android Programming Glossary: shrink
Facebook lide slideout menu (Not using that library) if needed of rightLayout so that the rightLayout will not shrink. _rightLayoutParams.setMargins width 0 width 0 where width 200..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers set the min and max scale to the same value so it cannot shrink or grow. Toy with the initial scale until your site fits snugly...
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + from right side negavite so that our layout won't get shrink otherLayout.setLayoutParams params isOtherSlideOut true dimOtherLayout..
Android:Issue Image resolution leaves spaces on top and bottom to next contents or If I shrink an image by giving fixed px its get blur image on its size...
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? Fragment B to slide to the left edge of the screen and shrink to take up the spot vacated by Fragment A Fragment C to slide..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] event.timestamp That said I think that change will just shrink the values but to calculate real world distance you need to..
How to collide objects with high speed in Unity it pass other wall I am using standard cube but I expand shrink it to fit my screen and other objects when I expand wall more..
Error while Setting of Proguard and Exporting APK 492 # To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code uncomment this available properties..
Android: How to prevent image from being scaled in ImageView or ImageButton? same size but the button will grow. The image will however shrink if the Layout becomes smaller than the image itself. I think..
How to provide animation when calling another activity in Android? Android I have two Activities A and B. I want to have the shrink Animation when Activity A calls B and maximize animation when.. Android it gives its default animation and then it calls shrink animation. What I want is that the default animation should..
Android logs 'GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC' 'GC_FOR_MALLOC' total heap size. From what I can tell the heap can grow shrink so you will not necessarily have an OutOfMemoryError if you..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? is under that of the viewport size the viewport numbers shrink. That is the viewport doesn't always necessarily represent the..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds is memory intense and forces the user to watch the text shrink step by step with every recursion . But I'm sure somebody out..
Android and displaying multi-lined text in a TextView in a TableRow will wrap the text if the column it's in is set to shrink. Sometimes it does not wrap exactly if the text ends with ..... match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android shrinkColumns 0 TableRow TextView android id @ id question android..
ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration ImageView . I mean resize width to all available space shrink or enlarge width of image and automatically change height to..
ImageView adjustViewBounds not working the natural dimensions of the drawable. It will only shrink the view to maintain aspect ratio if you provide a 500x500 image..
Awful background image quality in Android exists in the original image. Note if anyone knows how to shrink the images down a bit feel free to edit this post... share..
android autofit mode causing issues with css width in web page my Android device . The auto fit mode on Android seems to shrink certain elements' width without affecting their positioning..
Android:TextView height doesn't change after shrinking the font size TextView height doesn't change after shrinking the font size When I click on the button the font size shrinks.. the font size When I click on the button the font size shrinks to 12. However the result is main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. public void onClick View v text.setTextSize 12 How do I shrink the height of the textView so that it only wraps the actual..
Facebook lide slideout menu (Not using that library)
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers need to set user scalable yes then to disable zoom you can set the min and max scale to the same value so it cannot shrink or grow. Toy with the initial scale until your site fits snugly. meta name viewport content initial scale 1.0 minimum scale..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + params.leftMargin margin params.rightMargin margin same margin from right side negavite so that our layout won't get shrink otherLayout.setLayoutParams params isOtherSlideOut true dimOtherLayout @Override public void onAnimationRepeat Animation..
Android:Issue Image resolution a.setImageDrawable d by using above code image leaves spaces on top and bottom to next contents or If I shrink an image by giving fixed px its get blur image on its size. Anyway to solve this issue java android imageview resolution..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? B we want Fragment A to slide off the screen to the left Fragment B to slide to the left edge of the screen and shrink to take up the spot vacated by Fragment A Fragment C to slide in from the right side of the screen and to take up the spot..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] float dT event.timestamp timestamp 1000000000.0f timestamp event.timestamp That said I think that change will just shrink the values but to calculate real world distance you need to watch your units. Next when reading about these things people..
How to collide objects with high speed in Unity exept Solver Interation Co... 50 No. When I change speed it pass other wall I am using standard cube but I expand shrink it to fit my screen and other objects when I expand wall more then it's OK it bouncing No. It's simple project simple example..
Error while Setting of Proguard and Exporting APK 08 01 10 54 42 SalesmanTracker at proguard.ProGuard.main 492 # To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code uncomment this available properties sdk.dir user.home proguard.config proguard.cfg # Project target...
Android: How to prevent image from being scaled in ImageView or ImageButton? and the Image on top of the button will always stay the same size but the button will grow. The image will however shrink if the Layout becomes smaller than the image itself. I think that's what you were looking for. There may be a better way..
How to provide animation when calling another activity in Android? to provide animation when calling another activity in Android I have two Activities A and B. I want to have the shrink Animation when Activity A calls B and maximize animation when Activity B calls A. I don't need the animation xml files for.. xml files for this. When we call another Activity in Android it gives its default animation and then it calls shrink animation. What I want is that the default animation should not occur and the animation that I want should occur. Can we..
Android logs 'GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC' 'GC_FOR_MALLOC' reflect the current heap usage. The 11719K represents the total heap size. From what I can tell the heap can grow shrink so you will not necessarily have an OutOfMemoryError if you hit this limit. External Memory Statistics E.g external 7142K..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? is visibly looks that way. If the page size document size is under that of the viewport size the viewport numbers shrink. That is the viewport doesn't always necessarily represent the maximum possible visible space just the current visible space...
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds the TextView recursively until it is small enough which is memory intense and forces the user to watch the text shrink step by step with every recursion . But I'm sure somebody out there has found a good solution that doesn't involve what..
Android and displaying multi-lined text in a TextView in a TableRow tablelayout tablerow share improve this question The TextView will wrap the text if the column it's in is set to shrink. Sometimes it does not wrap exactly if the text ends with ... then it is a little bit longer than exactly n lines. Here's.. the id question will wrap TableLayout android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android shrinkColumns 0 TableRow TextView android id @ id question android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration aspect ration I need something like img width 100 for Android ImageView . I mean resize width to all available space shrink or enlarge width of image and automatically change height to keep aspect ratio. Something like ImageView android layout_width..
ImageView adjustViewBounds not working will not increase the size of the ImageView beyond the natural dimensions of the drawable. It will only shrink the view to maintain aspect ratio if you provide a 500x500 image instead of a 50x50 image this should work. If you're interested..
Awful background image quality in Android
android autofit mode causing issues with css width in web page disabled and everything is rendered correctly at least on my Android device . The auto fit mode on Android seems to shrink certain elements' width without affecting their positioning or the positioning of other elements. So if you have a containing..
Android:TextView height doesn't change after shrinking the font size TextView height doesn't change after shrinking the font size When I click on the button the font size shrinks to 12. However the result is main.xml xml version 1.0.. TextView height doesn't change after shrinking the font size When I click on the button the font size shrinks to 12. However the result is main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http button1.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v text.setTextSize 12 How do I shrink the height of the textView so that it only wraps the actual font android textview share improve this question Finally..