android Programming Glossary: valuecallback
Android WebView File Upload more info... public class IStyla extends Activity private ValueCallback Uri mUploadMessage private final static int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE.. extends WebChromeClient public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent.. ProgressBar.GONE public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent..
Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView WebView wv make HTML upload button work in Webview private ValueCallback Uri mUploadMessage private final static int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE.. private Uri imageUri public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg String acceptType File imageStorageDir new File.. When openFileChooser is called the call back object ValueCallback Uri is being passed. This is the actual call back to web view..
File Upload in WebView first created. WebView web ProgressBar progressBar private ValueCallback Uri mUploadMessage private final static int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE.. @Override here For Android 3.0 public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent.. For Android 3.0 public void openFileChooser ValueCallback uploadMsg String acceptType mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent..
Android WebView File Upload My minimum SDK version is version 8. Here is my code for more info... public class IStyla extends Activity private ValueCallback Uri mUploadMessage private final static int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE 1 @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode.. result mUploadMessage null private class MyWebChromeClient extends WebChromeClient public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT i.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE.. progress if progress 100 progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.GONE public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT i.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE..
Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView from gallery or camera. Within my Activity I have private WebView wv make HTML upload button work in Webview private ValueCallback Uri mUploadMessage private final static int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE 1 @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode.. I have the following wv.setWebChromeClient new WebChromeClient private Uri imageUri public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg String acceptType File imageStorageDir new File Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES.. the same problem. Here's the problem and how I solved it. Problem When openFileChooser is called the call back object ValueCallback Uri is being passed. This is the actual call back to web view when we have a file ready for it. We save this object to mUploadMessage..
File Upload in WebView class MyWb extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. WebView web ProgressBar progressBar private ValueCallback Uri mUploadMessage private final static int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE 1 @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode.. override Eclipse will swear at you if you try to put @Override here For Android 3.0 public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT i.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE.. Intent.createChooser i File Chooser FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE For Android 3.0 public void openFileChooser ValueCallback uploadMsg String acceptType mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT i.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE..