android Programming Glossary: usb_driver
Android device not seen by ADB but accessible from Windows XP can work with any Android device. Simply add the appropriate lines to the android_winusb.inf file under extras google usb_driver to make Windows recognize the device hardware IDs during driver installation. Add the lines under the x86 section for 32..
ADB No Devices Found MI_01 5 Open the android_winusb.inf file I have it in C Users username AppData Local Android android sdk extras google usb_driver directory 6 Create such records in Google.NTx86 and Google.NTamd64 sections using Hardware Ids from properties of ADB interface..
ADB + Samsung Galaxy USB Debugging is checked Settings About phone Additional Settings Mass store is NOT checked In android sdk windows usb_driver android_winusb.inf add the following lines under Google.NTx86 if you're using a 32 bit operating system. Otherwise add them.. in device manager you should see an Unknown device . Right click and say update driver select android sdk windows usb_driver directory. Android Bootloader Interface will be installed. If your device isn't listed when you say adb devices in command..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? on my computer Choose USB Composite Device then next If USB Composite Device doesn't show up then try browsing to the usb_driver folder in your android sdk directory for step 5 then try step 5 and 6 again. Note If Android does not appear at the top..