android Programming Glossary: username
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android I thought this format for the response from server post username someusername message this is a sweet message image http localhost.. this format for the response from server post username someusername message this is a sweet message image http localhost someimage.jpg..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? I already have an area where the user can save his her username and password encrypted . I would like my program to recall the.. encrypted . I would like my program to recall the saved username and password pass that to Facebook for authentication and then.. but that uses a webview interface and I can't pass in the username and password for easy authentication. Plus I'm still clueless..
Restful API service binder new IRestfulService.Stub public void doLogin String username String password Message msg new Message Bundle data new Bundle.. String String values new HashMap String String values.put username username values.put password password String result post Config.getURL.. values new HashMap String String values.put username username values.put password password String result post Config.getURL..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout android layout_marginTop 4dp TextView android id @ id username_label android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height.. textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text username android textStyle normal EditText android id @ id username_input.. username android textStyle normal EditText android id @ id username_input android inputType textEmailAddress android layout_width..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android like to implement an authentication method which sends username and password to server and a server sends back a session string... try String url http 8000 Login username test password test HttpGet method new HttpGet new URI url HttpResponse.. how to create an appropriate method string Login string username string password with appropriate App.config settings and Interface..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken1 username nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken2 password httpost.setEntity..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application creating an application which connects to the server using username password and I would like to enable the option Save password..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException NameValuePair postParameters.add new BasicNameValuePair username email postParameters.add new BasicNameValuePair password pass..
android youtube upload video with static username and password with 4 Set Username and password in 5 Register your email..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 soap envelope soap mustUnderstand 1 wsse UsernameToken xmlns wsse http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis.. 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd wsse Username cbrown wsse Username wsse Password Type http docs.oasis wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd wsse Username cbrown wsse Username wsse Password Type http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis..
Android Studio - Importing external Library/Jar prompt on your project's root location i.e 'C Users Username AndroidStudioProjects MyApplicationProject ' On the command..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? @Override public void onClick View v String mUsername username.getText .toString String mPassword password.getText.. String mPassword password.getText .toString tryLogin mUsername mPassword protected void tryLogin String mUsername String.. mUsername mPassword protected void tryLogin String mUsername String mPassword HttpURLConnection connection OutputStreamWriter..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request message CDATA message status CDATA true status Rlo CDATA Username Rlo Rsc CDATA 9L99PK1KGKSkfMbcsxvkF0S0UoldJ0SU Rsc Rm CDATA..
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android soap Header DTHeader xmlns http webservices Username string Username Password string Password DTHeader soap Header.. xmlns http webservices Username string Username Password string Password DTHeader soap Header soap Body MyTestMethod.. the android code to set the soap header DTHeader and set Username and Password . android soap header ksoap2 share improve this..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack searchForm.createAnswerForm answerForm.setAnswer Username true answerForm.setAnswer search contact.getJid ReportedData..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android.. android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android..
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? 100dip android layout_marginLeft 30dip android text Username android textColor #000000 EditText android id @ id txt_username.. intent else loginTextView.setText Login failed. Username and or password doesn't match. I want to assign the keep..
Can we post image on twitter using twitter API in Android? Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Please enter valid Username and Password. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show If we got a response..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? error.setText res if res.equals 1 error.setText Correct Username or Password else error.setText Sorry Incorrect Username or.. Username or Password else error.setText Sorry Incorrect Username or Password catch Exception e un.setText e.toString package..
Add padding on view programmatically android layout_height wrap_content android text Username TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height.. android layout_height wrap_content android text Username LinearLayout I would like to set a paddingTop to the above LinearLayout..
android youtube upload video with static username and password String template Email s Passwd s service s source s String userName USERNAME TODO String password PASSWORD TODO String service YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE.. String loginData String.format template encode userName encode password service source OutputStreamWriter outStreamWriter..
ClassDefNotFound error in android Content type application json json.put username userName json.put password password StringEntity se new StringEntity..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? manager SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance String userName manager.getLoginUsername String userPass manager.getDecryptedLoginPassword.. host realm if haup null haup.length 2 userName haup 0 userPass haup 1 if userName null userPass null handler.proceed.. null haup.length 2 userName haup 0 userPass haup 1 if userName null userPass null handler.proceed userName userPass else..
Android Library Gradle release JAR repository url sonatypeRepositoryUrl authentication userName nexusUsername password nexusPassword pom.project name POM_NAME..
Can't connect to WCF service on Android PropertyInfo uName new PropertyInfo userName PropertyInfo pWord new PropertyInfo passWord request.addProperty..
Android: UnknownHostException name nameValuePairs .add new BasicNameValuePair stringdata userName httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute..
JDBC connection in Android jdbctutorial String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName root String password root try Class.forName driver .newInstance.. .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close..
Android + MySQL using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver dbName database String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName root String password try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn.. .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close.. dbName database String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName root String password try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn..
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.table TextView userName TextView findViewById Bundle bundle getIntent.. TextView userName TextView findViewById Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if bundle.getString strName.. string stored in the string variable and do setText on userName I know it is very basic question but unfortunately I am stuck..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] 20dip android paddingRight 20dip EditText android id @ id userName android singleLine true android layout_width fill_parent android..
Android REST client, Sample? Request a User Profile from the REST server. @param userName The user name for which the profile is to be requested. @param.. profile is available. public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile.. callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback @Override public void..
How to parse this Web service response in Android? from the web service is in the following format anyType UserName anyType Password anyType ApplicationCode JOB ActionType Query..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) 1 followers ids.json screen_name TwitterApp.UserName for int i 0 i Friends_ID.size i getmethodFriendprofile Friends_ID.get.. static String oauth_verifier protected static String UserName null UeserID null static String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL twitterapp.. mSession.storeAccessToken mAccessToken user.getName UserName user.getName Log.d user name UserName Log.d user ID user.getId..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? startingActivity HOST_URL else error.setText Incorrect UserName or Password catch Exception e Log.e Exception Occured Exception..
Emulator problem in Android I had to delete the following folders manually C Users UserName .android avd AVD2.1.avd cache.img.lock C Users UserName .android.. UserName .android avd AVD2.1.avd cache.img.lock C Users UserName .android avd AVD2.1.avd userdata qemu.img.lock share improve..
How to use SharedPreferences [duplicate] prefEditor settings.edit prefEditor.putString UserName JaneDoe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit This.. under the . after the first 2 prefEditor statements under UserName JaneDoe under UserAge 22 and under commit I've looked on loads.. Edit the saved preferences editor.putString UserName JaneDoe editor.putInt UserAge 22 editor.commit share improve..
How to remove the white spaces between tags in XML EditText txtusername EditText findViewById subscriber 0 String.valueOf txtusername.getText Element UserName.. subscriber 0 String.valueOf txtusername.getText Element UserName doc.createElement UserName UserName.setTextContent subscriber.. txtusername.getText Element UserName doc.createElement UserName UserName.setTextContent subscriber 0 root.appendChild UserName..
Using shared preferences editor prefEditor settings.edit prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22.. prefEditor settings.edit prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit share..
Performing login to https website via Android app NameValuePair 4 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair UserName my username here nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair PIN..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application WebMethod public String GetLoginDetails string UserName string Password try using SqlConnection myConnection new SqlConnection.. myCommand.CommandText SELECT COUNT FROM Login WHERE UserName @UserName AND Password @Password myCommand.Parameters.Add @UserName.. SELECT COUNT FROM Login WHERE UserName @UserName AND Password @Password myCommand.Parameters.Add @UserName SqlDbType.VarChar..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? What I want to do A list with messages like this UserName and here is the mnessage the user writes that will wrap nicely..
android youtube upload video with static username and password Email s Passwd s service s source s String userName USERNAME TODO String password PASSWORD TODO String service YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance private final String USERNAME manager.getLoginUsername private final String PASSWORD manager.getDecryptedLoginPassword.. webView.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword HOST REALM USERNAME PASSWORD webView.setWebViewClient new AnswersWebView this webView..
How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url true mWebview.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword HOST REALM USERNAME PASSWORD mWebview.setScrollbarFadingEnabled false mWebview.getSettings.. final String host final String realm handler.proceed USERNAME PASSWORD @Override public void onReceivedSslError WebView view..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? private static String URL private final String USERNAME manager.getLoginUsername private final String PASSWORD manager.getDecryptedLoginPassword.. final String host final String realm handler.proceed USERNAME PASSWORD @Override public void onReceivedSslError WebView view..
Proxy which requires authentication with Android Emulator I've tried setting the http proxy argument to http DOMAIN USERNAME PASSWORD@IP PORT but am having no success. I've tried following..
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android .createElement NAMESPACE user username.addChild Node.TEXT USERNAME h.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement..
ignore ssl errors in DefaultHttpClient http new DefaultHttpClient final String username USERNAME final String password PASSWORD UsernamePasswordCredentials c.. http new DefaultHttpClient final String username USERNAME final String password PASSWORD UsernamePasswordCredentials c..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android a custom listview. From the little JSON knowledge I have I thought this format for the response from server post username someusername message this is a sweet message image http localhost someimage.jpg time present time How much knowledge of.. listview. From the little JSON knowledge I have I thought this format for the response from server post username someusername message this is a sweet message image http localhost someimage.jpg time present time How much knowledge of JSON should I..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? trying to integrate posting to one's wall from within my app. I already have an area where the user can save his her username and password encrypted . I would like my program to recall the saved username and password pass that to Facebook for authentication.. an area where the user can save his her username and password encrypted . I would like my program to recall the saved username and password pass that to Facebook for authentication and then allow the app to post simple text maybe a link too to the.. even tried messing with the official Facebook Android SDK but that uses a webview interface and I can't pass in the username and password for easy authentication. Plus I'm still clueless as to how to post to the wall even after correct authentication...
Restful API service mCallbacks.kill private final IRestfulService.Stub binder new IRestfulService.Stub public void doLogin String username String password Message msg new Message Bundle data new Bundle HashMap String String values new HashMap String String values.put.. Message msg new Message Bundle data new Bundle HashMap String String values new HashMap String String values.put username username values.put password password String result post Config.getURL login values data.putString response result msg.setData.. msg new Message Bundle data new Bundle HashMap String String values new HashMap String String values.put username username values.put password password String result post Config.getURL login values data.putString response result msg.setData data..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout @id host_label android layout_toRightOf @id host_input android layout_marginTop 4dp TextView android id @ id username_label android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @ id host_input android.. android paddingTop 15dp android paddingLeft 15dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text username android textStyle normal EditText android id @ id username_input android inputType textEmailAddress android layout_width.. textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text username android textStyle normal EditText android id @ id username_input android inputType textEmailAddress android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android background..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android a server in .NET and a client application for Android. I would like to implement an authentication method which sends username and password to server and a server sends back a session string. I'm not familiar with WCF so I would really appreciate.. method private void Login HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient try String url http 8000 Login username test password test HttpGet method new HttpGet new URI url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute method if response null.. anything. I would be really thankful if anyone could explain how to create an appropriate method string Login string username string password with appropriate App.config settings and Interface with appropriate OperationContract signature in order..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? portal dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken1 username nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken2 password httpost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.UTF_8 response httpclient.execute..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application way to store user settings in Android application I am creating an application which connects to the server using username password and I would like to enable the option Save password so the user wouldn't have to type the password each time the..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException I do that ArrayList NameValuePair postParameters new ArrayList NameValuePair postParameters.add new BasicNameValuePair username email postParameters.add new BasicNameValuePair password pass String responseString null try HttpClient httpclient new..
android youtube upload video with static username and password from this link 2 Import as an android project. 3 Replace file with 4 Set Username and password in 5 Register your email id with 6 Set all values in string.xml..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd xmlns env http soap envelope soap mustUnderstand 1 wsse UsernameToken xmlns wsse http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd xmlns http docs.oasis.. secext 1.0.xsd xmlns http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd wsse Username cbrown wsse Username wsse Password Type http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss username token profile 1.0#PasswordText.. xmlns http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd wsse Username cbrown wsse Username wsse Password Type http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss username token profile 1.0#PasswordText welcome..
Android Studio - Importing external Library/Jar GoogleAdMobAdsSdk 6.4.1.jar' File Close Project Open a command prompt on your project's root location i.e 'C Users Username AndroidStudioProjects MyApplicationProject ' On the command prompt type gradlew clean wait till it's done. Reopen your application..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? findViewById login.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v String mUsername username.getText .toString String mPassword password.getText .toString tryLogin mUsername mPassword protected void tryLogin.. onClick View v String mUsername username.getText .toString String mPassword password.getText .toString tryLogin mUsername mPassword protected void tryLogin String mUsername String mPassword HttpURLConnection connection OutputStreamWriter request.. .toString String mPassword password.getText .toString tryLogin mUsername mPassword protected void tryLogin String mUsername String mPassword HttpURLConnection connection OutputStreamWriter request null URL url null String response null String..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request will be getting is xml version 1.0 encoding ISO 8859 1 login message CDATA message status CDATA true status Rlo CDATA Username Rlo Rsc CDATA 9L99PK1KGKSkfMbcsxvkF0S0UoldJ0SU Rsc Rm CDATA b59031b85bb127661105765722cd3531 AO1YjN5QDM5ITM Rm Rl CDATA..
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android call .NET web service. Here is the soap header with request. soap Header DTHeader xmlns http webservices Username string Username Password string Password DTHeader soap Header soap Body MyTestMethod xmlns http webservices.. Here is the soap header with request. soap Header DTHeader xmlns http webservices Username string Username Password string Password DTHeader soap Header soap Body MyTestMethod xmlns http webservices ID string ID TransID.. guid TransID MyTestMethod soap Body Can you please provide the android code to set the soap header DTHeader and set Username and Password . android soap header ksoap2 share improve this question I did that this way import org.kxml2.kdom.Element..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack searchForm usm.getSearchForm Form answerForm searchForm.createAnswerForm answerForm.setAnswer Username true answerForm.setAnswer search contact.getJid ReportedData data usm.getSearchResults answerForm
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] @ id username android singleLine true android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android maxLines 1 EditText android id @ id password android password.. @ id userName android singleLine true android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android maxLines 1 EditText android id @ id password android password..
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? true android layout_marginRight 20dip android layout_marginTop 100dip android layout_marginLeft 30dip android text Username android textColor #000000 EditText android id @ id txt_username android layout_width 150dip android layout_height wrap_content.. new Intent LogInActivity.this HomeActivity.class startActivity intent else loginTextView.setText Login failed. Username and or password doesn't match. I want to assign the keep me logged in state on the radio buttons. Any help java android..
Can we post image on twitter using twitter API in Android? Invalid username and password. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Please enter valid Username and Password. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show If we got a response back print out response variables if tpResponse null tpResponse.dumpVars..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? res response.toString res res.trim res res.replaceAll s error.setText res if res.equals 1 error.setText Correct Username or Password else error.setText Sorry Incorrect Username or Password catch Exception e un.setText e.toString package.. error.setText res if res.equals 1 error.setText Correct Username or Password else error.setText Sorry Incorrect Username or Password catch Exception e un.setText e.toString package com.example.toknapp import import..
Add padding on view programmatically android orientation vertical TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Username TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Username LinearLayout I would.. android text Username TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Username LinearLayout I would like to set a paddingTop to the above LinearLayout element and I want to do it in the Java code instead..
android youtube upload video with static username and password Content Type application x www form urlencoded String template Email s Passwd s service s source s String userName USERNAME TODO String password PASSWORD TODO String service YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE String source ctx.getString R.string.client_id.. YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE String source ctx.getString R.string.client_id String loginData String.format template encode userName encode password service source OutputStreamWriter outStreamWriter new OutputStreamWriter urlConnection.getOutputStream..
