android Programming Glossary: utf8
Google Maps API Version difference saddr 19.5217608 99.2615823 daddr 19.531224 99.248262 ie UTF8 0 om 0 output kml Output Now I try to replace this with New..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java skeySpec getKey password byte clearText text.getBytes UTF8 IMPORTANT TO GET SAME RESULTS ON iOS and ANDROID final byte..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations urlString.append Double.toString toLon urlString.append ie UTF8 0 om 0 output kml return urlString.toString Next you will need..
Android how to get access to raw resources that i put in res folder?
How to send a JSON object over Request with Android? new ByteArrayEntity postMessage.toString .getBytes UTF8 HttpResponse response client.execute request share improve..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? daddr targetCoords sll startCoords dirflg w hl en ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlPedestrianMode urlPedestrianMode.. startCoords daddr targetCoords sll startCoords hl en ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlCarMode urlCarMode NavigationDataSet..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s double dest.getLongitudeE6 1.0E6 urlString.append ie UTF8 0 om 0 output kml Log.d xxx URL urlString.toString System.out.println..
decode string encoded in utf-8 format in android new ByteArrayInputStream nodevalue.getBytes UTF8 event.attributes.put title in.readLine catch UnsupportedEncodingException.. new ByteArrayInputStream nodevalue.getBytes UTF8 event.attributes.put title in.readLine catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
How to get IP address of the device? array of NULL if error was found public static byte getUTF8Bytes String str try return str.getBytes UTF 8 catch Exception.. str.getBytes UTF 8 catch Exception ex return null Load UTF8withBOM or any ansi text file. @param filename @return @throws.. BUFLEN byte bytes new byte BUFLEN boolean isUTF8 false int read count 0 while read bytes 1 if count..
Authenticate to Google Talk (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken then construct a string with this form jidAndToken 0 UTF8 0 Auth where 0 is intended to be a single..
Android C2DM Push Notification collapse_key private static final String UTF8 UTF 8 Registration is currently hardcoded private final static.. URLEncoder.encode Fax Sent ... Test Push Notification .... UTF8 Log.e postDataBuilder postDataBuilder postDataBuilder.toString.. byte postData postDataBuilder.toString .getBytes UTF8 Hit the dm URL. URL url new URL https
Hindi language support for Android - text shows up as boxes of characters ठठठठठठon Emulator and on Unicode or UTF8 compliant Hindi websites. Any settings for solving the issue..
Howto do a simple ftp get file on Android
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ collapse_key private static final String UTF8 UTF 8 public static String sendMessage String auth_token String.. data.payload .append .append URLEncoder.encode hello UTF8 byte postData postDataBuilder.toString .getBytes UTF8 Hit the.. UTF8 byte postData postDataBuilder.toString .getBytes UTF8 Hit the dm URL. URL url new URL https
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES SLresult result convert Java string to UTF 8 const jbyte utf8 env GetStringUTFChars env uri NULL assert NULL utf8 configure.. jbyte utf8 env GetStringUTFChars env uri NULL assert NULL utf8 configure audio source requires the INTERNET permission depending.. SLDataLocator_URI loc_uri SL_DATALOCATOR_URI SLchar utf8 SLDataFormat_MIME format_mime SL_DATAFORMAT_MIME NULL SL_CONTAINERTYPE_UNSPECIFIED..
What is Android's file system?? 0020 codepage cp437 iocharset iso8859 1 shortname mixed utf8 errors remount ro 0 0 and with respect to other filesystems..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator 0020 codepage cp437 iocharset iso8859 1 shortname mixed utf8 errors remount ro 0 0 trying to mount again from the shell after..
How to read and write UTF-8 to disk on the Android? Very simple and straightforward. String filePath sdcard utf8_file.txt String UTF8 utf8 int BUFFER_SIZE 8192 BufferedReader.. String filePath sdcard utf8_file.txt String UTF8 utf8 int BUFFER_SIZE 8192 BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? null HttpEntity bodyEntity new StringEntity param.toString utf8 httpPost.setEntity bodyEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute..
Concatenate Strings on C/C++ strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR.. workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow.. errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString workflow..
A terminal command for a rooted Android to remount /System as read/write
decode string encoded in utf-8 format in android UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e Log.e utf8 conversion e Also since you get the data from an xml document..
How to get IP address of the device? intVal .toUpperCase return sbuf.toString Get utf8 byte array. @param str @return array of NULL if error was found..
JSON parsing problem java android json share improve this question char utf8 null StringBuilder properString new StringBuilder utf8 Response.toCharArray.. utf8 null StringBuilder properString new StringBuilder utf8 Response.toCharArray for int i 0 i utf8.length i if int utf8.. StringBuilder utf8 Response.toCharArray for int i 0 i utf8.length i if int utf8 i 65000 properString.append utf8 i ..
Google Maps API Version difference gives perfect result http maps f d hl en saddr 19.5217608 99.2615823 daddr 19.531224 99.248262 ie UTF8 0 om 0 output kml Output Now I try to replace this with New Google Maps API and following request gives wrong result In..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java new NoTextGivenException Please give text try SecretKeySpec skeySpec getKey password byte clearText text.getBytes UTF8 IMPORTANT TO GET SAME RESULTS ON iOS and ANDROID final byte iv new byte 16 Arrays.fill iv byte 0x00 IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations to urlString.append Double.toString toLat urlString.append urlString.append Double.toString toLon urlString.append ie UTF8 0 om 0 output kml return urlString.toString Next you will need to parse xml implemented with SAXParser and fill data structures..
Android how to get access to raw resources that i put in res folder?
How to send a JSON object over Request with Android?
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? urlPedestrianMode http maps saddr startCoords daddr targetCoords sll startCoords dirflg w hl en ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlPedestrianMode urlPedestrianMode String urlCarMode http maps saddr startCoords.. String urlCarMode http maps saddr startCoords daddr targetCoords sll startCoords hl en ie UTF8 z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlCarMode urlCarMode NavigationDataSet navSet null for mode_any try pedestrian route calculation..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s 1.0E6 urlString.append urlString.append Double.toString double dest.getLongitudeE6 1.0E6 urlString.append ie UTF8 0 om 0 output kml Log.d xxx URL urlString.toString System.out.println urlString get the kml XML doc. And parse it to get..
decode string encoded in utf-8 format in android following try BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader new ByteArrayInputStream nodevalue.getBytes UTF8 event.attributes.put title in.readLine catch UnsupportedEncodingException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. title try BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader new ByteArrayInputStream nodevalue.getBytes UTF8 event.attributes.put title in.readLine catch UnsupportedEncodingException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace..
How to get IP address of the device? return sbuf.toString Get utf8 byte array. @param str @return array of NULL if error was found public static byte getUTF8Bytes String str try return str.getBytes UTF 8 catch Exception ex return null Load UTF8withBOM or any ansi text file. @param.. found public static byte getUTF8Bytes String str try return str.getBytes UTF 8 catch Exception ex return null Load UTF8withBOM or any ansi text file. @param filename @return @throws public static String loadFileAsString.. filename BUFLEN try ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream BUFLEN byte bytes new byte BUFLEN boolean isUTF8 false int read count 0 while read bytes 1 if count 0 bytes 0 byte 0xEF bytes 1 byte 0xBB bytes 2 byte 0xBF isUTF8..
Authenticate to Google Talk (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken LSID long string Auth long string Parse out the Auth string then construct a string with this form jidAndToken 0 UTF8 0 Auth where 0 is intended to be a single octet with value zero . Use this in the initial SASL auth..
Android C2DM Push Notification delay_while_idle public static final String PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY collapse_key private static final String UTF8 UTF 8 Registration is currently hardcoded private final static String YOUR_REGISTRATION_STRING put registration key private.. .append data.payload .append .append URLEncoder.encode Fax Sent ... Test Push Notification .... UTF8 Log.e postDataBuilder postDataBuilder postDataBuilder.toString byte postData postDataBuilder.toString .getBytes UTF8 Hit.. UTF8 Log.e postDataBuilder postDataBuilder postDataBuilder.toString byte postData postDataBuilder.toString .getBytes UTF8 Hit the dm URL. URL url new URL https c2dm send HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection..
Hindi language support for Android - text shows up as boxes emulator support hindi fonts I see Square boxes like instead of characters ठठठठठठon Emulator and on Unicode or UTF8 compliant Hindi websites. Any settings for solving the issue android fonts android emulator internationalization hindi..
Howto do a simple ftp get file on Android
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ delay_while_idle public static final String PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY collapse_key private static final String UTF8 UTF 8 public static String sendMessage String auth_token String registrationId String message throws IOException StringBuilder.. .append .append 1 postDataBuilder.append .append data.payload .append .append URLEncoder.encode hello UTF8 byte postData postDataBuilder.toString .getBytes UTF8 Hit the dm URL. URL url new URL https c2dm.. .append data.payload .append .append URLEncoder.encode hello UTF8 byte postData postDataBuilder.toString .getBytes UTF8 Hit the dm URL. URL url new URL https c2dm send HttpsURLConnection .setDefaultHostnameVerifier..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES JNIEnv env jclass clazz jstring uri SLresult result convert Java string to UTF 8 const jbyte utf8 env GetStringUTFChars env uri NULL assert NULL utf8 configure audio source requires the INTERNET permission depending on.. uri SLresult result convert Java string to UTF 8 const jbyte utf8 env GetStringUTFChars env uri NULL assert NULL utf8 configure audio source requires the INTERNET permission depending on the uri parameter SLDataLocator_URI loc_uri SL_DATALOCATOR_URI.. requires the INTERNET permission depending on the uri parameter SLDataLocator_URI loc_uri SL_DATALOCATOR_URI SLchar utf8 SLDataFormat_MIME format_mime SL_DATAFORMAT_MIME NULL SL_CONTAINERTYPE_UNSPECIFIED SLDataSource audioSrc loc_uri format_mime..
What is Android's file system?? noexec uid 1000 gid 1015 fmask 0702 dmask 0702 allow_utime 0020 codepage cp437 iocharset iso8859 1 shortname mixed utf8 errors remount ro 0 0 and with respect to other filesystems supported this is the list nodev sysfs nodev rootfs nodev bdev..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator noexec uid 1000 gid 1015 fmask 0702 dmask 0702 allow_utime 0020 codepage cp437 iocharset iso8859 1 shortname mixed utf8 errors remount ro 0 0 trying to mount again from the shell after unmounting it using the same options as above gives a segfault..
How to read and write UTF-8 to disk on the Android? utf 8 character encoding share improve this question Very simple and straightforward. String filePath sdcard utf8_file.txt String UTF8 utf8 int BUFFER_SIZE 8192 BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader new FileInputStream.. share improve this question Very simple and straightforward. String filePath sdcard utf8_file.txt String UTF8 utf8 int BUFFER_SIZE 8192 BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader new FileInputStream filePath UTF8 BUFFER_SIZE..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? Content Type application json charset utf 8 if param null HttpEntity bodyEntity new StringEntity param.toString utf8 httpPost.setEntity bodyEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpHost httpPost HttpEntity entity response.getEntity..
Concatenate Strings on C/C++ following ways PS errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo.. is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString.. workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString workflow .utf8 ERROR errorCode.utf8 Just the sprintf compiles but when..
A terminal command for a rooted Android to remount /System as read/write
decode string encoded in utf-8 format in android charset parameter try final String s new String nodevalue.getBytes UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e Log.e utf8 conversion e Also since you get the data from an xml document and I assume it is encoded UTF 8 probably the problem is in..
How to get IP address of the device? idx 0xff if intVal 0x10 sbuf.append 0 sbuf.append Integer.toHexString intVal .toUpperCase return sbuf.toString Get utf8 byte array. @param str @return array of NULL if error was found public static byte getUTF8Bytes String str try return str.getBytes..
JSON parsing problem catch Exception e TODO handle exception e.printStackTrace java android json share improve this question char utf8 null StringBuilder properString new StringBuilder utf8 Response.toCharArray for int i 0 i utf8.length i if int utf8 i.. java android json share improve this question char utf8 null StringBuilder properString new StringBuilder utf8 Response.toCharArray for int i 0 i utf8.length i if int utf8 i 65000 properString.append utf8 i System.out.println.. this question char utf8 null StringBuilder properString new StringBuilder utf8 Response.toCharArray for int i 0 i utf8.length i if int utf8 i 65000 properString.append utf8 i System.out.println Response of Login properString.toString..