android Programming Glossary: usual
How to delete a file from SD card? for Android so the programming language is Java using the usual Android ways to access the SD card. I am deleting the file in..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment true The activity extends SherlockFragmentActivity as usual The fragment extends the newly created SherlockMapFragment ActionBarSherlock..
Android - SupportMapFragment with GoogleMaps API 2.0 giving IllegalArgumentException ft.remove fragment ft.commit And inflating them as usual in onCreateView public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater..
Android: Override back button to act like home button If that's the case then your Activity can finish as usual and the Service will still be running. A simpler approach is..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) else if mVanishAfter mView.setVisibility View.GONE The usual caveat applies because we are overriding a protected method..
How to add a button to PreferenceScreen will then be replaced by the preferences defined the usual way in res xml preferences.xml . share improve this answer..
How to sign an APK with more than one certificate? that case you can just sign the APK first using MotoDev as usual then sign with your new key on the command line as above. share..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] my personal top twenty. I use this in addition to the usual lists from I could add another five though the..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? contentResolver.query uri projection null null null Note usually when you call query and want to return all columns you can.. why I'm using . Now you can loop through the Cursor as usual. These are the more important columns you would want to use.. It could contain different parts of text... but usually it'd be only one. So if you want to remove the loop it will..
Textview wrap around View for this. You can format the text in a web view with the usual HTML CSS formatting with which your desired layout is pretty..
Package renaming in eclipse android project package project rename share improve this question As usual by pressing F2 on package name you can rename or change the..
converting a canvas into bitmap image in android If you want to draw using a canvas to a bitmap the usual recipe is Create a bitmap of the correct size using Bitmap.createBitmap..
Force “portrait” orientation mode it doesn't work. It switches from portrait lo landscape as usual. Then after more forums reading I tried to add this in my manifest..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? shell or ConnectBot for instance than going through the usual of rebooting with the ACTION_REBOOT that I can't use anyway...
Android and Facebook share intent Share Intent pop up window seen here I have tried the usual share intent code however this no longer appears to work for..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? free when using the FragmentPagerAdapter and is why it is usual to have your fragment initialisation code inside the getItem.. is a common cause of errors when working with fragments. A usual approach when working with fragments is this protected void..
Android - basic gesture detection situation. Let your activity implement OnClickListener as usual public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity implements..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work Now to create a scala project Create an Android project as usual Right click on the project Configure Add Scala nature Right..
How to delete a file from SD card? but it didn't delete the file. I'm using this code for Android so the programming language is Java using the usual Android ways to access the SD card. I am deleting the file in the onActivityResult method when an Intent is returned to..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment because I also needed support for setHasOptionsMenu true The activity extends SherlockFragmentActivity as usual The fragment extends the newly created SherlockMapFragment ActionBarSherlock requires the new google play services_lib library..
Android - SupportMapFragment with GoogleMaps API 2.0 giving IllegalArgumentException ft getActivity .getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction ft.remove fragment ft.commit And inflating them as usual in onCreateView public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState return inflater.inflate..
Android: Override back button to act like home button in the same way so the example in the docs seems a bit misleading. If that's the case then your Activity can finish as usual and the Service will still be running. A simpler approach is to capture the Back button press and call moveTaskToBack true..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) newMarginBottom mView.getParent .requestLayout else if mVanishAfter mView.setVisibility View.GONE The usual caveat applies because we are overriding a protected method applyTransformation this is not guaranteed to work in future..
How to add a button to PreferenceScreen
How to sign an APK with more than one certificate?
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] tips. android share improve this question Here's my personal top twenty. I use this in addition to the usual lists from I could add another five though the list is long enough. Add Two Numbers Your first non tutorial..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? Uri uri Uri.parse content mms sms conversations Cursor query contentResolver.query uri projection null null null Note usually when you call query and want to return all columns you can pass null as the projection parameter. However you cannot do.. However you cannot do that with this provider so that's why I'm using . Now you can loop through the Cursor as usual. These are the more important columns you would want to use _id is the ID of the message. Captain obvious to the rescue.. cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex text while cursor.moveToNext It could contain different parts of text... but usually it'd be only one. So if you want to remove the loop it will work most of the times. This is how the getMmsText method..
Textview wrap around View
Package renaming in eclipse android project to do that in eclipse Thanks Dheepak android eclipse package project rename share improve this question As usual by pressing F2 on package name you can rename or change the package name and also by Right click ing and then select Rename..
converting a canvas into bitmap image in android these can even be fetched from the control using getDrawingCache If you want to draw using a canvas to a bitmap the usual recipe is Create a bitmap of the correct size using Bitmap.createBitmap Create a canvas instance pointing that this bitmap..
Force “portrait” orientation mode screenOrientation portrait But in my decice HTC Desire btw it doesn't work. It switches from portrait lo landscape as usual. Then after more forums reading I tried to add this in my manifest file application android debuggable true android icon..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? a phone is far far quicker using reboot in a terminal adb shell or ConnectBot for instance than going through the usual of rebooting with the ACTION_REBOOT that I can't use anyway. For the moment I'm able to get the superuser privileges with..
Android and Facebook share intent do however I'm keen to allow the user to do it via the regular Share Intent pop up window seen here I have tried the usual share intent code however this no longer appears to work for Facebook. public void invokeShare Activity activity String..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? instead of creating a new one. All of this comes free when using the FragmentPagerAdapter and is why it is usual to have your fragment initialisation code inside the getItem int method. Even if we were not using a FragmentPagerAdapter.. rotating and there is no need to add it again. Doing so is a common cause of errors when working with fragments. A usual approach when working with fragments is this protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Android - basic gesture detection question Thanks to Code Shogun whose code I adapted to my situation. Let your activity implement OnClickListener as usual public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener private static final int SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work UpdateSiteForAndroidProguardScala Now to create a scala project Create an Android project as usual Right click on the project Configure Add Scala nature Right click on the project Add AndroidProguardScala nature You're..