ClassDefNotFound error in android new JSONObject try HttpPost post new HttpPost URL post.setHeader Content type application json json.put username userName json.put password password StringEntity se new StringEntity json.toString se.setContentType new BasicHeader HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? final String host final String realm SharedPreferencesManager manager SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance String userName manager.getLoginUsername String userPass manager.getDecryptedLoginPassword if handler.useHttpAuthUsernamePassword view null.. view null String haup view.getHttpAuthUsernamePassword host realm if haup null haup.length 2 userName haup 0 userPass haup 1 if userName null userPass null handler.proceed userName userPass else showHttpAuthDialog handler.. haup view.getHttpAuthUsernamePassword host realm if haup null haup.length 2 userName haup 0 userPass haup 1 if userName null userPass null handler.proceed userName userPass else showHttpAuthDialog handler host realm null null null private..
Android Library Gradle release JAR signing.signPom deployment pom.artifactId POM_ARTIFACT_ID repository url sonatypeRepositoryUrl authentication userName nexusUsername password nexusPassword pom.project name POM_NAME packaging POM_PACKAGING description POM_DESCRIPTION..
Can't connect to WCF service on Android false try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME PropertyInfo uName new PropertyInfo userName PropertyInfo pWord new PropertyInfo passWord request.addProperty uName username request.addProperty pWord password..
Android: UnknownHostException 2 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair id edit name nameValuePairs .add new BasicNameValuePair stringdata userName httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request response httpclient.execute httppost..
JDBC connection in Android conn null String url jdbc mysql localhost 3306 String dbName jdbctutorial String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName root String password root try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password.. userName root String password root try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close System.out.println Disconnected from database catch Exception..
Android + MySQL using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver conn null String url jdbc mysql localhost 3306 String dbName database String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName root String password try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password.. String userName root String password try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close System.out.println Disconnected from database catch Exception.. conn null String url jdbc mysql localhost 3306 String dbName database String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName root String password try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password..
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.table TextView userName TextView findViewById Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if bundle.getString strName null TODO here get the.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.table TextView userName TextView findViewById Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if bundle.getString strName null TODO here get the string stored in the string variable.. .getExtras if bundle.getString strName null TODO here get the string stored in the string variable and do setText on userName I know it is very basic question but unfortunately I am stuck here. Please help. Thanks edited Here the string which I..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] android layout_height wrap_content android paddingLeft 20dip android paddingRight 20dip EditText android id @ id userName android singleLine true android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android..
Android REST client, Sample? getInstance Choose an appropriate creation strategy. Request a User Profile from the REST server. @param userName The user name for which the profile is to be requested. @param callback Callback to execute when the profile is available... to be requested. @param callback Callback to execute when the profile is available. public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback.. void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback @Override public void onTaskComplete String response Profile profile Utils.parseResponseAsProfile..
How to parse this Web service response in Android? a .NET webservice from android application and the response from the web service is in the following format anyType UserName anyType Password anyType ApplicationCode JOB ActionType Query MessageParameters anyType Parameters anyType TableData anyType..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) Void doInBackground Integer... params getData https 1 followers ids.json screen_name TwitterApp.UserName for int i 0 i Friends_ID.size i getmethodFriendprofile Friends_ID.get i return null @Override protected void onPostExecute.. Context context private static final String TAG TwitterApp static String oauth_verifier protected static String UserName null UeserID null static String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL twitterapp connect public static final String REQUEST_URL https configureToken User user mTwitter.verifyCredentials mSession.storeAccessToken mAccessToken user.getName UserName user.getName Log.d user name UserName Log.d user ID user.getId HttpParameters params1 mHttpOauthprovider.getResponseParameters..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? status if status.equals 200 saveInformation userId pass startingActivity HOST_URL else error.setText Incorrect UserName or Password catch Exception e Log.e Exception Occured Exception is e.getMessage From this function i am calling a AsynkTask..
Emulator problem in Android to power cycle it. Wiping the user data didn't fix my problem I had to delete the following folders manually C Users UserName .android avd AVD2.1.avd cache.img.lock C Users UserName .android avd AVD2.1.avd userdata qemu.img.lock share improve this..
How to use SharedPreferences [duplicate] GAME_PREFERENCES MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefEditor.putString UserName JaneDoe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit This is what the book tells me to use but it returns errors at the.. me to use but it returns errors at the following points under the . after the first 2 prefEditor statements under UserName JaneDoe under UserAge 22 and under commit I've looked on loads of websites for help but all seem to use the same code. What..
