android Programming Glossary: varies
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results such approach would work great for a sensor value which varies without discontinuities such as raw data from accelerometer..
Playing youtube video in Android app a video tag to play YouTube via HTML5. Support for this varies between various releases of Android. It works well on Android..
How to make grid view scroll horizontally not vertically in android? in android I have a dynamic Grid View. Means its content varies. So if the number of items increases it makes vertical scroll...
Take screensot and save android saved the cropped image in sdcard. The snap shots size varies. This worked for me on my device. I have posted the same. If..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error the while loop will have run maybe 10 times though that varies . My question is therefore what the hell is going on P Why would..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts number of bitmaps I do the following. The Native heap size varies by platform. So at startup we check the maximum allowed VM heap..
View the Task's activity stack want. Here is an example of its output the exact contents varies across platform versions showing the top task being contacts..
How to change 1 meter to pixel distance? projection the distance that a pixel represents in meters varies with latitude so while a meter is a very small distance compared..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 of the download interrupts I saw that the interrupt timing varies a lot sometimes the download runs uninterrupted for less than..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? opens to the full screen height. The height of my content varies but typically it's only about half the screen height so I end..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? a C game running through JNI in Android. The frame rate varies from about 20 45fps due to scene complexity. Anything above..
How to have Image and Text Center within a Button Icon But Text and Icon is not in center. My Text size varies according to text size Icon and Text should get adjusted to..
When to close db connection on android? Every time after your operation finished or after your app exit overhead. Does the performance overhead of DB connection varies on the size of the DB android database sqlite connection ..
Text color of a closed spinner you told your SpinnerAdapter to create. If the color varies override getView in your SpinnerAdapter and change the color..
What hardware devices do you test your Android apps on? will know that how you control the game varies between devices because it supports multiple input methods...
Submitting tasks to a thread-pool gives RejectedExecutionException 10 private static final int KEEP_ALIVE 10 Note this varies in the different versions of Android share improve this answer..
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark supply the right interface name for the capture and this varies from one device to another eg i eth0 or i tiwlan0 or use i any..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results an averaging low pass filter to smoothen the data. Although such approach would work great for a sensor value which varies without discontinuities such as raw data from accelerometer it doesn't work so great verbatim with angular variables fetched..
Playing youtube video in Android app and will not work for Android 4.1 and later. 2 You can embed a video tag to play YouTube via HTML5. Support for this varies between various releases of Android. It works well on Android 4.0 and later earlier releases have somewhat spotty HTML5..
How to make grid view scroll horizontally not vertically in android? to make grid view scroll horizontally not vertically in android I have a dynamic Grid View. Means its content varies. So if the number of items increases it makes vertical scroll. I want to make it as horizontal scroll. Please suggest some..
Take screensot and save android to save Image cropped and saved opened in gallery Note I have saved the cropped image in sdcard. The snap shots size varies. This worked for me on my device. I have posted the same. If anyone has a better idea pls edit the above post. Manifestfile..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error hang occurs every time after 5 10 seconds of playing in which the while loop will have run maybe 10 times though that varies . My question is therefore what the hell is going on P Why would these newer phones but seemingly none of the older phones..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts in one of my applications that dynamically creates a large number of bitmaps I do the following. The Native heap size varies by platform. So at startup we check the maximum allowed VM heap size to determine the maximum allowed Native heap size...
View the Task's activity stack that so you may need to scroll up a bit to find what you want. Here is an example of its output the exact contents varies across platform versions showing the top task being contacts with two activities and behind that the launcher with one activity..
How to change 1 meter to pixel distance? need to use that for the conversion. Under the Mercator projection the distance that a pixel represents in meters varies with latitude so while a meter is a very small distance compared to the Earth radius latitude is important. All the examples..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 user written scripts . However when I measured the timing of the download interrupts I saw that the interrupt timing varies a lot sometimes the download runs uninterrupted for less than 100 seconds and sometimes up to seven minutes . So I don't..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? it in the layout XML see below but the sliding drawer always opens to the full screen height. The height of my content varies but typically it's only about half the screen height so I end up with a big gap underneath it. What I'd like is for the..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY I have a C game running through JNI in Android. The frame rate varies from about 20 45fps due to scene complexity. Anything above 30fps is silly for the game it's just burning battery. I'd like..
How to have Image and Text Center within a Button 40dip android text TEXT android drawableLeft @drawable Icon But Text and Icon is not in center. My Text size varies according to text size Icon and Text should get adjusted to center. How should i do it android share improve this question..
When to close db connection on android? Every time after your operation finished or after your app exit testing and find the DB connection doesn't have too much perf overhead. Does the performance overhead of DB connection varies on the size of the DB android database sqlite connection share improve this question I don't know of any performance..
Text color of a closed spinner don't you give it the right color in the first place via whatever you told your SpinnerAdapter to create. If the color varies override getView in your SpinnerAdapter and change the color at that point. In a pinch you can try calling getSelectedView..
What hardware devices do you test your Android apps on? has played the free and open source game Replica Island http will know that how you control the game varies between devices because it supports multiple input methods. I think Chris and Genki have done a fantastic job here but if..
Submitting tasks to a thread-pool gives RejectedExecutionException
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark captures using a GUI. Tip You will need to make sure you supply the right interface name for the capture and this varies from one device to another eg i eth0 or i tiwlan0 or use i any to log all interfaces For IOS 5 devices any network iOS 5..