android Programming Glossary: si
Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview work. please anybody help me. Hear my code public class BasicFragment extends ListFragment ListView lv MyCustomAdapter adapter.. adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle si super.onCreate si @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle.. @Override public void onCreate Bundle si super.onCreate si @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle b super.onActivityCreated..
Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter? return filter @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View v convertView if.. R.layout.listrow null SearchItem o subItems.get position if o null TextView pname TextView v.findViewById neu.setText a if pos null String a o.getPositiveReviews pos.setText a return v private class PTypeFilter..
Why is this simple service not starting? is this simple service not starting I have a service with a handler that.. updateRunnable 5000 600000 cada 10 minutos comprueba si hay nuevas notificaciones y actualiza la notification BAR @Override..
Android - how to get app signature? how to get app signature is there any way how to retrieve app signature from.. to get app signature is there any way how to retrieve app signature from APK I signed it with my key from keystore and si.. is there any way how to retrieve app signature from APK I signed it with my key from keystore and si there way how to retrieve..
use android dynamicaly load more items to the listview need help map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated.. public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View view int position long id @SuppressWarnings unchecked HashMap String String.. String String o HashMap String String lv.getItemAtPosition position Toast.makeText welcome.this ID ' o.get id ' was..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack I have this code almost unmodified.. This works perfectly in a Desktop environment using Smack library but I can't get it to work in Android where.. file usually in META INF folder in normal versions of smack can't be loaded in Android because its jar packaging...
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 getModel final CustomAdapter.. prefix.toString .length 0 for int index 0 index names.size index String si names.get index if si.compareTo prefix.toString.. .length 0 for int index 0 index names.size index String si names.get index if si.compareTo prefix.toString 0 i.add si..
File transfer using smack in android apps. transfer using smack in android apps. This error come in log. from 'kutbi1@360degree.. to 'akash@360degree Smack' type 'error' id 'hK1L6 5' si xmlns 'http protocol si' id 'jsi_191216212994140179'.. 'error' id 'hK1L6 5' si xmlns 'http protocol si' id 'jsi_191216212994140179' mime type 'image png' profile 'http..
Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview set onclicklistner for listview. but Onclicklistner does not work. please anybody help me. Hear my code public class BasicFragment extends ListFragment ListView lv MyCustomAdapter adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle si super.onCreate.. class BasicFragment extends ListFragment ListView lv MyCustomAdapter adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle si super.onCreate si @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle b super.onActivityCreated b @Override public View onCreateView.. extends ListFragment ListView lv MyCustomAdapter adapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle si super.onCreate si @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle b super.onActivityCreated b @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater..
Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter? public Filter getFilter if filter null filter new PTypeFilter return filter @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View v convertView if v null v inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow null SearchItem.. ViewGroup parent View v convertView if v null v inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow null SearchItem o subItems.get position if o null TextView pname TextView v.findViewById TextView neg TextView v.findViewById neg.setText a if neu null String a o.getNeutralReviews neu.setText a if pos null String a o.getPositiveReviews pos.setText a return v private class PTypeFilter extends Filter @SuppressWarnings unchecked @Override protected..
Why is this simple service not starting? is this simple service not starting I have a service with a handler that has to write Hello in the logcat every 5 seconds. But it.. queueRunnable private void queueRunnable mHandler.postDelayed updateRunnable 5000 600000 cada 10 minutos comprueba si hay nuevas notificaciones y actualiza la notification BAR @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent return null @Override..
Android - how to get app signature? how to get app signature is there any way how to retrieve app signature from APK I signed it with my key from keystore and si there way how.. how to get app signature is there any way how to retrieve app signature from APK I signed it with my key from keystore and si there way how to retrieve it programatically Thanks android.. how to get app signature is there any way how to retrieve app signature from APK I signed it with my key from keystore and si there way how to retrieve it programatically Thanks android signature certificates..
use android dynamicaly load more items to the listview need help img bitmap http Usage thumbnails mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e .. true lv.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View view int position long id @SuppressWarnings unchecked HashMap String String o HashMap String String lv.getItemAtPosition position .. view int position long id @SuppressWarnings unchecked HashMap String String o HashMap String String lv.getItemAtPosition position Toast.makeText welcome.this ID ' o.get id ' was clicked. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public class MyViewBinder..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack I have this code almost unmodified from examples UserSearchManager usm new UserSearchManager.. ReportedData data usm.getSearchResults answerForm This works perfectly in a Desktop environment using Smack library but I can't get it to work in Android where I have to use asmack . The problem is searchForm is null because.. was global to all asmack. It seems it's a known issue the smack.providers file usually in META INF folder in normal versions of smack can't be loaded in Android because its jar packaging. So all the providers must be initialized by hand as shown..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result getListView list.isTextFilterEnabled final ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 getModel final CustomAdapter adapter new CustomAdapter ListFilterActivity.this getModel.. ArrayList String i new ArrayList String if prefix null prefix.toString .length 0 for int index 0 index names.size index String si names.get index if si.compareTo prefix.toString 0 i.add si results.values i results.count i.size.. i new ArrayList String if prefix null prefix.toString .length 0 for int index 0 index names.size index String si names.get index if si.compareTo prefix.toString 0 i.add si results.values i results.count i.size else synchronized..
File transfer using smack in android apps. transfer using smack in android apps. This error come in log. from 'kutbi1@360degree Smack' to 'akash@360degree Smack' type 'error'.. apps. This error come in log. from 'kutbi1@360degree Smack' to 'akash@360degree Smack' type 'error' id 'hK1L6 5' si xmlns 'http protocol si' id 'jsi_191216212994140179' mime type 'image png' profile 'http protocol.. from 'kutbi1@360degree Smack' to 'akash@360degree Smack' type 'error' id 'hK1L6 5' si xmlns 'http protocol si' id 'jsi_191216212994140179' mime type 'image png' profile 'http protocol si profile file transfer' file xmlns..