android Programming Glossary: vec
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK include C headers like vector in Android NDK When I try to include any C class like vector.. in Android NDK When I try to include any C class like vector in my Android NDK project using NDK r5b the latest I get.. EclipseProjects STLTest jni test libstl.cpp 3 18 error vector No such file or directory Other people who reported this..
Android OpenCV Drawing Hough Lines minLineSize lineGap for int x 0 x lines.cols x double vec lines.get 0 x double x1 vec 0 y1 vec 1 x2 vec 2 y2 vec 3.. int x 0 x lines.cols x double vec lines.get 0 x double x1 vec 0 y1 vec 1 x2 vec 2 y2 vec 3 Point start new Point x1 y1.. lines.cols x double vec lines.get 0 x double x1 vec 0 y1 vec 1 x2 vec 2 y2 vec 3 Point start new Point x1 y1 Point end..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni to the native method and loaded into two eigen float vectors where they are then added together. The product of the two.. where they are then added together. The product of the two vectors is passed back to java and then displayed in a textview... x2 public EditText y2 public EditText z2 public float vecArray public TextView textView1 public Button run float array3..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK include C headers like vector in Android NDK When I try to include any C class like vector in my Android NDK project using NDK r5b the latest I get.. include C headers like vector in Android NDK When I try to include any C class like vector in my Android NDK project using NDK r5b the latest I get an error like the following... Compile thumb test libstl test.. test libstl test libstl.cpp Users nitrex88 Desktop Programming EclipseProjects STLTest jni test libstl.cpp 3 18 error vector No such file or directory Other people who reported this issue online have claimed success by adding APP_STL stlport_static..
Android OpenCV Drawing Hough Lines thresholdImage lines 1 Math.PI 180 threshold minLineSize lineGap for int x 0 x lines.cols x double vec lines.get 0 x double x1 vec 0 y1 vec 1 x2 vec 2 y2 vec 3 Point start new Point x1 y1 Point end new Point x2 y2 Core.line.. lines 1 Math.PI 180 threshold minLineSize lineGap for int x 0 x lines.cols x double vec lines.get 0 x double x1 vec 0 y1 vec 1 x2 vec 2 y2 vec 3 Point start new Point x1 y1 Point end new Point x2 y2 Core.line mRgba start end new Scalar.. 1 Math.PI 180 threshold minLineSize lineGap for int x 0 x lines.cols x double vec lines.get 0 x double x1 vec 0 y1 vec 1 x2 vec 2 y2 vec 3 Point start new Point x1 y1 Point end new Point x2 y2 Core.line mRgba start end new Scalar 255 0 0..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni and when the user clicks the button two float arrays are passed to the native method and loaded into two eigen float vectors where they are then added together. The product of the two vectors is passed back to java and then displayed in a textview... the native method and loaded into two eigen float vectors where they are then added together. The product of the two vectors is passed back to java and then displayed in a textview. Heres a link to the eigen library for android https EditText x public EditText y public EditText z public EditText x2 public EditText y2 public EditText z2 public float vecArray public TextView textView1 public Button run float array3 new float 3 float array1 new float 3 float array2 new float..