android Programming Glossary: shown
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps dispatchTouchEvent and if the InfoWindow is currently shown first route the MotionEvents to the previously created InfoWindow... ev boolean ret false Make sure that the infoWindow is shown and we have all the needed references if marker null marker.isInfoWindowShown..
Caching images and displaying c.getString TAG_IIMG Forming the Url of the image to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? And one important thing implementation of getView shown above is pretty ugly normally you should use ViewHolder pattern..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address improve this question There are several ways to do this shown below. As a friendly warning be careful and up front to the..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? a very simple thing find out if the software keyboard is shown. Is this possible in Android android share improve this question.. of LinearLayout that can detect when the soft keyboard is shown and hidden something Android can't tell you weirdly . public..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText but the soft keyboard is not automatically shown. How do I make the soft keyboard automatically show when the.. the soft keyboard automatically show when the dialog is shown and there is no physical hardware keyboard . Similar to how.. the global search the soft keyboard is automatically shown. android keyboard edittext soft keyboard share improve this..
ListView item background via custom selector the item is selected focused whatever so the selector is shown but it'd be more elegant to have this all defined in one place...
Linear Layout and weight in Android buttons are set to fill parent only the first button is shown and fills the whole line. android android layout android linearlayout..
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask thread using AsyncTask . A Cancellable progress bar is shown for the time the fetch operation runs. I want to cancel abort..
How to change the font on the TextView? How to change the font in a TextView as default it's shown up as Arial How to change it to Helvetica android fonts textview..
How to call SOAP web service in Android in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest in adding a SOAP library to Android...
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog service and it is based on the ResultReceiver concept shown above. This is how the whole code would look like... The activity..
Android Lock Screen Widget Window flag special flag to let windows be shown when the screen is locked. FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD Window flag..
Separate Back Stack for each tab in Android using Fragments C and D under Tab 2. When the app is started Fragment A is shown and Tab 1 is selected. Then Fragment A might be replaced with..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager there is something wrong I expect to find the same state shown as in the first picture after I replace the fragment. android..
Android Facebook style slide top left button the page slide and the following screen is shown YouTube Video android facebook android side navigation share..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps mine is called MapWrapperLayout Override the MapWrapperLayout's dispatchTouchEvent and if the InfoWindow is currently shown first route the MotionEvents to the previously created InfoWindow. If it doesn't consume the MotionEvents like because you.. @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent ev boolean ret false Make sure that the infoWindow is shown and we have all the needed references if marker null marker.isInfoWindowShown map null infoWindow null Get a marker position..
Caching images and displaying TAG_MDNAME String utcost c.getString TAG_UTCOST String iimg c.getString TAG_IIMG Forming the Url of the image to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? add some more parameters to OnItemClickListener constructor. And one important thing implementation of getView shown above is pretty ugly normally you should use ViewHolder pattern to avoid findViewById calls.. but you probably already know..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address can only have one e mail address per device. android share improve this question There are several ways to do this shown below. As a friendly warning be careful and up front to the user when dealing with account profile and contact data. If..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? visibility of software keyboard in Android I need to do a very simple thing find out if the software keyboard is shown. Is this possible in Android android share improve this question NEW ANSWER added Jan 25th 2012 Since writing the below.. LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard a variant of LinearLayout that can detect when the soft keyboard is shown and hidden something Android can't tell you weirdly . public class LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard extends LinearLayout..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText the dialog itself is automatically focused when I call but the soft keyboard is not automatically shown. How do I make the soft keyboard automatically show when the dialog is shown and there is no physical hardware keyboard.. the soft keyboard is not automatically shown. How do I make the soft keyboard automatically show when the dialog is shown and there is no physical hardware keyboard . Similar to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the.. . Similar to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the soft keyboard is automatically shown. android keyboard edittext soft keyboard share improve this question You can create a focus listener on the EditText..
ListView item background via custom selector by using a custom background on each view and hiding it when the item is selected focused whatever so the selector is shown but it'd be more elegant to have this all defined in one place. For reference this is the selector I'm using to try and..
Linear Layout and weight in Android like the buttons to grow and fill the whole line. If both buttons are set to fill parent only the first button is shown and fills the whole line. android android layout android linearlayout weight share improve this question I think I found..
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask fetching and audio file playback operations in a background thread using AsyncTask . A Cancellable progress bar is shown for the time the fetch operation runs. I want to cancel abort the AsyncTask run when the user cancels decides against the..
How to change the font on the TextView? to change the font on the TextView How to change the font in a TextView as default it's shown up as Arial How to change it to Helvetica android fonts textview share improve this question First the default is not..
How to call SOAP web service in Android 2 . As you note others have been able to compile and use kSOAP2 in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest in adding a SOAP library to Android. My suspicion for this is that they'd rather support the current..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog ago. It basically helps you run pieces of code in a background service and it is based on the ResultReceiver concept shown above. This is how the whole code would look like... The activity where you are showing the dialog... public class MainActivity..
Android Lock Screen Widget android view WindowManager.LayoutParams.html FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED Window flag special flag to let windows be shown when the screen is locked. FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD Window flag when set the window will cause the keyguard to be dismissed..
Separate Back Stack for each tab in Android using Fragments example Fragment A and B would be under Tab 1 and Fragment C and D under Tab 2. When the app is started Fragment A is shown and Tab 1 is selected. Then Fragment A might be replaced with Fragment B. When Tab 2 is selected Fragment C should be displayed...
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager situation is http 6iMYc.png As you can see there is something wrong I expect to find the same state shown as in the first picture after I replace the fragment. android view android fragments android viewpager pager share improve..
Android Facebook style slide has a clue how it can be achieved On clicking the the top left button the page slide and the following screen is shown YouTube Video android facebook android side navigation share improve this question I've had a play with this myself..
Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection This updated jsFiddle confirms you concern that perhaps other functions may not work when text selection is disabled. Shown in this updated jsFiddle is jQuery Click Event listener that will fire a Browser Alert for when the Bold Text is clicked..
sliding menu using jfeinstein10 library menu using jfeinstein10 library I created a sample application to test how sliding menu works. Shown below in the screenshot is what i get as of now. But when I click on the categories button shown in image below I should..
Linphone Android how to import the library project? projects i am confused which one should i use and if i choose all of them then it gives me lot's of errors in other's Shown in image below liblinphone android Ran this on Device runs fine but when i call the numbers it changes it's view and shows..
how to change color of android list item on click or selection? [duplicate] 40dip android share improve this question Step1 Embbed the android listSelector attribute in your ListView as Shown Below. ListView android id @ id android list android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android..
setTextViewText not updating widget not updating widget Shown below is a simplified version of my class. I am having trouble in the onReceive method which isn't updating the widget TextView...
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android to allow any input from both. However though it does change the visible value the keyboard input is actually ignored. Shown when reading back the value or when invoking the date picker again. When the keyboard was not yet shown then touching the..