android Programming Glossary: showstatusicon
web service in android/eclipse pid 345 06 12 17 40 00.352 W IInputConnectionWrapper 345 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 06 12 17 40 07.292 D AndroidRuntime..
Android SQLite and huge data sets seeing 09 10 19 19 12.575 WARN IInputConnectionWrapper 640 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 09 10 19 19 18.226 DEBUG dalvikvm..
I can't get rid of this error message: Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here 1 01 03 19 38 31.577 WARN IInputConnectionWrapper 1118 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 01 03 19 38 31.587 DEBUG LightfactoryRemote..
Twitter API not accepting callback URL for Android App 441 05 27 14 40 29.133 WARN IInputConnectionWrapper 441 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection The code is located here... https..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” for 5709461173740324808 W IInputConnectionWrapper 3505 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I copybit 2227 createPP fimc version..
Android input connection error connection is passive. Here the error shown in logcat showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection What is the problem I am sorry showStatusIcon.. on inactive InputConnection What is the problem I am sorry showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection is not an error.logcat shows this..
web service in android/eclipse Stub Proxy@44f60478 uid 10040 pid 345 06 12 17 40 00.352 W IInputConnectionWrapper 345 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 06 12 17 40 07.292 D AndroidRuntime 352 AndroidRuntime START 06 12 17 40 07.292 D AndroidRuntime..
Android SQLite and huge data sets of rows of data in Android Here is the stacktrace we're seeing 09 10 19 19 12.575 WARN IInputConnectionWrapper 640 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 09 10 19 19 18.226 DEBUG dalvikvm 640 GC freed 446 objects 16784 bytes in 330ms 09 10 19 19..
I can't get rid of this error message: Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here 01 03 19 38 30.837 DEBUG LightfactoryRemote 1118 Focus onPause 1 01 03 19 38 31.577 WARN IInputConnectionWrapper 1118 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 01 03 19 38 31.587 DEBUG LightfactoryRemote 1118 Focus onStop 01 03 19 38 31.600 DEBUG LightfactoryRemote..
Twitter API not accepting callback URL for Android App Stub Proxy@408df318 uid 10035 pid 441 05 27 14 40 29.133 WARN IInputConnectionWrapper 441 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection The code is located here... https 996219 I found these relevant questions in..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” 2492 isGphotosSynced FALSE starting gphotos update refresh for 5709461173740324808 W IInputConnectionWrapper 3505 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I copybit 2227 createPP fimc version 50 I MediaPlayerService 2182 Use PV_PLAYER for url DCIM..
Android input connection error Server is sending response successfully. But the android input connection is passive. Here the error shown in logcat showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection What is the problem I am sorry showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection is not an error.logcat.. is passive. Here the error shown in logcat showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection What is the problem I am sorry showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection is not an error.logcat shows this even if the app is working fine. Its a strange situation...