android Programming Glossary: shortbuffer
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results import java.nio.FloatBuffer import java.nio.ShortBuffer import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLConfig import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10.. Context mContext a raw buffer to hold indices ShortBuffer _indexBuffer raw buffers to hold the vertices FloatBuffer _vertexBuffer0.. inBuf bb.asFloatBuffer inBuf.put src return inBuf ShortBuffer InitShortBuffer short src ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL FloatBuffer vertexBuffer textureVerticesBuffer private ShortBuffer drawListBuffer private final int mProgram private int mPositionHandle.. 2 dlb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder drawListBuffer dlb.asShortBuffer drawListBuffer.put drawOrder drawListBuffer.position 0 ByteBuffer..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL 0 0 width height data null short sdata new short size ShortBuffer sbuf ShortBuffer.wrap sdata bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sbuf for.. data null short sdata new short size ShortBuffer sbuf ShortBuffer.wrap sdata bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sbuf for int i 0 i size.. pixelsBuffer null short sBuffer new short screenshotSize ShortBuffer sb ShortBuffer.wrap sBuffer bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sb Making..
Android: How can you get framebuffer (screenshot) on rooted device? pixelsBuffer null short sBuffer new short screenshotSize ShortBuffer sb ShortBuffer.wrap sBuffer bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sb for.. null short sBuffer new short screenshotSize ShortBuffer sb ShortBuffer.wrap sBuffer bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sb for int i 0 i screenshotSize..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.ByteOrder import java.nio.FloatBuffer import java.nio.ShortBuffer import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLConfig import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10 import android.content.Context.. public class Compass3DRenderer implements GLSurfaceView.Renderer Context mContext a raw buffer to hold indices ShortBuffer _indexBuffer raw buffers to hold the vertices FloatBuffer _vertexBuffer0 FloatBuffer _vertexBuffer1 FloatBuffer _vertexBuffer2.. 4 src.length bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder FloatBuffer inBuf bb.asFloatBuffer inBuf.put src return inBuf ShortBuffer InitShortBuffer short src ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect 2 src.length bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder ShortBuffer..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL uniform vec4 vColor void main gl_FragColor vColor private FloatBuffer vertexBuffer textureVerticesBuffer private ShortBuffer drawListBuffer private final int mProgram private int mPositionHandle private int mColorHandle private int mTextureCoordHandle.. 0 ByteBuffer dlb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect drawOrder.length 2 dlb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder drawListBuffer dlb.asShortBuffer drawListBuffer.put drawOrder drawListBuffer.position 0 ByteBuffer bb2 ByteBuffer.allocateDirect textureVertices.length 4..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 bitmap.setPixels data size width width 0 0 width height data null short sdata new short size ShortBuffer sbuf ShortBuffer.wrap sdata bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sbuf for int i 0 i size i BGR 565 to RGB 565 short v sdata i sdata.. bitmap.setPixels data size width width 0 0 width height data null short sdata new short size ShortBuffer sbuf ShortBuffer.wrap sdata bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sbuf for int i 0 i size i BGR 565 to RGB 565 short v sdata i sdata i short v 0x1f 11.. pixelsBuffer screenshotSize width width 0 0 width height pixelsBuffer null short sBuffer new short screenshotSize ShortBuffer sb ShortBuffer.wrap sBuffer bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sb Making created bitmap from OpenGL points compatible with Android..
Android: How can you get framebuffer (screenshot) on rooted device? pixelsBuffer screenshotSize width width 0 0 width height pixelsBuffer null short sBuffer new short screenshotSize ShortBuffer sb ShortBuffer.wrap sBuffer bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sb for int i 0 i screenshotSize i short v sBuffer i sBuffer i short.. screenshotSize width width 0 0 width height pixelsBuffer null short sBuffer new short screenshotSize ShortBuffer sb ShortBuffer.wrap sBuffer bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer sb for int i 0 i screenshotSize i short v sBuffer i sBuffer i short v 0x1f 11 v..