android Programming Glossary: vars
Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator) all I had to change the last thing was to remove unused vars handler unused imports java.util.List and remove handler new..
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed] be used for sure in that case you can group it with other vars to improve readability. I think that is what JCC says about..
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) Open connection ch curl_init Set the url number of POST vars POST data curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST..
Android video trimming via ffmpeg application to close down read about the issue with static vars in 'ffmpeg.c' ... I would bet that u have the same problem and.. to do something 3 alternate choices to reset or GC those vars get the java classloader that loaded the lib and GC it in the..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] else is reading this remember you can't have the counting vars total_Accel or init_vel re instantiated each time you call dblIntegrate..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame 0.00001f private final int gToCountRate 1000000 Kalman vars. private KalmanState previousKalmanStateX private KalmanState..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application on this but i have define vars Please some one tell me how do i parse above JSON. Am i on a..
In Android: How do I get variables/data from one screen to another? appear and simply show me the answer 4 . Do I use global vars to do this Any help would be appreciated. android share improve..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? hello jni sample project LOCAL_PATH call my dir # Define vars for library that will be build statically. include CLEAR_VARS..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? WifiConfiguration.class.getFields Dispatching Field vars for Field wcefField wcefFields if wcefField.getName .trim..
Android Application Class Lifecycle lightweight state username gps location etc in static vars. Most of this state is set in OnCreate of the launch activity..
Use FFMPEG on Android [closed] cumbersome but works. You need to look out for the static vars defined in ffmpeg.c and reset them every time you invoke the..
How to get data from each dynamically created EditText in Android it seems a bit tricky .. i cant assign the data to string vars . . When i do null pointer exception occurs . . and if tats..
How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)? canvas.drawRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight background Set vars for Arrow Paint Paint paint new Paint paint.setColor getResources..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together formValiableValue3 This doesn't compress all the post vars inside of one content body part but it dose the job. You can't..
IntelliJ adding android sourcepath doesn't work fully like variables it doesn't know about it. Many times these vars are inherited from the superclass. Why can't IntelliJ figure..
return value from Async task in android class myTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void initiate vars public myTask super my params here protected Void doInBackground..
clickable word inside TextView in android link new SpannableString devFull.length 1 local vars ClickableSpan cs new ClickableSpan devFull.length 1 String linkWord..
Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator) I didn't have to use getContext instad of this That's about all I had to change the last thing was to remove unused vars handler unused imports java.util.List and remove handler new Handler . I find this example of custom UI component very interesting..
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed]
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) key ' . apiKey 'Content Type application json' Open connection ch curl_init Set the url number of POST vars POST data curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER headers curl_setopt..
Android video trimming via ffmpeg of third party library in an Activity causes the Android application to close down read about the issue with static vars in 'ffmpeg.c' ... I would bet that u have the same problem and need to do something 3 alternate choices to reset or GC those.. ... I would bet that u have the same problem and need to do something 3 alternate choices to reset or GC those vars get the java classloader that loaded the lib and GC it in the c layer do what the OP did in above link write a 2nd shared..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] data of course I realize you understand this but for anyone else is reading this remember you can't have the counting vars total_Accel or init_vel re instantiated each time you call dblIntegrate . If you are doing it right you should see total_Accel..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame boolean kalmanFiletring false Rates. private float nanoTtoGRate 0.00001f private final int gToCountRate 1000000 Kalman vars. private KalmanState previousKalmanStateX private KalmanState previousKalmanStateY private KalmanState previousKalmanStateZ..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application return JSON String return jObj And Im getting errors settingsjava.lang.NullPointException on this but i have define vars Please some one tell me how do i parse above JSON. Am i on a right track to achieve ans. of my question java android json..
In Android: How do I get variables/data from one screen to another? when I hit the 'OK' button I want a new screen activity to appear and simply show me the answer 4 . Do I use global vars to do this Any help would be appreciated. android share improve this question First Activity Intent myIntent new Intent..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? should use it. Example of a modified file of the hello jni sample project LOCAL_PATH call my dir # Define vars for library that will be build statically. include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_MODULE module_name LOCAL_C_INCLUDES header_files_path..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? null wcefPhase2 null wcefPrivateKey null Field wcefFields WifiConfiguration.class.getFields Dispatching Field vars for Field wcefField wcefFields if wcefField.getName .trim .equals INT_ANONYMOUS_IDENTITY wcefAnonymousId wcefField..
Android Application Class Lifecycle app I am working on overrides the Application class to store lightweight state username gps location etc in static vars. Most of this state is set in OnCreate of the launch activity username retrieved from prefs location listener runs . Is..
Use FFMPEG on Android [closed] you understand the command line parameters. It is rather cumbersome but works. You need to look out for the static vars defined in ffmpeg.c and reset them every time you invoke the main function. Also make sure you don't invoke the main in..
How to get data from each dynamically created EditText in Android .. I am using getid and gettext .toString methods but it seems a bit tricky .. i cant assign the data to string vars . . When i do null pointer exception occurs . . and if tats not the case No user input data is shown when i view it in a..
How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)? background.setColor getResources .getColor R.color.background canvas.drawRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight background Set vars for Arrow Paint Paint paint new Paint paint.setColor getResources .getColor R.color.arrowColor centerX getWidth 2 centerY..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together formVariableName2 formValiableValue2 formVariableName3 formValiableValue3 This doesn't compress all the post vars inside of one content body part but it dose the job. You can't access the data from php stdin or HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA both..
IntelliJ adding android sourcepath doesn't work fully in the source IntelliJ is complaining about unresolved stuff like variables it doesn't know about it. Many times these vars are inherited from the superclass. Why can't IntelliJ figure this out It has no problem going to the declaration of the..
return value from Async task in android handles the value public class MyClass extends Activity private class myTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void initiate vars public myTask super my params here protected Void doInBackground Void... params do stuff return null @Override protected..
clickable word inside TextView in android with links they amount always will devFull.length 1 SpannableString link new SpannableString devFull.length 1 local vars ClickableSpan cs new ClickableSpan devFull.length 1 String linkWord String devDevFull new String 2 for int i 1 i devFull.length..