android Programming Glossary: verify
Eclipse Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED 0x2094 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 Cross item verify of section type 0004 failed 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129.. failed 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 ERROR Byte swap verify failed 09 30 19 03 19.961 E dalvikvm 6129 Optimization failed..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? shared libraries you can include the needed code in C to verify file sizes integration etc. If you need to add an external native..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue your API_KEY which is obtained from Google API Access so verify your API_KEY certificate fingerprints and package name also.. 0x00020000 android required true uses feature and also verify meta data .... should be inside application tag PS. 1. Also..
Problem unmarshalling parcelables classes starting at the first call to writeToParcel and verify that all the values are getting sent correctly. share improve..
Android HttpClient - hostname in certificate didn't match <> != <*> delegate this.delegate delegate @Override public void verify String host String cns String subjectAlts throws SSLException.. throws SSLException boolean ok false try delegate.verify host cns subjectAlts catch SSLException e for String cn cns.. e for String cn cns if cn.startsWith . try delegate.verify host new String cn.substring 2 subjectAlts ok true catch..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 Range lastModified The server will use this information to verify if you're requesting exactly the same file. share improve..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? calling functions that don't seem to exist anymore. I did verify that the call to pauseTimers is working by testing with a simple..
SharedPreferences and Thread Safety runs in a separate process than say the activity. To verify the thready safety see the's SharedPreferenceImpl..
largeHeap=true manifest tag not working? and ActivityManager.getLargeMemoryClass to verify the approximated values assigned to your app. share improve..
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” in my android application and run it I am getting the verify error when it tries to access the class present in the library... 52 Sending signal. PID 224 SIG 3 Thanks Senthil.M android verify share improve this question In Eclipse go to the Project..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp is here . UPDATE I made a small application to try and verify the different sizes. It looks like what is above is correct.. renders match up with the actual devices. Can anyone verify these sizes I'll attach my xml below in case anyone wants to..
Android java.lang.VerifyError? mail.jar activation.jar servlet api.jar I cannot so I get verify errors. I would like to get to the root of this problem once.. class files which I do not know of. java android gdata verifyerror share improve this question Android uses a different..
How to kill currently running task in android where it was killed or in other words restarted. You can verify it from any task manager that they don't kill the process because..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ implements HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession session return true This class use..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file test.m4a 17 775 201 bytes was downloaded by the app. To verify its integrity I copied it to the SD and played it on my PC...
Android Camera : data intent returns null and the pictures is in the URL that you passed in. You can verify this by looking at the camera app's source code on github https..
Eclipse Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 Trouble with item 226 @ offset 0x2094 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 Cross item verify of section type 0004 failed 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 ERROR Byte swap verify failed 09 30 19 03 19.961 E dalvikvm.. E dalvikvm 6129 Cross item verify of section type 0004 failed 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 ERROR Byte swap verify failed 09 30 19 03 19.961 E dalvikvm 6129 Optimization failed 09 30 19 03 19.961 W installd 144 DexInv END ' data app com.example.searchapp..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? has built in is ProGuard. If you have the option of including shared libraries you can include the needed code in C to verify file sizes integration etc. If you need to add an external native library to your APK's library folder on every build then..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue improve this question it sounds like you have problem with your API_KEY which is obtained from Google API Access so verify your API_KEY certificate fingerprints and package name also use this inside manifest uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000.. also use this inside manifest uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true uses feature and also verify meta data .... should be inside application tag PS. 1. Also try by adding following Permission uses permission android name..
Problem unmarshalling parcelables
Android HttpClient - hostname in certificate didn't match <> != <*> delegate public MyVerifier final X509HostnameVerifier delegate this.delegate delegate @Override public void verify String host String cns String subjectAlts throws SSLException boolean ok false try delegate.verify host cns subjectAlts.. public void verify String host String cns String subjectAlts throws SSLException boolean ok false try delegate.verify host cns subjectAlts catch SSLException e for String cn cns if cn.startsWith . try delegate.verify host new String .. try delegate.verify host cns subjectAlts catch SSLException e for String cn cns if cn.startsWith . try delegate.verify host new String cn.substring 2 subjectAlts ok true catch Exception e1 if ok throw e public DefaultHttpClient getTolerantClient..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? the code I have been looking at is out of date because it is calling functions that don't seem to exist anymore. I did verify that the call to pauseTimers is working by testing with a simple JavaScript setInterval which updates a counter. Is there..
SharedPreferences and Thread Safety you to configure it in the AndroidManifest.xml so say the service runs in a separate process than say the activity. To verify the thready safety see the's SharedPreferenceImpl from AOSP. Note there's a synchronized wherever you'd..
largeHeap=true manifest tag not working?
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” android app which acts as a library. When I link this library in my android application and run it I am getting the verify error when it tries to access the class present in the library. May I know what is the issue blocking here for me Any help.. 224 ... 4 more 06 06 10 05 43.832 INFO Process 52 Sending signal. PID 224 SIG 3 Thanks Senthil.M android verify share improve this question In Eclipse go to the Project properties Java Build Path . Select the Order and Export Tab..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp of the screen density. The Android documentation for this is here . UPDATE I made a small application to try and verify the different sizes. It looks like what is above is correct at least when shown on my HTC Aria. Here is a screenshot It's.. WXGA clipped It would be interesting to see if these editor renders match up with the actual devices. Can anyone verify these sizes I'll attach my xml below in case anyone wants to help out. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
Android java.lang.VerifyError? java client . I can get this in source but it's dependencies mail.jar activation.jar servlet api.jar I cannot so I get verify errors. I would like to get to the root of this problem once and for all. I looked on the internet but they all seem to.. on the internet but they all seem to talk about incomplete class files which I do not know of. java android gdata verifyerror share improve this question Android uses a different class file format. Are you running the 3rd party JAR files..
How to kill currently running task in android when next time user start that activity it will start from where it was killed or in other words restarted. You can verify it from any task manager that they don't kill the process because no one can do so. This method also work in ICS. for above..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ err return responseLine private static class CustomizedHostnameVerifier implements HostnameVerifier public boolean verify String hostname SSLSession session return true This class use in class
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file working on some devices Especially my Nexus S 2.3.6 . The file test.m4a 17 775 201 bytes was downloaded by the app. To verify its integrity I copied it to the SD and played it on my PC. No problem Also binary compared it with the original file and..
Android Camera : data intent returns null with a URL to write to it will return a null intent and the pictures is in the URL that you passed in. You can verify this by looking at the camera app's source code on github https android platform_packages_apps_camera blob gingerbread..
Android take screenshot on rooted device _SSButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v if _Puller null return TODO Verify that external storage is available Could always use internal instead... _Puller new PullScreenAsyncTask _Puller.execute..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? must be handled by the Dojo Mobile layers or you had to have copied the needed resources into the project. So Step 1 Verify your application works in the Mobile Browser Simulator with Provide Library Resources checked. If the Console log is showing..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? apk res android PreferenceCategory android title Personal Settings ListPreference android title Gender android summary Verify or deny the presence of a Y chromosome. android key genderPref android defaultValue male android entries @array genderArray..
Intent to launch the clock application on android context.getPackageManager Intent alarmClockIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN .addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER Verify clock implementation String clockImpls HTC Alarm Clock
getLastNonConfigurationInstance always returning null you describe is not possible not unless you've uncovered a long hidden bug in Java's cast operator. Hint you haven't. Verify that getLastNonConfigurationInstance is actually returning a non null object. Verify that myMap is actually null. If you're.. cast operator. Hint you haven't. Verify that getLastNonConfigurationInstance is actually returning a non null object. Verify that myMap is actually null. If you're using a debugger to check those values try printing them to the console instead...