android Programming Glossary: useranswer
Determine addAction click for Android notifications Bundle yesBundle new Bundle yesBundle.putInt userAnswer 1 This is the value I want to pass yesReceive.putExtras yesBundle.. Bundle maybeBundle new Bundle maybeBundle.putInt userAnswer 3 This is the value I want to pass maybeReceive.putExtras maybeBundle.. CUSTOM_INTENT Bundle noBundle new Bundle noBundle.putInt userAnswer 2 This is the value I want to pass noReceive.putExtras noBundle..
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment callBack FragmentData fD Button submitAnswer EditText userAnswer TextView qText expl @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater..
Determine addAction click for Android notifications intent Intent yesReceive new Intent yesReceive.setAction CUSTOM_INTENT Bundle yesBundle new Bundle yesBundle.putInt userAnswer 1 This is the value I want to pass yesReceive.putExtras yesBundle PendingIntent pendingIntentYes PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. Intent maybeReceive new Intent maybeReceive.setAction CUSTOM_INTENT Bundle maybeBundle new Bundle maybeBundle.putInt userAnswer 3 This is the value I want to pass maybeReceive.putExtras maybeBundle PendingIntent pendingIntentMaybe PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. No intent Intent noReceive new Intent noReceive.setAction CUSTOM_INTENT Bundle noBundle new Bundle noBundle.putInt userAnswer 2 This is the value I want to pass noReceive.putExtras noBundle PendingIntent pendingIntentNo PendingIntent.getBroadcast..
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment public class TestFragment extends Fragment AnswerEnterListener callBack FragmentData fD Button submitAnswer EditText userAnswer TextView qText expl @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState..