android Programming Glossary: usbdevice
Transferring data USB Runnable mLoop new Runnable @Override public void run UsbDevice dev sDevice if dev null return UsbManager usbm UsbManager getSystemService.. UsbManager usbm UsbManager getSystemService USB_SERVICE UsbDeviceConnection conn usbm.openDevice dev l Interface Count dev.getInterfaceCount..
Compile and link against libusb for android ACTION_USB_PERMISSION.equals action synchronized this UsbDevice device UsbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE.. action synchronized this UsbDevice device UsbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE if intent.getBooleanExtra.. false if device null UsbDeviceConnection deviceConnection mUsbManager.openDevice device Log.d..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet it I attempted to use Android's android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager library. I saw that there.. UsbManager this was accomplished as follows HashMap String UsbDevice deviceList manager.getDeviceList int count deviceList.size Iterator.. manager.getDeviceList int count deviceList.size Iterator UsbDevice iterator deviceList.values .iterator if iterator.hasNext UsbDevice..
USB device access pop-up supression? .equals UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Parcelable usbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE Create a.. broadcastIntent.putExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE usbDevice Broadcast this event so we can receive it sendBroadcast broadcastIntent..
Compile and link against libusb for android mUsbManager.getDeviceList Collection UsbDevice usbDevices stringDeviceMap.values mPermissionIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. registerReceiver mUsbReceiver filter Iterator UsbDevice usbDeviceIter usbDevices.iterator while usbDeviceIter.hasNext if USBDeviceValid.. mUsbReceiver filter Iterator UsbDevice usbDeviceIter usbDevices.iterator while usbDeviceIter.hasNext if USBDeviceValid usbDevice..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet dongle or lack thereof . The output is as follows device usbDevice mName dev bus usb 001 002 mVendorId 1256 mProductId 27033 mClass.. about always being enumerated on the device list device usbDevice mName dev bus usb 001 002 mVendorId 1256 mProductId 27033 mClass.. SECOND device on the list the first being the ever present usbDevice listed above. Intents do fire with it though. Does anyone know..
Transferring data USB for everyone who is using FTDI devices and needs help. private Runnable mLoop new Runnable @Override public void run UsbDevice dev sDevice if dev null return UsbManager usbm UsbManager getSystemService USB_SERVICE UsbDeviceConnection conn usbm.openDevice.. public void run UsbDevice dev sDevice if dev null return UsbManager usbm UsbManager getSystemService USB_SERVICE UsbDeviceConnection conn usbm.openDevice dev l Interface Count dev.getInterfaceCount l Using String.format 04X 04X sDevice.getVendorId..
Compile and link against libusb for android context Intent intent String action intent.getAction if ACTION_USB_PERMISSION.equals action synchronized this UsbDevice device UsbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE if intent.getBooleanExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED.. intent String action intent.getAction if ACTION_USB_PERMISSION.equals action synchronized this UsbDevice device UsbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE if intent.getBooleanExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED false .. UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE if intent.getBooleanExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED false if device null UsbDeviceConnection deviceConnection mUsbManager.openDevice device Log.d USB deviceConnection.getSerial else Log.d USB permission..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet is acknowledging the existance of a USB peripheral when I attach it I attempted to use Android's android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager library. I saw that there are two methods for recognizing a USB device registering.. next method explicitly querying for a device list via the UsbManager this was accomplished as follows HashMap String UsbDevice deviceList manager.getDeviceList int count deviceList.size Iterator UsbDevice iterator deviceList.values .iterator if iterator.hasNext.. accomplished as follows HashMap String UsbDevice deviceList manager.getDeviceList int count deviceList.size Iterator UsbDevice iterator deviceList.values .iterator if iterator.hasNext UsbDevice deviceVal testTxtView1.setText set device..
USB device access pop-up supression? Intent intent getIntent if intent null if intent.getAction .equals UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Parcelable usbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE Create a new intent and put the usb device in as an extra Intent broadcastIntent.. extra Intent broadcastIntent new Intent ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED broadcastIntent.putExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE usbDevice Broadcast this event so we can receive it sendBroadcast broadcastIntent Close the activity finish And the last piece..
Compile and link against libusb for android Context.USB_SERVICE HashMap String UsbDevice stringDeviceMap mUsbManager.getDeviceList Collection UsbDevice usbDevices stringDeviceMap.values mPermissionIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent ACTION_USB_PERMISSION 0 IntentFilter.. 0 IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter ACTION_USB_PERMISSION registerReceiver mUsbReceiver filter Iterator UsbDevice usbDeviceIter usbDevices.iterator while usbDeviceIter.hasNext if USBDeviceValid usbDevice Request permission to access the device... filter new IntentFilter ACTION_USB_PERMISSION registerReceiver mUsbReceiver filter Iterator UsbDevice usbDeviceIter usbDevices.iterator while usbDeviceIter.hasNext if USBDeviceValid usbDevice Request permission to access the device. mUsbManager.requestPermission..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet the device is the same every time regardless of the USB dongle or lack thereof . The output is as follows device usbDevice mName dev bus usb 001 002 mVendorId 1256 mProductId 27033 mClass 0 mSubClass 0 mProtocol 0 mInterfaces Landroid.os.Parcelable.. be much appreciated Another update The device I complained about always being enumerated on the device list device usbDevice mName dev bus usb 001 002 mVendorId 1256 mProductId 27033 mClass 0 mSubClass 0 mProtocol 0 mInterfaces Landroid.os.Parcelable.. it DID enumerate it and worked...however it shows up as the SECOND device on the list the first being the ever present usbDevice listed above. Intents do fire with it though. Does anyone know a workaround to making intents fire with HID devices and..