android Programming Glossary: utm_campaign
how to get referrer using google track in android? context referralParams private final static String EXPECTED_PARAMETERS utm_source utm_medium utm_term utm_content utm_campaign private final static String PREFS_FILE_NAME ReferralParamsFile Stores the referral parameters in the app's sharedPreferences... utm_term String referrers5 retrieveReferralParams.get utm_content String referrers6 retrieveReferralParams.get utm_campaign tv.setText referrers1 referrers2 referrers3 referrers4 referrers5 referrers6 on button click but not get desired output..
Get Android Google Analytics referrer tag key value pairs HashMap String String getParams Utility.getHashMapFromQuery referrerString String source getParams.get utm_campaign if source null SharedPreferences preferences context.getSharedPreferences my_prefs Context.MODE_PRIVATE Editor preferencesEditor..
How to test android referral tracking? es referrer utm_source test_source utm_medium test_medium utm_term test_term utm_content test_content utm_campaign test_name Here's my exact line am broadcast a n net.lp.collectionista .util.broadcast_receivers.FacadeBroadcastReceiver.. es referrer utm_source test_source utm_medium test_medium utm_term test_term utm_content test_content utm_campaign test_name But your BroadcastReceiver may need to be the AnalyticsReceiver i.e. your.package
How to style the menu items on an Android action bar this http android 2011 04 customizing action bar.html utm_source feedburner utm_medium feed utm_campaign Feed 3A blogspot 2FhsDu 28Android Developers Blog 29 And this question Style an Action Bar in Android Honeycomb From which..