android Programming Glossary: userid
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? presence public Presence getUserPresence String userId return connection.getRoster .getPresence userId at the end to.. String userId return connection.getRoster .getPresence userId at the end to use that FacebookChatManager class note that rosterListnr..
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds isTest false userId 0 12 16 13 50 53.586 I PowerManagerService 485 Waking up from..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? calling this function. public void postHttpRequest String userId String pass TextView error RequestClient reqClient new RequestClient.. recived status if status.equals 200 saveInformation userId pass startingActivity HOST_URL else error.setText Incorrect..
Can't connect to WCF service on Android SOAP_ACTION envelope error occurs here Integer userId Integer envelope.getResponse validUser userId 0 catch Exception.. here Integer userId Integer envelope.getResponse validUser userId 0 catch Exception ex private void exit this.finish EDIT Remove..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API by me private static void retrieveProfilePicture String userId throws MalformedURLException IOException facebook FacebookHelper.getInstance.. facebook.getAccessToken Object picture facebook.request userId picture bundle GET When I do the same call in the browser https..
Post on user's friends facebook wall through android application a small example that will post to a friend's wall or if userId is null then to the currently logged in user's wall protected.. logged in user's wall protected void postToWall String userId Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message _messageInput.getText.. decrypt _lookupKey asyncRunner.request userId null me userId feed params POST new WallPostRequestListener..
open an activity to edit contact in sync adapter the following piece of code Adds a profile action @param userId the userId of the sample SyncAdapter user object @return instance.. piece of code Adds a profile action @param userId the userId of the sample SyncAdapter user object @return instance of ContactOperations.. public ContactOperations addProfileAction long userId mValues.clear if userId 0 mValues.put SampleSyncAdapterColumns.DATA_PID..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) class StampiiStore extends Activity String servername int userId int storageID RPCCommunicator rpc String path Button envelope1.. this Log.d Current Server Name servername userId rpc.getUserId this Log.d User Id userId storageID rpc.getCurrentStoragePath.. Name servername userId rpc.getUserId this Log.d User Id userId storageID rpc.getCurrentStoragePath this Log.d storage ID storageID..
Is it possible to programmatically uninstall a package in Android a package uninstall another package if they share the same userId and signature android share improve this question A 3rd..
Kill another application in android? question You can only kill a process that has the same userID as the one that is doing the killing. If you are trying to kill..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login Facebook log in. I'm accessing user's basic info like name userID. But I want to have access to email also of the user. I have..
Token that identify the user Either you can pass it on payload as userID it will create problem some time. if you don't want to go with..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android how to get the contact's phone number AFTER getting their userID My code private Runnable getSMSRunnable return new Runnable..
Android getIntent().getExtras() returns null itself and pass it along to the child tabs. String userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null.. it along to the child tabs. String userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null userID getuserID.getString.. userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null userID getuserID.getString userID ... intent new Intent..
How to get user information from twitter in android app? Log.i Access Secret accessToken.getTokenSecret long userID accessToken.getUserId User user twitterConnection.showUser userID..
Send data from android to server via JSON to send lets say private void sendAccelerationData String userIDArg String dateArg String timeArg String timeStamp String accelX.. NameValuePair 7 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair userID userIDArg nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair date dateArg.. 7 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair userID userIDArg nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair date dateArg nameValuePairs.add..
How to check if a value already exists in the database in Android Exicom.sqlite Name of table TimeReport Fields in Database userID clientName I am using SQLite in android. Thanks for your input.. Cursor cursor this.myDataBase.query TABLE_NAME new String userID clientName null null null null null if cursor.moveToFirst do..
AsyncTasks do not get collected causing other AsyncTasks to not run tag eventRunning values.add new BasicNameValuePair userid String .valueOf response.user.userid post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity.. BasicNameValuePair userid String .valueOf response.user.userid post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity values HttpResponse..
sharedUserId: safe to change when app is already in market? another Linux user ID. Did anyone try this before android userid sharedpreferences share improve this question And to answer..
how to add parameters in android http post? to php server.html i dont know how to add parameters like userid 12312 sessionid 234 in it. any one guide me how to achieve this.. NameValuePair 2 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair userid 12312 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair sessionid 234..
Every Activity in Android is a Process,or One Application is one process for Activity new process will be created with the same userid and the activity runs in that process. xml version 1.0 encoding..
JSON parsing problem webservice index.php op ProductQ campaign_id 607 userid 10776 when i put it into Json object it gives errors to me error.. public static String getmyproductquestiondetails String userid String campaignid https apps present_software.. present_software webservice index.php op EducationResult userid 1 questionid 1 2 3 answergivenbyuser 1 1 0 String data null..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty userid user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter Here is The User class public class User private int UserId private String FirstName private String LastName public int.. String FirstName private String LastName public int getUserId return UserId public void setUserId int UserId this.UserId UserId.. private String LastName public int getUserId return UserId public void setUserId int UserId this.UserId UserId public String..
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite SQLiteDatabase sampleDB null String PhoneNumber String UserId Cursor c ArrayList ar new ArrayList public void createDatabse.. FROM tablename null if c null if c.moveToFirst do UserId c.getString c.getColumnIndex User_Id while c.moveToNext .. c.getColumnIndex User_Id while c.moveToNext return UserId public void close sampleDB.close android sqlite share improve..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? Presence precenseType presence.setStatus status connection.sendPacket presence public Presence getUserPresence String userId return connection.getRoster .getPresence userId at the end to use that FacebookChatManager class note that rosterListnr.. connection.sendPacket presence public Presence getUserPresence String userId return connection.getRoster .getPresence userId at the end to use that FacebookChatManager class note that rosterListnr is used to get info about your friends state change..
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds 485 Stopping dream name ComponentInfo isTest false userId 0 12 16 13 50 53.586 I PowerManagerService 485 Waking up from dream... 12 16 13 50 53.616 I ActivityManager 485 No longer..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? that is in onclick of button i am calling this function. public void postHttpRequest String userId String pass TextView error RequestClient reqClient new RequestClient LoginActivity.this String AppResponse null try url.. ValidateLoginStatus.checkLoginStatus AppResponse Log.d Status recived status if status.equals 200 saveInformation userId pass startingActivity HOST_URL else error.setText Incorrect UserName or Password catch Exception e Log.e Exception..
Can't connect to WCF service on Android androidHttpTransport new HttpTransport URL SOAP_ACTION envelope error occurs here Integer userId Integer envelope.getResponse validUser userId 0 catch Exception ex private void exit this.finish EDIT Remove the old.. SOAP_ACTION envelope error occurs here Integer userId Integer envelope.getResponse validUser userId 0 catch Exception ex private void exit this.finish EDIT Remove the old stack traces. In summary the first problem was..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API 559 This is the code used by me private static void retrieveProfilePicture String userId throws MalformedURLException IOException facebook FacebookHelper.getInstance Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN.. Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString Facebook.TOKEN facebook.getAccessToken Object picture facebook.request userId picture bundle GET When I do the same call in the browser https picture access_token then I get the image..
Post on user's friends facebook wall through android application wall using Facebook android SDK integrate android app Here's a small example that will post to a friend's wall or if userId is null then to the currently logged in user's wall protected void postToWall String userId Bundle params new Bundle params.putString.. to a friend's wall or if userId is null then to the currently logged in user's wall protected void postToWall String userId Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption actor just posted..
open an activity to edit contact in sync adapter in sync adapter In the Android SampleSyncAdapter there is the following piece of code Adds a profile action @param userId the userId of the sample SyncAdapter user object @return instance of ContactOperations public ContactOperations addProfileAction.. adapter In the Android SampleSyncAdapter there is the following piece of code Adds a profile action @param userId the userId of the sample SyncAdapter user object @return instance of ContactOperations public ContactOperations addProfileAction long.. sample SyncAdapter user object @return instance of ContactOperations public ContactOperations addProfileAction long userId mValues.clear if userId 0 mValues.put SampleSyncAdapterColumns.DATA_PID userId mValues.put SampleSyncAdapterColumns.DATA_SUMMARY..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) see something which is not really like it should be public class StampiiStore extends Activity String servername int userId int storageID RPCCommunicator rpc String path Button envelope1 envelope2 envelope3 private static final String TAG STAMPII.. to build the right path to images servername rpc.getCurrentServerName this Log.d Current Server Name servername userId rpc.getUserId this Log.d User Id userId storageID rpc.getCurrentStoragePath this Log.d storage ID storageID TextView colltitle.. servername rpc.getCurrentServerName this Log.d Current Server Name servername userId rpc.getUserId this Log.d User Id userId storageID rpc.getCurrentStoragePath this Log.d storage ID storageID TextView colltitle TextView findViewById
Is it possible to programmatically uninstall a package in Android a package in Android Can a package uninstall itself Can a package uninstall another package if they share the same userId and signature android share improve this question A 3rd party app cannot install or uninstall any other packages programmatically..
Kill another application in android? am mistaken. Guide me. Thanks. android share improve this question You can only kill a process that has the same userID as the one that is doing the killing. If you are trying to kill your own process it should work. Otherwise you can't do..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login I'm using Facebook 3.0 SDK for android. I have to implement Facebook log in. I'm accessing user's basic info like name userID. But I want to have access to email also of the user. I have gone through many blogs and forum but cannot figure out how..
Token that identify the user 1 product1 2 product1 3 product1 Either you can pass it on payload as userID it will create problem some time. if you don't want to go with server database then you can simply ignore the develop payload..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android anyone point me in a better direction or show an example of how to get the contact's phone number AFTER getting their userID My code private Runnable getSMSRunnable return new Runnable public void run Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_PICK ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI..
Android getIntent().getExtras() returns null problems with this just get the extras from the tabHost activity itself and pass it along to the child tabs. String userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null userID getuserID.getString userID ... intent new Intent .setClass.. just get the extras from the tabHost activity itself and pass it along to the child tabs. String userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null userID getuserID.getString userID ... intent new Intent .setClass this Games.class.. activity itself and pass it along to the child tabs. String userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null userID getuserID.getString userID ... intent new Intent .setClass this Games.class intent.putExtra userID userID spec..
How to get user information from twitter in android app?
Send data from android to server via JSON catch Exception e Log.e log_tag Error e.toString then to send lets say private void sendAccelerationData String userIDArg String dateArg String timeArg String timeStamp String accelX String accelY String accelZ fileName AddAccelerationData.php.. send. ArrayList NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair 7 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair userID userIDArg nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair date dateArg nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair time timeArg.. ArrayList NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair 7 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair userID userIDArg nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair date dateArg nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair time timeArg nameValuePairs.add..
How to check if a value already exists in the database in Android database and prevent inserting again Eg. Name of Database Exicom.sqlite Name of table TimeReport Fields in Database userID clientName I am using SQLite in android. Thanks for your input This is my HELPER class. I've skipped opening and closing.. selectAll List ClientData list new ArrayList ClientData Cursor cursor this.myDataBase.query TABLE_NAME new String userID clientName null null null null null if cursor.moveToFirst do list.add new ClientData cursor.getString 0 cursor.getString..
AsyncTasks do not get collected causing other AsyncTasks to not run new ArrayList NameValuePair 5 values.add new BasicNameValuePair tag eventRunning values.add new BasicNameValuePair userid String .valueOf response.user.userid post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity values HttpResponse httpresponse client.execute.. new BasicNameValuePair tag eventRunning values.add new BasicNameValuePair userid String .valueOf response.user.userid post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity values HttpResponse httpresponse client.execute post HttpEntity entity httpresponse.getEntity..
sharedUserId: safe to change when app is already in market? even though the shared_prefs folder had been created using another Linux user ID. Did anyone try this before android userid sharedpreferences share improve this question And to answer my own question again No it's not safe. Since updating an..
how to add parameters in android http post? 2008 01 android how to post file to php server.html i dont know how to add parameters like userid 12312 sessionid 234 in it. any one guide me how to achieve this any help would be appreciated. android share improve.. your data List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair 2 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair userid 12312 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair sessionid 234 httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs..
Every Activity in Android is a Process,or One Application is one process ffffffff afd0c51c S If android process is specified for Activity new process will be created with the same userid and the activity runs in that process. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk..
JSON parsing problem android app the link is https apps present_software webservice index.php op ProductQ campaign_id 607 userid 10776 when i put it into Json object it gives errors to me error is 08 31 14 40 52.281 WARN System.err 416 org.json.JSONException.. of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject public static String getmyproductquestiondetails String userid String campaignid https apps present_software webservice index.php op EducationResult userid 1 questionid.. String userid String campaignid https apps present_software webservice index.php op EducationResult userid 1 questionid 1 2 3 answergivenbyuser 1 1 0 String data null try URL url new URL http buzz webservice index.php..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application GetLogin final String METHOD_NAME GetLogin SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty userid user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter COMPUTER_NAME Get User list from webservice ShowUsers Here is The User class public class User private int UserId private String FirstName private String LastName public int getUserId return UserId public void setUserId int UserId this.UserId.. is The User class public class User private int UserId private String FirstName private String LastName public int getUserId return UserId public void setUserId int UserId this.UserId UserId public String getFirstName return FirstName public void.. public class User private int UserId private String FirstName private String LastName public int getUserId return UserId public void setUserId int UserId this.UserId UserId public String getFirstName return FirstName public void setFirstName..
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite public class Insall_app_db SQLiteDatabase sampleDB null String PhoneNumber String UserId Cursor c ArrayList ar new ArrayList public void createDatabse String DbName Context context sampleDB context.openOrCreateDatabase.. String tablename c sampleDB.rawQuery SELECT User_Id FROM tablename null if c null if c.moveToFirst do UserId c.getString c.getColumnIndex User_Id while c.moveToNext return UserId public void close sampleDB.close android sqlite.. null if c null if c.moveToFirst do UserId c.getString c.getColumnIndex User_Id while c.moveToNext return UserId public void close sampleDB.close android sqlite share improve this question You can convert your image into byte array..