android Programming Glossary: vec2
YUV to RGB conversion by fragment shader code #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float #endif varying vec2 v_texCoord uniform sampler2D y_texture uniform sampler2D u_texture..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL position attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate varying vec2 textureCoordinate void main gl_Position position textureCoordinate.. String vertexShaderCode attribute vec4 position attribute vec2 inputTextureCoordinate varying vec2 textureCoordinate void main.. position attribute vec2 inputTextureCoordinate varying vec2 textureCoordinate void main gl_Position position textureCoordinate..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni #include jni.h using namespace Eigen Vector3f vec Vector3f vec2 Vector3f vecRtrn void vecLoad float x float y float z float.. float z float x2 float y2 float z2 vec 0 x vec 1 y vec 2 z vec2 0 x2 vec2 1 y2 vec2 2 z2 void vecAdd Vector3f vecA Vector3f.. x2 float y2 float z2 vec 0 x vec 1 y vec 2 z vec2 0 x2 vec2 1 y2 vec2 2 z2 void vecAdd Vector3f vecA Vector3f vecB vecRtrn..
YUV to RGB conversion by fragment shader GLES20.GL_LINEAR And this is my fragment shader code #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float #endif varying vec2 v_texCoord uniform sampler2D y_texture uniform sampler2D u_texture uniform sampler2D v_texture void main float nx ny r g..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL GL_OES_EGL_image_external require n attribute vec4 position attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate varying vec2 textureCoordinate void main gl_Position position textureCoordinate inputTextureCoordinate.xy private final String fragmentShaderCode.. mDirectVideo new DirectVideo texture Shader private final String vertexShaderCode attribute vec4 position attribute vec2 inputTextureCoordinate varying vec2 textureCoordinate void main gl_Position position textureCoordinate inputTextureCoordinate.. Shader private final String vertexShaderCode attribute vec4 position attribute vec2 inputTextureCoordinate varying vec2 textureCoordinate void main gl_Position position textureCoordinate inputTextureCoordinate private final String fragmentShaderCode..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni code #include iostream #include Eigen Dense #include math.h #include jni.h using namespace Eigen Vector3f vec Vector3f vec2 Vector3f vecRtrn void vecLoad float x float y float z float x2 float y2 float z2 vec 0 x vec 1 y vec 2 z vec2 0 x2 vec2.. Vector3f vec2 Vector3f vecRtrn void vecLoad float x float y float z float x2 float y2 float z2 vec 0 x vec 1 y vec 2 z vec2 0 x2 vec2 1 y2 vec2 2 z2 void vecAdd Vector3f vecA Vector3f vecB vecRtrn vecA vecB extern C JNIEXPORT jfloatArray JNICALL.. Vector3f vecRtrn void vecLoad float x float y float z float x2 float y2 float z2 vec 0 x vec 1 y vec 2 z vec2 0 x2 vec2 1 y2 vec2 2 z2 void vecAdd Vector3f vecA Vector3f vecB vecRtrn vecA vecB extern C JNIEXPORT jfloatArray JNICALL Java_jnimath_act_JnimathActivity_test..