android Programming Glossary: usr
openSSL using Android's NDK problems armeabi to android ndk r8c platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib this way when compiling you can include the libs using a.. Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system.. Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr include . configure host arm linux androideabi with ssl home..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c openssl.. fips 2.0 . config make make install # copy files to usr local ssl build fips capable openssl library .a gunzip c openssl.. tar xf cd openssl 1.0.1c . config fips with fipslibdir usr local ssl fips 2.0 lib make depend make There you go. share..
Failed to load in android SDK installed into ~ android sdk linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools lib This.. tools lib This solves errors just like linking to usr lib does but doesn't require root and doesn't mess with core..
Can't run a java android program with valgrind script running it starting your app through Valgrind . # usr bin env bash adb push data local adb shell..
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds VS.G3EngineManager 1461 Brought up new g3 instance system usr srec en US endpointer_voicesearch.config for en USin 3 ms 12.. VS.G3EngineManager 1461 Brought up new g3 instance system usr srec en US endpointer_voicesearch.config for en USin 5 ms 12..
Android SQLite and huge data sets WARN KeyCharacterMap 19416 Using default keymap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin 09 10 19 20 04.705 ERROR CursorWindow..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? c android ndk r4 build platforms android 8 arch x86 usr include asm posix_types.h 15 28 error posix_types_64.h No such..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? SDK installed there should be a program called keytool in usr bin on a unix based system . On Windows the SDK should also..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing II' classes 0x80000003 configuration '' keyLayout ' system usr keylayout Generic.kl' keyCharacterMap ' system usr keychars.. system usr keylayout Generic.kl' keyCharacterMap ' system usr keychars Generic.kcm' builtinKeyboard false I InputReader 144..
“No keyboard for id 0” - what does it mean? No keyboard for id 0 and Using default keyMap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin I couldn't find out what they mean does..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator for id 0 W KeyCharacterMap 165 Using default keymap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin D NfcSettings 165 onPreferenceChange..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application WARN KeyCharacterMap 117 Using default keymap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin 10 22 21 49 22.275 INFO ARMAssembler..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project yury software android ndk r6b platforms android 8 arch arm usr include stdint.h 48 error redefinition of typedef 'int8_t' home..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems folder for easy access so copy them from openssl folder libs armeabi to android ndk r8c platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib this way when compiling you can include the libs using a simple linker switch lssl lcrypto Step two get Curl's latest.. 4.4.3 bin PATH export LDFLAGS lssl lcrypto L home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms.. Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr include . configure host arm linux androideabi with ssl home user Development Projects portingLibs openssl android master..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 ARCH arm export CROSS_COMPILE arm linux androideabi export ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c openssl fips 2.0.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl fips 2.0 . config make make.. openssl module gunzip c openssl fips 2.0.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl fips 2.0 . config make make install # copy files to usr local ssl build fips capable openssl library .a gunzip c openssl 1.0.1c.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl 1.0.1c . config fips with..
Failed to load in android android share improve this question I have android SDK installed into ~ android sdk linux_x86 so I did ln s usr lib ~ android sdk linux_x86 tools lib This solves errors just like linking to usr lib does but doesn't..
Can't run a java android program with valgrind just use the below script to do the all the work copying the script running it starting your app through Valgrind . # usr bin env bash adb push data local adb shell chmod 777 data local adb root adb shell setprop..
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds SpeechListener 13268 onRmsChanged 12 16 13 50 56.916 I VS.G3EngineManager 1461 Brought up new g3 instance system usr srec en US endpointer_voicesearch.config for en USin 3 ms 12 16 13 50 56.926 I ConnectionFactoryImpl 1461 Opening SSL connection.. SSL connection 14259 12 16 13 53 39.326 I VS.G3EngineManager 1461 Brought up new g3 instance system usr srec en US endpointer_voicesearch.config for en USin 5 ms 12 16 13 53 39.366 D MainActivity SpeechListener 13441 onRmsChanged..
Android SQLite and huge data sets KeyCharacterMap 19416 No keyboard for id 0 09 10 19 19 43.717 WARN KeyCharacterMap 19416 Using default keymap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin 09 10 19 20 04.705 ERROR CursorWindow 19416 need to grow mSize 1048576 size 17 freeSpace 3 numRows..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? compile using arm eabi gcc but I get the following error cygdrive c android ndk r4 build platforms android 8 arch x86 usr include asm posix_types.h 15 28 error posix_types_64.h No such file or directory How do I get this to work android static..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? using the terminal to create a keystore and you have Java SDK installed there should be a program called keytool in usr bin on a unix based system . On Windows the SDK should also come with the keytool but the install location may be different..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing fd 219 path ' dev input event8' name 'Yubico Yubico Yubikey II' classes 0x80000003 configuration '' keyLayout ' system usr keylayout Generic.kl' keyCharacterMap ' system usr keychars Generic.kcm' builtinKeyboard false I InputReader 144 Device.. Yubikey II' classes 0x80000003 configuration '' keyLayout ' system usr keylayout Generic.kl' keyCharacterMap ' system usr keychars Generic.kcm' builtinKeyboard false I InputReader 144 Device added id 43 name 'Yubico Yubico Yubikey II' sources..
“No keyboard for id 0” - what does it mean? opens onCreateOptionsMenu .. is called I get these warnings No keyboard for id 0 and Using default keyMap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin I couldn't find out what they mean does anyone know I didn't like this answer . Here's the simple..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator of the adb logcat is W KeyCharacterMap 165 No keyboard for id 0 W KeyCharacterMap 165 Using default keymap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin D NfcSettings 165 onPreferenceChange Setting NFC key nfc_cc_ip D NfcSettings 165 onPreferenceChange..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application WARN KeyCharacterMap 117 No keyboard for id 0 10 22 21 49 18.015 WARN KeyCharacterMap 117 Using default keymap system usr keychars qwerty.kcm.bin 10 22 21 49 22.275 INFO ARMAssembler 58 generated s scanline__00000077 03515104_00000000_00000000..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec jbig2.c 22 home yury software android ndk r6b platforms android 8 arch arm usr include stdint.h 48 error redefinition of typedef 'int8_t' home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni..