android Programming Glossary: util
Exception in loading layout: java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest()Ljava/util/Map$Entry; in loading layout java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest Ljava util Map Entry I'm getting the following.. in loading layout java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest Ljava util Map Entry I'm getting the following exceptions when trying.. 20 and SDK API Level 16 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest Ljava util Map Entry at android.util.LruCache.trimToSize..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? webkit WebView . init Landroid content Context Landroid util AttributeSet IZ V 07 08 19 51 22.552 D dalvikvm 664 VFY replacing.. CordovaWebView . init Landroid content Context Landroid util AttributeSet IZ V 07 08 19 51 22.852 D JsMessageQueue 664 Set.. 08 19 51 57.911 I dalvikvm 664 Could not find method java.util.Calendar.getDisplayNames referenced from method org.apache.cordova.Globalization.getDateNames..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds _tv.setText done .start Since java 1.5 there is the java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class _tv.setText String.format d min d.. http javase 7 docs api java util concurrent TimeUnit.html A TimeUnit represents time durations.. time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units and to perform timing and..
How to set a timer in android the Java way http j2se 1.4.2 docs api java util Timer.html Or there is a better way in android android's handler.. this question Standard Java way to use timers via java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask works fine in Android but you.. Java way to use timers via java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask works fine in Android but you should be aware that..
Change language settings (locale) for the device Locale class intl fr reference java util Locale.html The constructor is at least Locale String language..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo p transdroid source browse #svn trunk src org transdroid util Again I don't understand why it suddenly stopped work or even..
Base64 encoder and decoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64 It seems that this was added in API version 8 or android.. on the older platforms. But the source of it is at android util so if needed one could just copy it unchanged for..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code inspection than encoding may be sufficient see android.util.Base64 http reference android util Base64.html.. http reference android util Base64.html . Note that encoding is in NO WAY SECURE and all..
How to get IP address of the device? address share improve this question This is my helper util to read IP and MAC addresses. Implementation is pure java but.. import import import java.util. import org.apache.http.conn.util.InetAddressUtils public class.. import java.util. import org.apache.http.conn.util.InetAddressUtils public class Utils Convert byte array to hex..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method a moving target I plan to move this to it's own Android util project at some point and support binary data haven't gotten..
Exception in loading layout: java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest()Ljava/util/Map$Entry; in loading layout java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest Ljava util Map Entry I'm getting the following exceptions when trying to load a particular layout.. in loading layout java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest Ljava util Map Entry I'm getting the following exceptions when trying to load a particular layout file in graphical edit view. This.. This has started after I downloaded the latest ADT Version 20 and SDK API Level 16 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest Ljava util Map Entry at android.util.LruCache.trimToSize 206 at android.util.LruCache.evictAll..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? dalvikvm 664 VFY unable to resolve direct method 536 Landroid webkit WebView . init Landroid content Context Landroid util AttributeSet IZ V 07 08 19 51 22.552 D dalvikvm 664 VFY replacing opcode 0x70 at 0x0001 07 08 19 51 22.552 D dalvikvm 664.. dalvikvm 664 VFY dead code 0x0004 0046 in Lorg apache cordova CordovaWebView . init Landroid content Context Landroid util AttributeSet IZ V 07 08 19 51 22.852 D JsMessageQueue 664 Set native JS mode to 2 07 08 19 51 22.852 I CordovaWebView 664.. 07 08 19 51 57.741 D DroidGap 664 onMessage spinner stop 07 08 19 51 57.911 I dalvikvm 664 Could not find method java.util.Calendar.getDisplayNames referenced from method org.apache.cordova.Globalization.getDateNames 07 08 19 51 57.911 W dalvikvm..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds millisUntilFinished public void onFinish _tv.setText done .start Since java 1.5 there is the java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class _tv.setText String.format d min d sec TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes millisUntilFinished TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds.. TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes millisUntilFinished http javase 7 docs api java util concurrent TimeUnit.html A TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods.. java util concurrent TimeUnit.html A TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units and to perform timing and delay operations in these units. For Java versions below 1.5..
How to set a timer in android a function that I create which does not change the UI Use this the Java way http j2se 1.4.2 docs api java util Timer.html Or there is a better way in android android's handler android share improve this question Standard Java way.. way in android android's handler android share improve this question Standard Java way to use timers via java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask works fine in Android but you should be aware that this method creates a new thread. You may.. android's handler android share improve this question Standard Java way to use timers via java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask works fine in Android but you should be aware that this method creates a new thread. You may consider using the..
Change language settings (locale) for the device to the language settings. Please post some code Edit With Locale class intl fr reference java util Locale.html The constructor is at least Locale String language The input is language. How can you retrieve the current language..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo of which the source can be found here http p transdroid source browse #svn trunk src org transdroid util Again I don't understand why it suddenly stopped work or even what the error 'Broken pipe' means. I have seen messages on..
Base64 encoder and decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64 It seems that this was added in API version 8 or android 2.2 so it will not be available on the older platforms...
hiding strings in Obfuscated code defend against if it you are just trying to hide from obvious inspection than encoding may be sufficient see android.util.Base64 http reference android util Base64.html . Note that encoding is in NO WAY SECURE and all it.. inspection than encoding may be sufficient see android.util.Base64 http reference android util Base64.html . Note that encoding is in NO WAY SECURE and all it will to is remove the obvious reference to your site. If..
How to get IP address of the device? get the IP address of the device using some code android ip address share improve this question This is my helper util to read IP and MAC addresses. Implementation is pure java but I have a comment block in getMACAddress how could read value.. Utils.getIPAddress true IPv4 Utils.getIPAddress false IPv6 import import import java.util. import org.apache.http.conn.util.InetAddressUtils public class Utils Convert byte array to hex string @param bytes @return.. false IPv6 import import import java.util. import org.apache.http.conn.util.InetAddressUtils public class Utils Convert byte array to hex string @param bytes @return public static String bytesToHex..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method class for example something like HttpHelper which is still a moving target I plan to move this to it's own Android util project at some point and support binary data haven't gotten there yet to help with this. The helper class creates the client..
upload video to facebook in android final String response final Object state try Log.d Facebook Example Response response.toString JSONObject json Util.parseJson response mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage 0 then post the processed result back to the UI thread if we do not.. state TODO Auto generated method stub Now Integrate Facebook SDK in your project and do changes as below Change from facebook sdk as below public static String openUrl String url String method Bundle params throws MalformedURLException.. if filename null Remove from params params.remove filename if method.equals GET url url encodeUrl params Util.logd Facebook Util method URL url HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection conn.setRequestProperty..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException import javax.crypto.SecretKey import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec Util class to perform encryption decryption over strings. br public final class UtilsEncryption The logging TAG private static.. import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec Util class to perform encryption decryption over strings. br public final class UtilsEncryption The logging TAG private static final String TAG UtilsEncryption.class.getName private static final String KEY.. decryption over strings. br public final class UtilsEncryption The logging TAG private static final String TAG UtilsEncryption.class.getName private static final String KEY some_encryption_key Avoid instantiation. br private UtilsEncryption..
Scaling ImageView to device width float scalingFactor this.getBitmapScalingFactor bitmap Create a new bitmap with the scaling factor Bitmap newBitmap Util.ScaleBitmap bitmap scalingFactor Set the bitmap as the ImageView source this.imageView.setImageBitmap newBitmap private.. leftMargin rightMargin Calculate scaling factor and return it return float imageViewWidth float bm.getWidth Util class public class Util public static Bitmap ScaleBitmap Bitmap bm float scalingFactor int scaleHeight int bm.getHeight.. Calculate scaling factor and return it return float imageViewWidth float bm.getWidth Util class public class Util public static Bitmap ScaleBitmap Bitmap bm float scalingFactor int scaleHeight int bm.getHeight scalingFactor int scaleWidth..
Android: get facebook friends list my activity I'm not seeing anything but in LogCat there is a debug message like 06 04 17 43 13.863 DEBUG Facebook Util 409 GET URL https me friends format json fields birthday And when I tried to access this url directly.. extends BaseRequestListener public void onComplete final String response _error null try JSONObject json Util.parseJson response final JSONArray friends json.getJSONArray data FacebookActivity.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable public..
How to Use the GWT-RequestFactory in Android SyncAdapter (always getting ValidationTool-Error) to the AppEngine using the RequestFactory. Now my problem is the following I can call MyRequestFactory requestFactory Util.getRequestFactory mContext MyRequestFactory.class in any Activity I want and will receive an instance of MyRequestFactory... mContext MyRequestFactory.class in any Activity I want and will receive an instance of MyRequestFactory. Note Util is a class created by the Wizard. But if I try to make the same call from my SyncAdapter I will get a java.lang.RuntimeException.. must be run for the com.hotool.client.MyRequestFactory RequestFactory type Maybe for your information The Util.getRequestFacory method looks like this Creates and returns an initialized @link RequestFactory of the given type. public..