android Programming Glossary: utils.copystream
Out of memory cache error when accessing inside the app conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects true InputStream is conn.getInputStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f ClassUtils.CopyStream is os os.close bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace return null decodes image and scales.. b from web try Bitmap bitmap null InputStream is new URL url .openStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace return null decodes image and..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] 30000 conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects true InputStream is conn.getInputStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close conn.disconnect bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Throwable ex ex.printStackTrace if ex instanceof..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images b from web try Bitmap bitmap null InputStream is new URL url .openStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace return null decodes image and scales.. try SoftReference Bitmap bitmap null InputStream is new URL url .openStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace return null decodes image and scales..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) b from web try Bitmap bitmap null InputStream is new URL url .openStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace return null decodes image and scales..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class b from web try Bitmap bitmap null InputStream is new URL url .openStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Exception ex ex.printStackTrace return null decodes image and scales..