android Programming Glossary: usefull
Android - Hide date field in datepickerdialog remove the day field from the view. Any help will be much usefull. android android datepicker share improve this question ..
LibGDX - Application crashes when call TiledMapRenderer.render() not use to avoid errors please let me know. EDIT Found a usefull and working tool for packing tiles here it is http
Add Calendar event to Android from web .vcs download
Android: findviewbyid: finding view by id when view is not on the same layout invoked by setContentView
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter so feel free to use any of the code here should it prove usefull . package import java.util.ArrayList..
android image upload to know how to upload an image in android i dont found any usefull tutorial for this can u give me some instruction pls help me..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market to make install_referrer works and who don't find ANY usefull informations about this features. Notes 1. The intent
Progressbar togther with asyncTask
How can i keep one button as pressed after click on it? [duplicate] improve this question Hi use the following code it will usefull mycodes_Button.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener @Override..
Android: parse XML from string problems this question Here is one example i hope it will be usefull to understand SAXParser package test.example import
What is a good tutorial for using ORMLite with SQLite and Android [closed] and Android. A qucick google search did not produce any usefull information. android sqlite ormlite share improve this question..
Android: intentservice, how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue these 2 simple operations but i didn't find nothing usefull on internet Tnx android queue intentservice share improve..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? the gravity and then subs. it. Here i found a very usefull answer that explain it https forum # topic..
android: camera onPause/onResume issue triggered after jpegCallback. The stack trace is far from usefull for me. Strange thing is that this only happens on my Galaxy.. no clue how to move on Anyone has an idea what could be usefull 10 28 18 59 40.649 ERROR SecCamera 4291 SetRotate angle 0 10..
“android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED” not working on my device (HTC Wildfire) - how to debug? no idea how to debug it. Can I find out something usefull with LogCat logs sendt from my HTC device while it receives..
Android - Hide date field in datepickerdialog requirement i need only month and year. So i want to hide or remove the day field from the view. Any help will be much usefull. android android datepicker share improve this question Private DatePickerDialog createDialogWithoutDateField DatePickerDialog..
LibGDX - Application crashes when call TiledMapRenderer.render() TexturePacker GUI v3.1.0. If you know what options I should not use to avoid errors please let me know. EDIT Found a usefull and working tool for packing tiles here it is http bubblr texturepacker_edited.jar link is dead use..
Add Calendar event to Android from web .vcs download
Android: findviewbyid: finding view by id when view is not on the same layout invoked by setContentView
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter it's the best solution but it works. My project's open source so feel free to use any of the code here should it prove usefull . package import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Collection import java.util.Collections..
android image upload image upload hello i am new in android devlopment i want to know how to upload an image in android i dont found any usefull tutorial for this can u give me some instruction pls help me out. android share improve this question I built this..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market improve this question I would try to help who like me fails to make install_referrer works and who don't find ANY usefull informations about this features. Notes 1. The intent will be catched during the install..
Progressbar togther with asyncTask
How can i keep one button as pressed after click on it? [duplicate] true Something like this android button pressed share improve this question Hi use the following code it will usefull mycodes_Button.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event mycodes_Button.setPressed..
Android: parse XML from string problems result new XMLHandler android xml parsing sax share improve this question Here is one example i hope it will be usefull to understand SAXParser package test.example import import import
What is a good tutorial for using ORMLite with SQLite and Android [closed] a good introductory tutorial on how to use ORMLite with SQLite and Android. A qucick google search did not produce any usefull information. android sqlite ormlite share improve this question Table of contents for OrmLite docs. Which are pretty..
Android: intentservice, how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue the 5 Shortly i need a way to comunicate with the queue to perform these 2 simple operations but i didn't find nothing usefull on internet Tnx android queue intentservice share improve this question I create my own MyIntentService class copying..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? that uses accelerometer and orientation to know where is directed the gravity and then subs. it. Here i found a very usefull answer that explain it https forum # topic android developers GOm9yhTFZaM TYPE_ACCELEROMETER uses the..
android: camera onPause/onResume issue and the screen stays black since startPreview is not re triggered after jpegCallback. The stack trace is far from usefull for me. Strange thing is that this only happens on my Galaxy S not on the emulator. I have really no clue how to move on.. only happens on my Galaxy S not on the emulator. I have really no clue how to move on Anyone has an idea what could be usefull 10 28 18 59 40.649 ERROR SecCamera 4291 SetRotate angle 0 10 28 18 59 40.649 ERROR CameraHardwareSec 4291 setParameters..
“android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED” not working on my device (HTC Wildfire) - how to debug? is that I'm new into Android deveopment and I have completely no idea how to debug it. Can I find out something usefull with LogCat logs sendt from my HTC device while it receives SMS message Why is my device different android share improve..