How to remove the white spaces between tags in XML subscriber doc.appendChild root creating child node for username EditText txtusername EditText findViewById subscriber 0 String.valueOf txtusername.getText Element UserName doc.createElement UserName UserName.setTextContent subscriber.. EditText txtusername EditText findViewById subscriber 0 String.valueOf txtusername.getText Element UserName doc.createElement UserName UserName.setTextContent subscriber 0 root.appendChild UserName creating child node for PASSWORD.. findViewById subscriber 0 String.valueOf txtusername.getText Element UserName doc.createElement UserName UserName.setTextContent subscriber 0 root.appendChild UserName creating child node for PASSWORD EditText txtPassword EditText..
Using shared preferences editor GAME_PREFERENCES MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on tokens prefEditor.commit However I get an error..
Performing login to https website via Android app wv try ArrayList NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair 4 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair UserName my username here nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair PIN my password here nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application public class Service1 System.Web.Services.WebService WebMethod public String GetLoginDetails string UserName string Password try using SqlConnection myConnection new SqlConnection @ Data Source . SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog student.. myCommand new SqlCommand myCommand.Connection myConnection myCommand.CommandText SELECT COUNT FROM Login WHERE UserName @UserName AND Password @Password myCommand.Parameters.Add @UserName SqlDbType.VarChar .Value UserName myCommand.Parameters.Add.. new SqlCommand myCommand.Connection myConnection myCommand.CommandText SELECT COUNT FROM Login WHERE UserName @UserName AND Password @Password myCommand.Parameters.Add @UserName SqlDbType.VarChar .Value UserName myCommand.Parameters.Add @Password..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable What I want to do A list with messages like this UserName and here is the mnessage the user writes that will wrap nicely to the next line. exactly like this. What I have ListView..
android youtube upload video with static username and password Content Type application x www form urlencoded String template Email s Passwd s service s source s String userName USERNAME TODO String password PASSWORD TODO String service YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE String source ctx.getString R.string.client_id..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? URL https SharedPreferencesManager manager SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance private final String USERNAME manager.getLoginUsername private final String PASSWORD manager.getDecryptedLoginPassword private final static String HOST.. WebViewDatabase.getInstance getActivity .hasHttpAuthUsernamePassword webView.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword HOST REALM USERNAME PASSWORD webView.setWebViewClient new AnswersWebView this webView webView.loadUrl URL return view @Override public void..
How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url true mWebview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebview.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword HOST REALM USERNAME PASSWORD mWebview.setScrollbarFadingEnabled false mWebview.getSettings .getLoadsImagesAutomatically if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.. WebView view final HttpAuthHandler handler final String host final String realm handler.proceed USERNAME PASSWORD @Override public void onReceivedSslError WebView view SslErrorHandler handler SslError error handler.proceed..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? SharedPreferencesManager manager SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance private static String URL private final String USERNAME manager.getLoginUsername private final String PASSWORD manager.getDecryptedLoginPassword LinearLayout progressBar private.. WebView view final HttpAuthHandler handler final String host final String realm handler.proceed USERNAME PASSWORD @Override public void onReceivedSslError WebView view SslErrorHandler handler SslError error handler.proceed..
Proxy which requires authentication with Android Emulator working behind a proxy which requires authentication I've tried setting the http proxy argument to http DOMAIN USERNAME PASSWORD@IP PORT but am having no success. I've tried following the docs to no avail. I've also tried the verbose proxy..
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android NAMESPACE AuthHeader Element username new Element .createElement NAMESPACE user username.addChild Node.TEXT USERNAME h.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement NAMESPACE pass pass.addChild Node.TEXT PASSWORD..
ignore ssl errors in DefaultHttpClient String makeGETRequest String s String encoding DefaultHttpClient http new DefaultHttpClient final String username USERNAME final String password PASSWORD UsernamePasswordCredentials c new UsernamePasswordCredentials username password BasicCredentialsProvider.. String s List NameValuePair nvps String encoding DefaultHttpClient http new DefaultHttpClient final String username USERNAME final String password PASSWORD UsernamePasswordCredentials c new UsernamePasswordCredentials username password BasicCredentialsProvider..