all 3 used to create a single output. This means..
Android Library Gradle release JAR what I managed to come up with a few weeks ago when trying to tackle the same problem. android.libraryVariants.all variant def name if name.equals return Skip debug builds. def.. to come up with a few weeks ago when trying to tackle the same problem. android.libraryVariants.all variant def name if name.equals return Skip debug builds. def task project.tasks.create..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor String BASE_URL http GDM final public static String APP_NAME com.MyCompany.MyApp def getSourceSetName variant return new File variant.dirName .getName android.applicationVariants.all variant def aptOutputDir project.file build source.. GDM final public static String APP_NAME com.MyCompany.MyApp def getSourceSetName variant return new File variant.dirName .getName android.applicationVariants.all variant def aptOutputDir project.file build source apt def aptOutput new.. def getSourceSetName variant return new File variant.dirName .getName android.applicationVariants.all variant def aptOutputDir project.file build source apt def aptOutput new File aptOutputDir variant.dirName println println variant..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? import android.util.AttributeSet import android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard a variant of LinearLayout that can detect when the soft keyboard is shown and hidden something Android can't tell you weirdly . public..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap dataStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE copy in out out.flush final byte data dataStream.toByteArray PS I also posted a variant of this question on the android.developer Google group. Thanks a lot for your suggestion now I am really puzzled I did as..
Android: View.getTag/setTag and IllegalArgumentException
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android implement Serializable interface and then you can pass object instances in intent extra using putExtra Serializable.. variant of the Intent#putExtra method. PSEUDO code to pass intent.putExtra MyClass obj to retrieve object in second Activity getIntent..
WebView android proxy class. It's private value and there is no setters for it so reflection seems to be the only possible variant. I used it in my project and it works. Here is the sample of my method private boolean setProxyHostField HttpHost proxyServer..
In Android how to display one view as overlay on top of another view? for starters. You could use the ViewGroup.addView View child int index ViewGroup.LayoutParams params or a variant along with ViewGroup.removeView View view or ViewGroup.removeViewAt int index . This would obviously require you to inflate..
Android findViewbyId with a variant string findViewbyId with a variant string TextView textView1 TextView dialog.findViewById I d like to create something like this for int i..
Adjust layout when soft keyboard is on you can do. But you must be careful since different layout changes will also call onMeasure. Of course it's a dirty variant. You need to check for orientation changes and the right time when actually take the measurements and maybe some more logic..
Eclipse Android project, how to reference library within workspace? Now it depends how you compile your library. So either do an Add JARs... or an Add Class Folder . Choose the external variant to use an external source. That's it. Add a workspace project Right click the project you want to insert in. Click Properties..